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AP World hist Unit 4


Inca empire Centered in the Andes Mountains in South America. Its Peak influence was in the 15th century; it declined with the arrival of spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.
Reconquista Crusade ending in 1492 to drive the islamic forces out of spain.
Conquistadores Spanish adventurers who conquered central and south america in the sixteenth century.
Columbian Exchange Columbus's expeditions to the americas triggered exchanges of plants, animals, technology, and diseases on a worldwide level.
Koumbi-Saleh The capital city of Ghana and a thriving commercial center.
Urbanization Rapid and massive growth and migration to large cities.
Patriarchy Clear social hierarchy, in which men have more power than women.
Kingdom of Ghana most important commercial site in west Africa.
Zimbabwe A powerful kingdom in east Africa.
Aztec An empire in Mexico that was overthrown by Cortes in 1519.
Kingdom of Chucuito Dominated Andean South America after the twelfth century.
Otto of saxony First emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Capetian Kings Centralized power and authority in france in the fourteenth century.
Crusades Expeditions in which Roman Catholic Christians mounted in an effort to recapture Palestine and Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Bubonic plague Disease carried by boat which spread through China and reached the Black Sea in 1346 before moving to affect the European nations. The mortality rates were often 60 percent to 70 percent of the population.
Sufi Missionaries Took a flexible approach to their missions in order to spread islamic values without facing the resistance doctrinaire campaigns would have provoked.
Little Ice age Starting at about 1300 C.E. temperatures declined significantly, shortening growing seasons, resulting in famine.
Emperor Hongwu Became Emperor of Ming dynasty in 1368. Reestablished confucian education and civil service systems.
The Renaissance Period of artistic and intellectual creativity that took place from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century.
Masaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, and Michelangelo Buonarotti Italian Renaissance artists.
Zheng He Lead a series of seven naval expeditions to establish a Chinese presence in the indian ocean basin.
Ottoman Empire A Muslim empire that spread from southwest Asia to Eastern Europe. Was an important political, social, and economic conduit for western Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Created by: ToriaJ
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