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Vocab Practice

April 11, 2012

Her husband played a very important role in many of the ACCOMPLISHMENTs Amelia made.
Despite the advances in technology, it's still not possible to make ACCURATE predictions of the occurrence of earthquakes.
Despite the advances in technology, it's still not possible to ACCURATELY predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
Many people are hopeful that successful ACHIEVEMENTs will be made in genetics.
Have we got ADEQUATE food for twenty guests?
An ADOLESCENT is a young person who is developing into an adult.
The lower tax rate is particularly ADVANTAGEOUS to poorer families.
This country's economy is mainly AGRICULTURAL.
AGRICULTURE is still largely based on traditional methods in some countries.
There has been an ALARMING rise in the rate of inflation.
We are currently flying at an ALTITUDE of 15000 metres.
Children normally feel a lot of ANXIETY about their first day at school.
My mother always gets a bit ANXIOUS if we don't arrive when we say we will.
APPARENTLY, it's going to rain today.
The children are very ATTACHED to their grandparents.
None of our ATTEMPTs at contacting Dr James was successful.
It's often very difficult to change people's ATTITUDEs.
No serious work on AVIATION was done before the Wright Brothers.
I wasn't even AWARE that he was ill.
Environmental AWARENESS has increased dramatically over the past decade.
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the BACKGROUND.
Shyness is one of the biggest BARRIERs to making friends.
The crisis has led to price rises in BASIC food products such as meat, cheese and sugar.
He was notorious for his violent and threatening behaviour.He was notorious for his violent and threatening BEHAVIOR.
She studied BEHAVIORAL psychology at college.
It was a BRAVE decision to quit her job and start her own business.
They were awarded medals for their BRAVERY.
Her mother was a BRILLIANT scientist.
Buying a house often places a large financial BURDEN on young couples.
The protests were part of their CAMPAIGN against the proposed building development in the area.
Their drink of CHOICE is champagne.
Pollution levels are CLOSELY monitored.
The wealth of the world’s 200 richest people is greater than the COMBINED incomes of the poorest 41 percent of humanity.
I had to fill in this really COMPLICATED form.
The course has four main COMPONENTs: business law, finance, computing and management skills.
CONCERN for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing.
Older people tend to be quite CONSERVATIVE and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.
The fridge keeps food at a CONSTANT temperature.
This invention made a major CONTRIBUTION to road safety.
In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the CONVERSE applies.
Some wrong answers were marked right. CONVERSELY, some right answers were rejected.
People should have the COURAGE to stand up for their beliefs.
It was COURAGEOUS of her to challenge the managing director's decision.
Apart from the 10 officers, a CREW of 90 looks after the 300 passengers.
The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread CRITICISM.
The Director is CURRENTLY having talks in the USA.
They claim to be DESCENDANTs of a French duke.
I'm DETERMINED to get this piece of work finished today.
Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns of civil DISOBEDIENCE to try to persuade the authorities to change their policies.
How dare you DISOBEY my orders.
This company makes no DISTINCTION between the sexes.
I can turn the television off if you find it a DISTRACTION.
One of the DRAWBACKs of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.
My mother was overcome with EMOTION and burst into tears.
My doctor said the problem was more EMOTIONAL than physical.
Many children have become EMOTIONALLY disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.
The pain was bad beyond ENDURANCE.
He was one of the ENTREPRENEURs of the eighties who made their money in property.
A British army team followed the same route in 1980, and it took them longer to do this, despite their modern EQUIPMENT.
With something as delicate as brain surgery, there is little margin for ERROR.
ESTIMATEs of the illegal population range from two million to ten million, and this population is growing.
EXCESSIVE exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
I don't drink EXCESSIVELY.
Scott died while he was on an EXPEDITION to the Antarctic in 1912.
The EXPLORATION for new sources of energy is vital for the future of our planet.
Freedom of EXPRESSION is a basic human right.
Her knowledge of music is EXTENSIVE.
You shouldn't judge people by their EXTERNAL appearances.
She made a very FAVOURABLE impression on us.
The report's FINDING on the decrease in violent crime supports the police chief's claims.
The United States was a new nation with a massive FRONTIER and very few people to shape it.
Are you feeling FRUSTRATED in your present job?
I could sense his FRUSTRATION at not being able to help.
The GAP between rich and poor is still widening.
Particles are attracted to each other by GRAVITATION.
When the life of a star comes to an end, so does its inward force of GRAVITY.
I appreciate your HONESTY.
Illegal IMMIGRANTs are sent back across the border if they are caught.
The new proposals were intended to soften the IMPACT of the reformed tax system.
Maddie's a real expert on art, so I feel completely INADEQUATE whenever I talk to her about it.
I haven't had much INCOME from my stocks and shares this year.
An INFECTIOUS disease is one that is able to pass from one person, animal or plant to another.
The war has badly damaged the country's INFRASTRUCTURE.
You can go INSTEAD OF me, if you want.
She made several INSULTs about my appearance.
He suddenly felt an INTENSE pain in his back.
I have no INTENTION of changing my plans just to fit in with his.
There's not enough INTERACTION between the management and the workers.
Although Gandhi was successful in putting social reforms into effect, he was unable to solve the problem of religious INTOLERANCE.
The team's continued INVOLVEMENT in the competition is uncertain.
Hard work is the KEY to success.
There are LAWs against drinking in the street.
I told a LIE when I said I liked her haircut.
The problem of stress is certainly not LIMITED to people who work.
The minister said that the days of LIMITLESS spending were over.
We need to find some other MEANS of transportation.
Carl's starting college in September. MEANWHILE, he's travelling around Europe.
Many people suffer from some form of MENTAL illness during their lives.
The entire project was METICULOUSLY planned.
The former priest denied allegations of sexual MISCONDUCT.
We have discussed these plans on NUMEROUS occasions.
Why are people so OBSESSED with money?
This decision has removed the last OBSTACLE to the hostages' release.
OBVIOUSLY, the school cannot function without teachers.
Are you going by bicycle or ON FOOT?
I didn't do it ON PURPOSE - it was an accident.
We will know in a couple of days if the OPERATION to restore her sight was successful.
There was a note of OPTIMISM in his voice as he spoke about the company's future.
She is OPTIMISTIC about her chances of winning a gold medal.
Now 5000 new children will be attending the district's already OVER-BURDENED school system.
These tablets should help to EASE the pain.
The old photograph brought back PAINFUL memories.
The meat was only PARTIALLY cooked.
I'm a PATIENT of Dr Stephens, please could I make an appointment to see her?
These people are often PERSISTENT in their efforts to reach their destination.
There is now a mood of deepening PESSIMISM aboutthe economy.
The doctors are PESSIMISTIC about his chances of recovery.
Helping to alleviate POVERTY in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
They failed to take the necessary PRECAUTIONs to avoid infection.
Laws against racial PREJUDICE must be strictly enforced.
The campaign is designed to make people less PREJUDICED about AIDS.
These drugs are only available on PRESCRIPTION.
The PRESENCE of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people.
The organization works on the PRINCIPLE that all members have the same rights.
The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a PRIORITY.
Senior management enjoy certain PRIVILEGEs, such as company cars and private healthcare.
The government should be playing a more PROMINENT role in promoting human rights.
Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand probably do not follow PROTECTIONIST policies.
Although she's recovering from her illness, her RATE of progress is quite slow.
He was found guilty becaus ehe had been driving RECKLESSLY.
It is dangerous to take more than the RECOMMENDED dose of this medicine.
She set a new European RECORD in the high jump.
Scientists have established the RELATIONSHIP between lung cancer and smoking.
After years of suffering, his death came as a merciful RELEASE.
Meeting you here in Rome is a REMARKABLE coincidence.
We huddled together on the cliff ledge, waiting for RESCUE.
The English have a reputation for being RESERVED.
Government troops offered no RESISTANCE to the rebels.
This part of the city has become quite RESPECTABLE in the last ten years.
Her proposals met with an enthusiastic RESPONSE.
The college is not able to expand because of RESTRICTIVE planning laws.
The country seems to be heading towards REVOLUTION.
A REVOLUTIONARY is someone who tries to cause or take part in a revolution.
She's claiming that her detention by the police was a violation of her human RIGHTs.
A college education is often the best ROUTE to a good job.
Please bring some SAMPLEs of your work to the interview.
The result of the match was highly SATISFACTORY.
SELF-AWARENESS means good knowledge and judgment about yourself.
Some people's teeth are highly SENSITIVE to cold.
The discovery of the new drug is of great SIGNIFICANCE to people suffering from heart problems.
There has been a SIGNIFICANT increase in the number of women students in recent years.
Two children answered the teacher's question SIMULTANEOUSLY.
I've got a SLIGHT headache.
SPACIOUS means large and with a lot of space.
He made some STARTLING admissions about his past.
Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and STIMULATING.
While she was at home looking after her children, she felt deprived of intellectual STIMULATION.
We follow very STRICT guidelines on the use and storage of personal details on computers.
Their production of Macbeth was the most visually STRIKING performance I've ever seen.
The company received a substantial government SUBSIDY.
I don't know what to wear tonight - do you have any SUGGESTIONs?
With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be ideally SUITed to/for the job.
We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to ABANDON ship.
I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening - would you care to ACCOMPANY me?
The students ACCOMPLISHed the task in less than ten minutes.
It's a disease which AFFECTs mainly older people.
We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't ANTICIPATE.
He's just been APPOINTed director of the publishing division.
He ATTEMPTed to escape through a window.
I try to AVOID supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always so busy.
The cancer risks that are ASSOCIATED with smoking have been well documented.
I was HIRED by the first company I applied to.
The doctor could feel no pulse BEATing.
She always BEHAVEs well when her aunts come to visit.
How can we BENEFIT those who most need our help?
I feel that I have BENEFITed greatly FROM her wisdom.
The theatre managed to BOOST its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
He's CALCULATEd that it would take him two years to save up enough for a car.
She had to CHOOSE between the two men in her life.
He CLAIMs to have met the President, but I don't believe him.
The music was specially COMPOSEd for the film.
The jury CONCLUDEd from the evidence that the defendant was innocent.
Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to CONTRIBUTE.
We'll get nowhere if all you can do is CRITICIZE.
These figures clearly DEMONSTRATE the size of the economic problem facing the country.
The train for London DEPARTs from Platform 2.
Eye colour is genetically DETERMINEd.
At the age of 25, he decided to DEVOTE himself to God.
There was a police officer DIRECTing the traffic.
He tried to DISTRACT attention from his own illegal activities.
They work as a group - no one person is allowed to DOMINATE.
Does he wear those ridiculous clothes to DRAW attention?
I've DRAWn UP a list of candidates that I'd like to interview.
This was an opportunity that he would EMBRACE.
Computerization should ENABLE us to cut production costs by half.
She's already had to ENDURE three painful operations on her leg.
These scandals will not ENHANCE the organization's reputation.
They've ENLARGEd the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
The airline is taking steps to ENSURE safety on its aircraft.
These methods of working were ESTABLISHed in the last century.
Government sources ESTIMATE a long-term 50% increase in rail fares.
He EXHIBITed great self-control considering her rudeness.
The children have gone to EXPLORE the woods.
It is feared that people living near the power station may have been EXPOSEd to radiation.
Tonight's programme FOCUSes on the way that homelessness affects the young.
Together they would FORM the next government.
We have to FORMULATE a new plan.
She left a large sum of money in her will to FOUND a wildlife sanctuary.
At the age of 45, she finally FULFILled her ambition to run a marathon.
These measures will increase the club's ability to GENERATE revenue.
I didn't GET IN TOUCH WITH any of my classmates after I graduated from college.
We don't really HAVE much IN COMMON.
I was HEADing out of the room when she called me back.
My wounds were gradually HEALing.
He IMMIGRATEd with his parents in 1895, and grew up in Long Island.
Very high taxes have recently been IMPOSEd on cigarettes.
He did a lot to IMPROVE conditions for factory workers.
What INFLUENCEd you to choose a career in nursing?
First he drank all my wine and then he INSULTed all my friends.
It's difficult to INTERPRET these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.
The airline will LAUNCH its new transatlantic service next month.
I suspect he LIEs about his age.
We LIVEd ON very little when we first got married.
Police are still trying to LOCATE the suspect.
They LOWERed the coffin into the grave.
The army has been brought in to MAINTAIN order in the region.
When you have a job as well as children to look after, you have to learn how to MANAGE your time.
He works for a company that MANUFACTUREs car parts.
We must MINIMIZE the risk of infection.
First editions of these books are now almost impossible to OBTAIN.
If the growth gets any bigger they'll have to OPERATE.
He OWEs his life to the staff at the hospital.
She never PARTICIPATEs in any of our discussions, does she?
If he PERSISTs in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss.
If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will PERSUADE her.
They decided to POSTPONE their holiday to a later date.
I've been PRESCRIBEd painkillers.
A lot of companies will PROFIT from the fall in interest rates.
Greenpeace works to PROMOTE awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
I PROPOSE that we wait until the budget has been announced before committing ourselves to any expenditure.
They suspected that she'd killed him but they could never actually PROVE that it was her.
Except under clearly defined circumstances, it is illegal in Britain for a company to PURCHASE its own shares.
Would all those in favour please RAISE their hands?
Prices RANGE between $50 and $250.
The headmistress agreed to RECOMMEND the teachers' proposals to the school governors.
He was RELEASEd from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
Most commentators expect the basic rate of tax to REMAIN at 25%.
The men came to REMOVE the rubbish from the backyard.
They chose a famous barrister to REPRESENT them in court.
The lifeboat RESCUEd the sailors from the sinking boat.
How did she RESPOND to the news?
Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in the exam system, which RESULTed in exam.
He was jailed for REVEALing secrets to the Russians.
Hundreds of dissidents are SEEKing refuge in the US embassy.
The fire SPREAD very rapidly because of the strong wind.
The government plans to cut taxes in order to STIMULATE the economy.
£50 would help to SUBSIDIZE the training of an unemployed teenager.
Something about his manner SUGGESTed a lack of interest in what we were doing.
We TEND TO get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.
He TREATed his wife very badly.
Salary scales VARY between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
The whole station seemed to VIBRATE as the express train rushed through.
As the company's financial problems WORSENed, several directors resigned.
Some members of the party would like to see it develop a greater TOLERANCE towards contrary points of view.
Seventy per cent of the country's TRADE is with Europe.
This disease doesn't generally respond to TREATMENT.
She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked UNCONSCIOUS.
Sudden UNEXPECTED surges of anxiety are called panic and are often so unpleasant that people can become fearful of having panic attacks.
After about an hour, their balloon UNEXPECTEDLY lost gas and began to go down toward the water.
Brain mapping might bring about benefits as well as UNFAVORABLE consequences.
The hours in this job are very UNPREDICTABLE - you sometimes have to work late at very short notice.
Considering the UNRELIABILITY of planes in the early days of aviation, some of her accidents were due to unreliable engines and slowness of the planes.
The bus service is so UNRELIABLE these days. The buses never come on time.
A public library must allow the town's citizens UNRESTRICTED access to its resources.
Different countries and environments around the world have VARYING climates and weather conditions.
The VAST majority of pupils attend state-funded schools.
Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce VIBRATION for the sake of safety.
Their twins are VIRTUALLY identical.
There are reports of WIDESPREAD flooding in northern France.
Created by: mehdipin11
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