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PS Semester II

Fossil Fuels fuels that are formed from decaying remains of ancient plants and animals
Nonrenewable Resources fuels that cannot be replaced by natural process as quickly as they are being used
Renewable Resources fuels that can be replaced as quickly as they are used
Nuclear Reactor where nuclear reactions happen
Nuclear Fission splitting U-235 nuclei to produce energy
Hydroelectricity produced by moving water
Tidal Energy produced by waves
Wind Energy produced by wind
Geothermal Energy contained in magma
Biomass renewable organic material that can be used to produce energy
Wave disturbance that carries energy
Medium material through which a wave travels
Transverse Wave the medium moves at right angles to the direction the wave is traveling
Compressional Wave mater vibrates in the same direction as the wave
Crest the top part of a wave
Trough the bottom part of a wave
Amplitude amount of energy carried by a wave
Wavelength distance between wavelength
Frequency number of waves passed by per a second
Fm frequency modulation
Am amplitude modulation
Plane Mirror mirror with a flat surface
Convex Mirror mirror curves outwards
Convex Lens lens is thicker in the middle thin at edges
Concave Mirror mirror curves in
Concave Lens thinner in the middle thicker at the edges
Substance definite composition
Element one kind of atom
Compound two or more
Mixture variable composition
Homogeneous Mixture evenly spread out
Heterogeneous Mixture unevenly mixed
Solution largest particles, unevenly spread out, particles settle
Colloid never settles, largest particles, scatters light
Chemical Bond force that holds atoms together in a compound
Ionic Bond electrons are transferred creating opposite charges which attract
Ion an atom that has gained or lost and electron
Covalent Bond force of attraction between atoms in a molecule that share electrons
Polar Molecule electrons shared unevenly
Nonpolar Molecule electrons shared unevenly
Toxic poisonous
Corrosive "to tear up"
Volatile evaporates easily
Binary Compound composed of two elements
Hydrate ionic compound that has water chemically attached to ti's ions
Period T-inverse of frequency
Resonance vibrations that build when objects are forced to vibrate at their natural frequencies
Pitch human perception of sound frequency based on frequency highness or lowness of sound
Loudness human perception of loudness of sound
Sonar sound navigation and ranging
Music a regular pattern formed by using specific pitches and sound quality
Noise no set pattern or pitch
Overtones multiples of the frequency
Cogulation process of destroying the colloid structure of pollution particles
Physical Property characteristics of a material that you can observe without changing the material itself
Physical Change change in appearance without a change in identity
Chemical Property characteristics of a material that tells if it can go over certain chemical changes
Chemical Change a change of one substance into a different substance
Combustion a synthesis reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen to produce energy in the form of heat and light
Decomposition one substance breaks down into two or more
Single Displacement Reaction one element replaces another compound
Precipitate a solid that is formed in a reaction
Catalyst substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being always charged
Enzyme a catalyst in the body which makes body reactions go quickly
Inhibitor substances which prevent reactions
Plasma gas-like mixture of charged particles
Pressure force spread out over an area
Isotope same element with a different number of nuetrons
Reflection waves striking an object and bouncing off
Refraction bending of waves caused by a change in speed when moving from one medium to another
Alloy solid solution
Solute substances being dissolved
Solvent substances that dissolves the solute
Created by: 1134390767
Popular Science sets




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