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GHS Autopsy Test Review

deaths under these circumstances must be investigated Violent crime, suicide, or accident
natural death when the doctor is not present or the patient is not under the care of a medical facility
communicable disease disease that may pose a threat to public health
Medical examiners determine the time and manner of death
Natural death most common; body function failure as a result of age, illness, or disease
Accident unintentional
Suicide victim intentionally took his/her own life
Homicide one individual takes the life of another intentionally or through a negligent or reckless act
Undetermined death the pathologist is not able to determine the manner of death, even after all internal and external
Coroner elected officials that determine cause of death at crime scene
Forensic pathologists medical doctors trained to identify why and how someone died
Medical examiners are always medical doctors
Some medical examiners can be certified as this forensic pathologists
preliminary investigation 1st step of investigation and is conducted at death scene
morgue place the body is transported to the where the medical examiner will examine the body and perform the autopsy
Postmortem interval (PMI) the time between the death and the discovery of the body
Livor mortis the body’s change in color as the blood pools due to gravity
Rigor mortis the stiffening of the body due to the lack of ATP in muscle cells
This is first apparent 2 to 4 hours after death rigormortis
This usually subsides within 36 hours after death rigormortis
Cause of death the immediate reason for a person’s death
Mechanism of death the body’s physiological response that caused the cessation of life
Biological evidence material from living or once-living sources
Nonbiological evidence material from nonliving sources
Algor mortis the postmortem cooling of the body
Normal body temp 98.6°F
1.5°F every hour degrees body temperature falls
ambient temperature (the temp of the area surrounding the body)
Toxicology the science related to the detection of drugs, alcohol, and poisons
Histology the study of body tissues for abnormalities or disease
Neuropathology the study of disease and trauma associated with the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
Over half of all death cases encountered by the medical examiner associated with the nervous system
Forensic serology the study of blood, semen, and other body fluids with reference to legal matters
Summary of the findings with the medical examiner’s opinion is a brief description of the cause and manner of death
Autopsy postmortem examination of the body
person who performs an autopsy pathologist
Who can request an autopsy surviving family or coroner
Where is a body stored before an autopsy refrigeration unit
How much does a private autopsy cost anywhere from 6,000 to 8,000 dollars
Who pays for an autopsy ordered by the coroner the state
What is a diener person going into medical field who does most of the physical work of the autopsy
What is a prosector anthropologist in training who monitors and assists as needed
body block rubber or plastic mold that holds body in place and protrudes chest forward
most typical method of organ removal rokitansky method where all organs are removed at once
kind of saw is used to cut the skull open electric saw
holds the brain in the head spinal cord
What must be done to the brain before it is to be examined firm it in formaldehyde for several weeks
type of knife is used to slice open the organs bread knife
What three things are done to each of the internal organs separated, weighed and examined/sectioned
What does it mean to "run the gut" removal of bowels and stomach
How long are slides of organ samples kept 30 years
What is the time table for an autopsy report to be filed 4 to 6 weeks
Created by: rseneta
Popular Science sets




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