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Vocab Unit Four

Chapters 16-20

Obsequious Overly willing to serve
Insinuate To suggest slyly
Retribution Something given or done as repayment
Disparity An inequality of difference
Insidious Working or spreading harmfully but but in a manner hard to notice
Permeate To flow or spread throughout something
Opportune Suitable (said of time); well-timed
Forestall To prevent or hinder by taking action beforehand
Ominipotent All-powerful
Interrogate To question formally
Flout To treat with scorn or contempt
Intuition Hunch
Implement To carry out
Obtrusive Undesirably noticeable
Discreet Wise in keeping silent about secrets and other info. of a delicate nature; prudent; tactful
Impromptu Performed or spoken without practice or preparation
Heinous Extremely evil; outrageous
Inference A conclusion drawn from evidence; an assumption
Complement To add (to something or someone) what is lacking or needed; round out; bring to perfection
Fastidious Extremely attentive to details; fussy
Innuendo Indirect remark or gesture, usually suggesting something belittling or improper, an insinuation; a hint
Expedite To speed up or ease the progress of; make easier
Rebuke To scold sharply; express blame or disapproval
Vehement Intense; forceful
Fraudulent Characterized by trickery, cheating, or lies
Auspicious Being a good sign; favorable; encouraging
Extenuating Serving to make (a fault, an offense, or guilt) less serious or seem less serious through some excuse
Transgress To sin
Subordinate Under the authority or power of another
Redeem To restore oneself; make amends
Turbulent Violently disturbed
Macabre Causing horror and disgust
Quandary A state of uncertainty
Derogatory Belittling; Expressing a low opinion
Validate To prove; confirm
Misconstrue Misunderstand
Deride To make fun of; ridicule
Fabricate To make up (a story, information) in order to deceive; invent (a lie)
Impending About to happen
Paramount Of great importance
Tumult A commotion
Incapacitate Disable
Docile Giving in to control or power of others without resistance.
Abrasive Able to cause a wearing away by rubbing or scraping; rough; irritating
Prognosis A prediction of the course, outcome, or fate of something
Admonish To scold gently but seriously; give a warning
Antithesis The exact opposite
Culmination The highest point of degree; the climax
Emulate To try to equal or surpass, especially by imitation; imitate
Hierarchy An organization of people in series of levels; ranks
Created by: 100001680688603
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