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respiratory system

The exchange of air between the atmosphere and the air sac of the lungs which is accomplished by breathing is known as pulmonary ventilation
When oxygen enters the blood through the air sacs and carbon dioxide leaves the blood to be exhaled this process is called external exchange of gases
When oxygen leaves the blood and goes into the cells, and carbon dioxide leaves the cell and goes into the blood the process is called internal exchange of gases
What is the name of the structure that separates the right and left nostrils nasal septum
What are the small cavities lines with mucous membrane in the skull bones called sinuses
The superior portion of the pharynx that is located immediately behind the nasal cavity is called the nasopharynx
The middle section of the pharynx located posterior to the mouth is called the oropharynx
The inferior portion of the pharyx that opens into the larynx toward the anterior and into the esophagus toward the posterior is called the laryngeal pharynx
The folds of mucous membrane used in producing speech are located on both sides at the superior portion of the larynx are called vocal cords
The space between the vocal cords is called glottis
The leaf-shaped cartilage that covers the larynx during swallowing is called the epiglottis
Name the tiny air sacs in which most gas exchange takes place in the bronchioles alveoli
A substance that reduces the surface tension of the fluid that lines the alveoli that prevents collapse of the alveoli and eases lung expansion is called surfactant
What muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity diaphragm
A continuous doubled sac that covers each lung is known as pleura
The portion of the pleura that is attached to the surface of the lungs is the visceral pleura
The portion of the pleura that is attached to the chest wall is the parietal pleura
The space between the two layers of pleura that continues a thin film of fluid that lubricates the membranes is the pleural space
What is another name for inhalation inspiration
What is another name for exhalation expiration
What is kept open by a framework of C-shaped cartilages trachea
What is the space between the lungs called mediastinum
What is the purpose of the indention on the medial side of the left lung to accommodate or make room for the heart
In pulmonary ventilation when a vacuum is created sucking air in through the nose, the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, lowers intrathoracic pressure and the intercostal muscles contract and move ribs up and out this is known as inhalation
In pulmonnary ventilation when there is a decrease in the size of the chest cavity forcing air out through the nose, the intercostal muscles relax causing ribs to move in and down, and the diaphragm relaxes and moves upward it is known as exhalation
An increased amount of air entering the alveoli that commonly occurs during anxiety attacks, or when a person is experiencing pain or other forms of stress is known as hyperventilation
An isufficient amount of air entering the alveoli caused by respiratory obstruction, lung disease, injury to the respiratory center, depression of the respiratory center, by drugs, and chest deformity is known as hypoventilation
Hyperventilation causes an increase in the oxygen level and a decrease in carbon dioxide level of the blood is a condition called hypocapnia
Diffeculty breathing relieved by sitting upright is known as orthopnea
Alteration deep respirations with periods of apnea is known as cheyne-strokes respiration
excessive rate of breathing such as during exercise is known as tachypnea
Temporary cessation of breathing is known as apnea
Deep, rapid respirations due to acidosis is known as kussmaul respiration
Difficult or labored breathing is known as dyspnea
A bluish color of the skin and mucous membrane due to a lack of oxygen in the blood is called cyanosis
Lower than normal oxygen levels in the tissue is known as hypoxia
Lower than normal oxygen levels ing the blood is known as hypoxemia
Cessation of respiration due to machanical blockage of the reapiratory passages is called suffocation
The scientific name for the common cold is acute coryza
The medical term for a nosebleed is epistaxis
When one nasal space is considerably smaller than the other it is a condition called deviated septum
The most common cause of lower respiratory tract infection in an infant and young children is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
An acute contagious disease characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and accompanied by generalized aches and pains is called influenza
Constriction of airways producing a loud, barking cough, hoarseness, and dyspnea that is usually seen in children under 3 is a disease called croup
Watery discharge from the eyes and nose that may be seasonal and is also called allergic rhinitis is a disease called hay fever
Blood in the pleural space caused by penetraring chest wound is a disease called hemothorax
Unexplained death of a seemingly healthy infant under 1 year old and occurs during sleep with no apperent cause is a disorder called sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Inflammation of the pleura that is usually accompanying a lung infection is a disease called pleurisy
The most common caues of cancer deaths in men and women is lung cancer
Inflammation of the airways with spasms of the muscles in the bronchial tubes causing decreasing air flow, characterized by wheezing is a disease called asthma
Inflammation of the lung in which air spaces fill with fluid is a disease called pneumonia
Accumulation of air in the pleural space caused by a wound to the chest wall or rupture of the alveoli is a disease called pneumothorax
Collapse of lung due to blockage, sepsis, aspiration, allergy or lung trauma is a disease called respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Lung damage due to chronic conditions such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis that is often a result of smoking is a disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Infectious disease caused by a bacillus that can cause cavities within the lungs and can remain dormant fo long periods of time and flare up later is called tuberculosis
The disease caused by smoking and alcohol consumption which symptoms include sore throat, hoarseness, and ear pain is called cancer of the larynx
The instrument used to inspect the bronchi and larger bronchioles is a bronchoscope
If the pharynx or larynx is obstructed, the airways can be maintained by cutting into the trachea and inserting a tracheostomy tube
When a large-bore needle is inserted between the ribs into the pleural space to remove fluid, the procedure is called a thoracentesis
This is used when removing mucus or other substances from the respiratory tract by means of negative pressure suction apparatus
This is used to sustain life when a condition interferes with adequate oxygen supply to the tissue oxygen therapy
This is used when a patient has temporarily lost the capacity to perform normal ventilation artificial respiration
Created by: maryce
Popular Science sets




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