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Mash Histo II Test1E

NWHSU Mash Histology 2 Test 1 Endocrine System

By which receptor model would aldosterone likely affect its targets? Mobile/intracellular receptor model
Name the hormones described: Increased blood sugar by gluconeogenesis Glucagon, Cortisol
Name the hormones described: Low levels in infancy result in mental retardation T3 (Thyroxine), T4 (Triiodothyronine) thyroid hormones
Name the hormones described: Increases blood calcium Parathyroid hormone
Name the hormones described: Stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle Oxytocin
Name the hormones described: Decrease blood potassium Aldosterone
Name the hormones described: Decrease the sensitivity of targets to catecholamines Thyroxine (T4)
Secreted by neuron of the hypothalamus (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) A.
Stimulates cells of the kidney to reabsorb water (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) Anti-diuretic Hormone
Under tonic inhibition (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) Prolactin
Stimulates emptying of the mammary gland (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) Oxytocin
Affects mitosis of the epiphyseal disc. (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) Luteinizing Hormone
Stimulates the Leydig cells of the testis to secrete testosterone (Name the hormones described A-F below. Choose your answers from the list provided.) Luteinizing Hormone
Which portion of the pituitary differentiates from Rathke’s pouch? Adenohypophysis
What is the function of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system? Ensures that concentration of RF or RIF is HIGH enough to stimulate target cells
A steroid hormone is likely to affect its target via the _______ receptor model. Mobile/intracellular
Rathke’s pouch gives rise to all components of the ________ Adenohypophysis
The nerve cell bodies of cells secreting oxytocin are located _______ Hypothalamus
Name the hormones described below: stimulate contraction of myoepithelial cells in the lacating mammary gland Oxytocin
Name the hormones described below: increase blood sugar Glucagon, Cortisol, Epinephrine
Name the hormones described below: secreted in response to an increase in blood osmolarity Antidiuretic Hormone
Name the hormones described below: low levels result in growth and mental retardation T3 and T4 Thyroid Hormones
Name the hormones described below: low levels result in diabetes insipidis ADH
Name the hormones described below: inhibit secretion of insulin, glucagons, growth hormone Somatostatin
Why is a low level of aldosterone dangerous? Aldosterone helps regulate sodium and potassium levels in the body. This helps control blood pressure and the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the blood.
Antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are secreted from neurons whose nerve cell bodies are located in _________. Hypothalamus
In normal physiology, antidiuretic hormone is secreted in response to A. ___________ and cause the kidney to B. ___________ A. Increase in blood osmolarity sensed by neurons of brain, LOW blood volume sensed by stretch receptors in right atrium and baroreceptors in aorta, pulmonary and carotid aa. B. Reabsorbs H2O
In females, it appears that __________ (hormone) is important in the stress reaction. Oxytocin
In which receptor model does the hormone have a direct effect on the target's DNA? Mobile receptor/Intracellular receptors
Which one of the following is NOT likely with decreased insulin levels? ketosis, acidosis, tachypnea, starvation of the CNS, glucosuria, all are likely? starvation of the CNS
Created by: AnatomyMash
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