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Mash Histo II Test1R

NWHSU Mash Histology 2 Test 1 Respiratory System

What is the function of the basal cell in the olfactory mucosa? PRECURSORS (stem cell) – replaces bipolar neurons and supporting (sustentacular) cells
Which chronic obstructive airway disease is characterized by thickened bronchial walls caused by an increase in smooth muscle and mucous glands? Chronic Bronchitis
Omitting surfactant, diagram and label the components of the blood-air barrier in the respiratory alveolus. Air enters Type 1 nuemocyte then Fused Basil Lamina then endothelium then lumen of blood vessel
What is the function of surfactant? Decrease surface tension and preventing collapse during expiration
What are the important functions of elastic in the bronchioles and alveoli? Facilitates expansion during inspiration, recoil during expiration and prevents collapse
The bipolar neurons of the olfactory mucosa continuously differentiate from ________ cells. Basal Cells
What is the function of surfactant? Decreases surface tension (by breaking H-bonds of water), facilitates expansion, prevents collapse of the alveoli
List the layers that oxygen must cross to move from the air space of the alveolus into the blood. Air, surfactant, Type I pneumocyte, fused basal laminas, endothelium, lumen of B.V. (blood)
Smooth muscle is a component of the respiratory tree from the bronchi through the ____________. Alveolar duct
Which chronic obstructive airway disease includes a loss of elastic support in the bronchioles? Emphysema
Which chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by bronchoconstriction and excessive mucus production? Asthma
In the walls of the respiratory tree, seromucus glands are found from the level of the trachea through the level of the ________ Bronchi
Which cell of the alveolus contributes to the blood-air barrier? Alveolar type I pnemonocyte
The walls of the bronchioles are composed of _________ Smooth muscle and elastic CT in helical formation
In the true vocal cord, the fibroelastic vocal ligament is covered with ________ epithelium Stratified squamous (non-keratinized)
In the respiratory tree, elastic tissue is found from the level of the trachea through the level of the_____________ Alveolus
What substance reduces the alveolar surface tension? Surfactant
Why is it important? allows expansion of alveolus during inspiration and prevents the collapse during exhalation
The true vocal cord is covered by __________ epithelium. Stratified squamous Non-Keratinizing
What is the function of the basal cell of the olfactory mucosa? The production of new olfactory receptor cells
Name two disease processes which cause chronic obstructive airway disease. Asthma, Emphysema, chronic bronchitis
What are the major components of the bronchiolar wall? Helical Smooth m. and helical Elastic Lamina
What two forces within the lung are responsible for exhaling at rest? surface tension and elastic fibers
Hirshprung's disease is a congenital condition in which ______are absent in the colon or rectum? ganglion cells
Saliva secreted form the parotid salivary gland includes ______, an immunoglobulin which causes the aggregation of microorganisms. IgA
How may sympathetic stimulation of the submucosal duodenal glands cause duodenal ulcers? inhibiting akaline fluid secretion
For each of the following products, name the secretory cell and give its location: a)pepsinogen b) isotonic alkaline fluid c) secretin a)chief cells in stomach secrete pepsinogen b)undifferentiated cells in small intestine secrete isotonic alkaline fluid c) endocrine cells in small intestine secrete secretin
All components of the _____ derive from the hypophysial (Rathke's) pouch. Adenopophysis
Which one of the following is NOT likely with decreased insulin levels
Created by: AnatomyMash
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