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Science Final

How do plants use and produce during reparation? They use what we breath out (carbon dioxide) and produce what we breath in (oxygen)
What are the parts of a stem and what are there uses? Heartwood: support the tree- Xylem: carries water and minerals up the tree- Cambium: Makes xylem and phloem cells- Phloem: carries food up the tree- Bark: protective outer layer
What are the parts of a leaf and there function? The leaves veins spread nutrients and the chlorophyll helps to make the leaf green. The stem attaches itself to what ever plant the leaf is on
Explain photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the cycle of how plants make there own food. Energy from the sun is taken by a leaf and the energy makes glucose, a sugar that plants eat as food. as this process happens, the plant takes in carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen
Give 3 examples of a-sexual ways to reproduce flowers Runners: stem that grow outwards toward the ground and buds on them create new plants Rhizomes: underground stem that continues growing outwards. flowers grow upward from them Layering: a droopy stem touches the earth and roots form, making a new plant
What is a way of seeds being stored? Fruit protecting them
What is the process of seed germination? When a seed comes in contact with soil and is covered with it, it stays dormant until the right conditions. When the seed is developing into a new plant, that is the process of germination
What are the 2 types of roots? Tap root and fibrous
What causes soil erosion? Loss of organic matter in the soil. By not growing crops some summer too exposes the soil to sun light, high temps, and wind.
What are the layers of soil? First Layer: Hummus Second Layer: Topsoil Third Layer: Eluviation Layer Fourth Layer: Sub Soil Fifth Layer: Regolith Sixth Layer: Bedrock
What is organic food? Food that is grown without chemicals fertilizers and pesticides.
What is something affecting agriculture? Droughts and erosion make decertification. a process where deserts are taking over land that was once used for farming.
What is ecology? What is an ecologist? Ecology is the study of how living organisms interact with each other and there environment. and ecologists studies these interactions
What is symbiosis? When 2 species live closely together in a relationship that lasts over a long time
What are the 3 types of symbiosis? explain each Mutualism: When both organisms benefit in the relationship Parasitism: When one organism benefits and one is harmed Commensalism: When one organism benefits and one is not affected
How can some human activities have some bad affects Well, for example, lets say you have a pest problem and you use a pesticide. that pesticide could also kill good organisms and make the situation worse
What is one way to decrease our impact on the environment? We can try to focus on our needs rather then just focus on our wants
Explain the 3 R's Reduce: reduce the amount of waste that you produce Reuse: Reuse things that are able to be reuse in some way shape or form Recycle: recycle what is waste to crete something new
What does biotic and abiotic mean? Examples Biotic: Living (animals, plants, microbes) Abiotic: non living (climate, land forms, soil)
when an organism has a role(s) what is it called? why is it important to know about this? a niche. it is important to know about because then we know why organisms interact the way they do
What is primary succession? The gradual growth of organisms in an area that was previously bare
What is secondary succession? The gradual growth of organisms in an area that has had a disturbance such as a fire
why is biodiversity important in an ecosystem? because it helps keep the ecosystem productive with the variety of species
What is habitat and ecosystem? How are they related? Habitat is a place where living organisms live and ecosystem is the main concept of interaction. Habitats are found in ecosystem
What is bioaccumulation? when pollutants move from level to level in a food chain. the organism at the top of the food chain is affected the most
What is Physical monitoring? When satellites are used to monitor the changes in landscapes
What is environmental monitoring? Monitoring changes in climate, temperature, and whether patterns
What is chemical monitoring? Monitoring the quality of air, soil and water
What is biological monitoring? Monitors changes in organisms or the change of population in organisms.
Define diffusion. is the tendancy of particles in a gas or liquid to become evenly distributed by moving from areas of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration. The particles continue to spread out until they are evenly distributed within the enclosed area.
Define osmosis is a particular type of diffusion in which only some of the particles are allowed to pass through a barrier. This barrier is called a differentially permeable membrane. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a differentially permeable membrane.
How do you calibrate a thermometer? Assign 0 degrees to the point were ice melts and 100 degrees to were water boils all at sea level
What is a bimetallic strip? How is it used? When 2 different metals are fused together to make a coil. when heat is applied, one will expand faster than the other and will cause the coil to loosen or tighten. it can be used to turn on something like a switch
Give 4 examples of thermal energy. open fires, modern stoves, igloo and solar heating
what is the particle theory? -all matter is made up of tiny particles -there are spaces between particles - particles are always in motion -there are attractive forces between particles
what is heat? form of energy in moving particles of matter
What is the difference between gas, liquid and solid? Solid: particles close together and vibrating liquid: particles a little spread out than solid and move past eachother gas: particles move around like crazy and are not close together
What is specific heat capacity and heat capacity? Heat capacity: the amount of thermal energy that warms or cools an object by 1 degree Celsius Specific heat capacity: the amount of thermal energy that warms or cools 1 gram of a specific type of particle by 1 degree Celsius
Explain what a thermocouple is. Two wires of different metals are twisted together. When heat is applied to one end an electric current is produced. (the amount of current depends on the temperature and the type of wires) This current can turn on and off a switch or valve.
what are heat conductors? glass and wood are good heat conductors because they slow down conduction
What are 3 ways that energy is transferred? Radiation: When energy is transferred and particles aren't needed(sun) Conduction: when energy is transferred easily from one particle to another when they are close together. this happens mostly with solids convection: energy transferred in circular wa
How are convection currents created? they are created when the warmer particles move upward. while they are up, they cool down and sink down to the bottom where they warm up again and they rise. (CYCLE)
what is geothermal energy? Give 2 example. energy that comes from the interior of the Earth. Volcanoes and hot springs
How are green house gases and global warming linked? When harmful chemicals are emitted into the air, they create a green house effect and block all the earths heat on the earth. hence "GLOBAL WARMING"
what are the different types of energy? chemical, electrical, mechanical, geothermal, solar, wind and fossil fuels.
What is the difference between active and passive solar heating? Active: uses mechanical devices to collect and distribute the thermal energy Passive: uses the materials in the structure to absorb, store and release the solar energy
What do all structures have in common? They all have a definite size and shape and have resistant forces to make sure nothing happens to them that could damage them
What are the 3 types of structures? Frame, mass and shell
What is the difference between mobile and rigid joints? Mobile joints allow movement and rigid joints don't.
What is the difference between mass and weight. Mass the the amount of matter in something. weigh is the amount of force put down on something due to gravity.
what is the relationship between newton and kilograms one kilogram is equal to 10 newtons
what is the difference between a live load and a dead load? a dead load is a fixed load that isn't going to leave a structure and a live load is a temporary load.
What is the force of friction? force of friction resists movement between two surfaces that rub together
how do you identify minerals? Lustre: shinyness colour Streak: colour of powder cleavage: fracture transparency
what are the 3 types of rocks? igneous: formed when hot magma cools and solidifies sedimentary: when sediments are compacted and cemented together with great pressure and time metamorphic: when a parent rock turns into another rock due to an amount of pressure and heat
How are rocks classified? appearance and the minerals that can be seen in the rock
What is mechanical weathering? Mechanical: the physical break-up or disintegration of rocks, caused by gravity, temperature change and frost wedging
what is chemical weathering? chemicals, present in the earths surface or atmosphere, can be dissolved in water and react in the chemical decomposition of rocks and minerals
what is biological weathering? when living organisms break down the rock
What are the layers of the earth? the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core
where do trenches, basins, and ridges occur? subduction zones
what is the theory of plate tectonics ? that all land is broken up into plates that are moving on the mantle
what happens when plates collide? they either create mountains or earthquakes
where is the energy releases from an earthquake from the source of the earthquake
what is the most active volcano in the world? Kilauea in Hawaii
How are fossils made? when an animal dies, it can either be put under a lot of pressure and its body shape is imprinted on a rock or it can be made into a cast so that the body shape is shown in a cast form. also petrified bones can be fossils too.
Created by: monkey pen
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