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Medical Terminolgy

Part 6

Acuity clearness or sharpness of sensory function
Adnexa tissue near related structure
humor any fluid
labyrinth communicating passages
opgue not transparent
refractive ability to bend light rays
ambly dull
blephar eyelid
core pupil
dacry tear, lacrimal duct
dacryocyst lacrimal sac
glauc gray
goni angle
irid iris
kerta hard tissue/ cornea
ocul eye
opt eye vision
phac lens
phot light
presby old age
scler hardening
scot darkness
ot ear
myring typanic membrane
acusia hearing
Achromatopsia deficiency in color perceptions
chalazion hard tumor within the eye lid
conjunctivitis pink eye
Ecropion outward turning of the edge of the lower eyelid
emmetropia normal vision
epiphora abnormal overflow of tears
exophthalamus protrusion of one o both eyeballs
hordeolum stye
metamorphopsia visual distortion
nyctalopia impaired vision in dim light
nystagmus involuntary eue movement
pailledema edema and hypertension of the optic disk
photophobia sensitivity to the light
retinopathy any disorder in the retinal blood vessels
trachoma leads to blindness
Anacusis complete deafness
conduction impairment blocking of sound waves
labyrinthitis inflammation of inner ear
otitis externa infection of external auditory canal
presbyacusis impairment of hearing form old age
tinnitus perception of constant ringing
audiometry measurement of sound wave frequencies
ENG method of assessing and recording eye movement
opthalmodynamometry measuement of the blood pressure of hte retinal vessesl
VA determining small letters on a chart
gonioscopy determine rotation and motility of the eye
ophthalmoscoppy visual examiniatoin of hte interior of the eye
Orthoptic Training improve eye movement
blepharoplasty removal of fatty tissue above and below eye due to aging
cochlear implant artificial hearing device
enucleation removal of the eye ball
evisceration removal of parts of the eye ball
RK Radial Keratotomy Incision ofhte cornea to treat nearsightedness
tympanoplasty reconstruction of the eardrum
mydriates pupil to dilate
ophthalmic Decongestants constrict the small arterioles of the eye
ophthalmis moisturizers soothe dry eyes
otic analgesics provide temporary releif
Acc accomindation
Ast astigmatism
D diopter
AD right ear
OD right eye
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OS left eye
OU both eyes
AS Left ear
AU both ears
Created by: mundyc10
Popular Science sets




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