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Bodywork Systems

Bodywork Methods that focus on meridians and points fall into which category? Eastern and Asian
A CL has been receiving massage for a mild peripheral arterial circulation problem. Which would be an appropriate self help method to teach the CL? alternating applications of hot and cold
Cold applications of hydrotherapy to reduce swelling are called? antiedemic
The secondary effect of a local cold application is? increased localized circulation
Trigger points are commonly located in? muscles
An active trigger point that is left untreated for 6 months often will: Have fibrotic changes
A Cl injured his R shoulder 3 yrs ago. Assessment indicates decreased mobility of the skin surrounding the shoulder coupled with a painful but normal ROM. Which is the best treatment option? superficial myofascial release
When treating trigger points? positional release with lengthening is the first application method
Which of the following would be an indication for using lymphatic drainage during a massage? Cl has premenstrual bloat and edema
Which is the most correct about the application of lymphatic drainage methods? pressure is variable toward slow and rhythmic drain patterns
Created by: blessedtouch01
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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