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Psychology midterm

info on basics of psych from bio basis to other gerneral things

Pyschology MidtermAnswer
Cone Cells handles color vision and responds to light of specific wave length
Rod Cells responds to varrying levels of light. sees dark-light area
Adaptation colors fade/brighten relative to adjacent information
opponent process theory cone cells respond to light of complimenty wave length such as red/gree, blue/yellow. when only shown one side cells will rebound with opponent display of comp. colors
color vision cone cells transfer info to neural impluses, then to other cone cells that determine length of wave
motion sickness vestibular system effects sense of ballances in inner ear. motion sickness occurs from conflicting signals arriving rom teh vestibular system and visual system.
Taste 4 taste buds secetion, Sweet/sour, salt /bitter. sense of smell strong
Smell Olfaction directly connected to limbic system
Dorsal Root information that has travled from skin receptors up spinal cord
Afferent Pathway sensory info that passes through thalamus to cortex
Gate theory multiple sensory inputs compete for dorsal root. minamizing pain in each area.
Sleep Stages 4 stages, trully aslepp in second
REM Sleep brain awake but no muscle tone. happens after 90 minutes reffered to as "paradoxical" sleep
Rebound Effect deprivation of SWS & REM sleep makes people spend more time in deprived stage next night
Raphe Nuclei where slow wave sleep orginates
Structuralist breaks things down to basic elements/ acheived through introspection
Fundamentalist objects baised on function/by driven need
Gestalt interperts environment on basis of organizational rules. no control over information perception
Psychoanalytic influenced by need for pleasure. unconscious controls
Behaviorist no concept of "mind". Behavior is learned through responses to stimuli
Humanist Focus on empathy. everyone can maximize worth.
Independent Variable in an experiment the condition that is manipulated by experimenter t exaine impact on dv
Dependent Variable measure that is affected by manipulation of IV
Neuron recieve info via dendrite and pass info down axon to synapse
Action Potential alters cells internal charge, when reaches a certain level depolarizies and become postive, causing AP
Action Potential causes... rush of sodium and potassion ion into neuron
Lock and key specific neurotransmitter bind with specific receptors allowing passage of chem. into recptor neuron
Synapse action potential causes release of neurotransmitters which trigger post synaptic potential and opens post synaptic membrane
Reuptake taking back unused neurotransmitters in synapse by use of terminal button
Autonomic Nervous system contains Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
Sympathetic Nervous system Fight vs. Flight nervous system
Parasympathetic system calms down body after SNS
Localization theory Parts of brain spefic to things like speech - broca's area (expressive) , wernike's area (receptive)
Luria's units 1 regulating and maintaining arousal
Luria's unti 2 receiving, storing, transmitting
Luria's unti 3 excutive functions
Split brain research Corpus collusm seperated. in tests show that right side is not speach doninate like left
Left Brain controls speech
Right brain controls movements, placement, object recognition
Frontal Lobe Planning, coordinating, inhibiting actions, control over cortex, motor relay station
Temporal lobe auditory reception and relay/auditory music memory/ sense of timing
Parietal Lobes Primary somatosensory reception and relay/arithmetic& language organization/ sense of postion&direction
Occipital lobes Primary visual reception & relay/ visual perception
sensory& motor areas Cortical sensory perception/ cortical morot control
Created by: peachesbabe89
Popular Psychology sets




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