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Birth Injury

risk factors for birth injury include.. very long or short labour, macrosomia, cephalopelvic disproportion, prem, shoulder dystocia, presentation, instrumental delivery
what is the difference between petechiae and eccymoses petechiae are pinpoint red spots, eccymoses are bigger than pinpoint
what are some signs of clavicle injury asymmetrical moro-reflex, restricted use or malposition
what treatment is administered to a broken clavicle rarely needed, break usually unites from day 10
what are the signs of a broken humerus asymmetrical moro-reflex, restricted use and tenderness
what treatment is administered to a broken humerus immobilise arm by bandaging to the chest
how do brachial plexus nerve injuries occur excessive stretching of the brachical plexus i.e. lateral flexion of the neck
what is erbs palsy upper arm paralysis
what is klumpke palsy lower arm paralysis
what does klumpke palsy present as claw hand with no grasp reflex
what does erbs palsy present as absent moro in affected arm, waiters tip position
what is erb-duchenne-klumpke palsy total brachial plexus palsy
what other conditions are important to rule out when there is a suspected brachial plexus palsy cerebral injury, fracture, dislocation
how are brachial plexus injuries treated physio and passive excercises
what percentage of brachial plexus nerve injuries have recoverd by 12 months 92%
what causes a facial nerve palsy trauma resulting in haemorrhage and oedema into the nerve sheath
what are the signs of a facial nerve palsy persistently open eye, drooling, mouth drawn to normal side on crying
what is caput succendanum when the cx impedes venous blood return causing congestion and oedema so serum collects between the scalp and periosteum
what is a cephalhaematoma bleeding between the skull and periosteum
why does a cephalhaematome not spread across suture lines the periosteum is adherent to the edges of the skull bones
what are the risks of vitamin k deficiency LBW trauma asphyxia prem poor feeding antibiotics
what is the IM dose of vitamin k 2mg
what is the oral dose of vitamin k 2mg at birth, 7 days and then monthly is breastfed
Created by: KerriPatton
Popular Midwifery sets




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