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science 7 final 2012


tendons strands of tough connective tissues that connect your skeletal muscles to bones.
ligaments strong elastic bands of connective tissue that connect joints.
flexor a muscle that bends part of your body.
extensor a muscle that straightens part of your body.
melanin the chemical that determines your skin color.
emphysema a respiratory disease where the alveoli have been damaged.
gastric ulcer when the stomach acid eats through the stomach lining.
homeostatis the maintance of a stable internal environment.
epithelial tissue covers and protects underlying tissue.
nervous tissue sends electrical signals throught the body found in the brain, nerves, and sense organs.
muscle tissue made of cells that contract and relax to produce movement.
connective tissue joins, supports, protects, insulates, nourishes, and cushions organs. Keeps organs from falling apart.
epidermis the outermost layer of the skin.
dermis the layer below the epidermis
plasma fluid part of the blood.
antibodies chemicals that identify of destroy pathogens
hemoglobin oxygen carrying protein gives RBC's their red color.
antigens chemicals that are on the surface of your RBC's
alveoli the tiny air sacs of the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
respiration the exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between living cells and their environment
lymph nodes an organ that filters lymph and that is found along the lymphatic vessels
chyme a soupy mixture that is the product of the stomach
villi finger like projections that absorb nutrients
urea one of the most important substances removed by nephrons, which contains nitrogen and is formed when cells use protein for energy
enzymes substances that break some nutrients into smaller particles that the body can use
mechanical digestion the breaking, crushing, or mashing of food.
chemical digestion when large molecules are broken down into nutrients.
nephron the unit in the kidney that filters blood.
aerobic exercises moderately intense activities that can increase muscle strenghth but mostly strangthens the heart and increase indurance.
resistance exercises a way to strengthen skeletal muscles. people work against the resistance or weight of an object.
nutrient substances that provide the materials needed for life processes.
Created by: th550
Popular Science sets




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