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Belief Systems

Reif:Regents Review-Belief Systems

Abraham Considered to be the father of the Jews; All 3 monotheistic religions can trace their roots back to this man.
Ahimsa In Hinduism, it is the principal of non violence against all living things.
Analects, The Collection of moral and social teachings of Confucius, including the concept of the Five Relationships.
Ancestor worship Worship given to deceased relatives who are believed to be closer to the Gods, and therefore able to grant favors.
Animism Oldest known type of belief system in the world; practice nature worship; They believe that everything in the universe has a spirit
Brahman In Hinduism, Brahman is the name given to the oneness of the universe.
Buddha Hindu for “enlightened one." See also Siddhartha Gautama.
Buddhism Based on many of the core concepts of Hinduism; believe in an endless cycle of reincarnation; do not believe that deities are needed; rejected the Caste System
Caliph In Islam, the successor to the Prophet Mohammed.
Caste System A rigid social class system in Hinduism.
Christ, Jesus Founder of Christianity. Considered by Christians to be the son of God and the Messiah. He is the central figure in the Christian Religion.
Christianity Largest monotheistic religion developed from Judaism, Founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century CE; Holy book is called the Bible.
Confucianism Teaches that there is a natural social order to society which can best be explained through the Five Relationships.
Confucius (551-479 BCE?) Chinese philosopher and writer of The Analects, a collection of moral and social teachings, including the concept of the Five Relationships. Also known as Kong Fu Zi.
Dalai Lama The spiritual leader of the Tibetan sect of Buddhism, and is considered to be the reincarnation of the bodhisattva, or "buddha-to-be."
Dharma The act of fulfilling one's duty in life. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism.
Eightfold Path Code of behavior for followers of Buddhism.
Filial piety A part Confucianism where respect is paid to the parents.
Five Pillars of Islam Code of behavior for followers of Islam. Includes Charity, Daily Prayer, Profession of Faith, Fasting during Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to Mecca called the hajj.
Five Relationships Confucian philosophy about social order where everyone has a place and respect is paid to elders, parents, and the government. The relationships are, ruler to ruled, father to son, older brother to younger brother, husband to wife, friend to friend.
Four Noble Truths Siddhartha's Gautama philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire is articulated by four statements
Gautama, Siddhartha (563?-483?BCE), Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism; Also known as the Buddha.
Hajj The pilgrimage or holy journey to the city of Mecca
Hejira The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Median which was instrumental to the founding of the religion of Islam. Occurs in 622 ACE, which dates the founding of Islam.
Hinduism A polytheistic religion; salvation is achieved through a spiritual oneness of the soul, atman, with the ultimate reality of the universe, Brahma; Believe in reincarnation, karma, dharma and the Caste System.
Islam Youngest of the monotheistic religions; Followers are known as Muslims; Holy book is called the Qur’an.
Jihad Effort in God’s service waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith.
Judaism Oldest known monotheistic religion; basis for more recently developed religions such as Christianity and Islam.
Kami Sacred spirits that are worshipped in the Shinto religion of Japan.
Karma Actions in this life resulting from the consequences of a previous life’s actions; Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism.
Lao Tze (570-490 BCE?) Chinese philosopher credited with originating Taoism/Daoism.
Mecca A city in Saudi Arabia where Muslims must make a pilgrimage at least once in their life.
Messiah According to the Hebrew Bible, an anointed king who will lead the Jews back to the land of Israel and establish justice in the world. According to the Christians, the Messiah was Jesus Christ.
Mohammed Prophet of Allah; founder of Islam.
Moksha In Hinduism, it is the release from the cycle of reincarnation through unification with Brahma.
Monotheism The belief in one god or goddess.
Moses He is considered a founder of Judaism due to his role in the liberation of the Hebrews from Egypt, and his delivery of the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai sometime around 2000 BCE.
Mosque A domed Islamic religious building.
New Testament The second half of the Christian Bible. It describes the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other Christian teachings.
Nirvana In Buddhism, spiritual enlightenment.
Old Testament The first half of the Christian Bible, that describes the creation of the world, the history of ancient Israel, the Ten Commandments, and contains the Psalms and the prophetic books. Also is the Hebrew Torah..
Polytheism The belief in many gods or goddesses.
Qur’an Islamic holy book.
Rabbi Jewish clergy
Ramadan The ninth month of the Muslim calendar. All Muslims must fast during daylight hours, except the very young or sick.
Reincarnation The rebirth of a soul into another body.
Taoism / Daoism The Chinese philosophy; people should passively accept the "way" of nature, rather than resist it; the fewer rules and order, the better.
Ten Commandments The ten laws given to Moses by God, according to the Bible.
Torah The holy book of Judaism. It describes the creation of the world, the history of ancient Israel, the Ten Commandments, and contains the Psalms and the prophetic books.
Untouchables Members of Hindu society thought to have been removed from the Caste System; work as garbage collectors, sewer worker & other “unclean” jobs
Upanishads Hindu holy book from the 8th century BCE.
Vedas A Hindu holy book which is a collection of Aryan hymns that were transmitted orally before being written down in the 6th century BCE.
Created by: SReif
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