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Clinical assessments and special orthopedic tests

What test is for a lateral ankle sprain ankle drawer sign
What does Tinel's test assess Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The Tompson test is for what Achilles Tendon Rupture
The Anterior Drawer Test is similar to what test The posterior drawer test
The Posterior Drawer test assesses Posterior Cruciate Ligament injury
If I flex my thumb under a fist and perform ulnar deviation I am testing for what DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
What is the test called that tests for DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis Finklestein's Test
Tennis elbow tests are done on what side of the elbow lateral
What does Phalen's test assess Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Valgus stress test is for what ligament damage medial collateral
If you tell your client to abduct their arm to 90 degrees and then slowly lower them and are watching for pain or lack of a smooth movement, what test are you doing Drop Arm Test
Apley Scratch test tests for what Shoulder ROM
If my second toe is longer than my hallux, that indicates what Morton's Foot
Medial deviation of the distal portion of the tibia indicates what Calcaneal Valgus
Pes Planus is what Flat Foot
What is a main cause of hallux valgus poor footwear
What is another name for a bone spur exostosis
Where is Morton's Neuroma found between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals
How many compartments are in the lower leg Four
What test assesses a stress fracture Tap the Bone
What is the common name for Dorsi Flexor Tenosynovitis Lace Bite
What muscle is the inverter group Tibialis anterior/posterior
Clark's sign tests for what chondromalacia patella
What test has the client lay supine with your thumb on the IT band as they flex and extend their leg Noble Compression Test
What is the common name for torticollis wry neck
What is the name of the test to assess thoracic outlet syndrome Adson Maneuver
What do you use to assess most spinal deviations plumb line
What test is for the anterior pelvic tilt thomas test
The faber and gapping test are for what condition SI Joint dysfunction
What test has the client side lying with the bottom leg straight, the top leg bent and hanging over the edge of the table, the therapist stabilizes with one hand on the hip and one on the knee piriformis test
What test is for supraspinatus strength empty can test
The Speeds Test is for what condition bicipital tendonitis
What test has the client push the dorsal surface of both hands together for 1 minute phalen's test
Pes Cavus is best assessed how non weight bearing
If you press too hard during the Achilles Pinch test, the pain your client experiences may be from what bursitis
What is the best treatment for a cramp Stretching
What is the best MET to use for a muscle cramp Reciprocal Inhibition
If you notice your client standing and their knees are hyperextended this indicates what condition Genu Recurvatum
What test has the client lying supine with the knee flexed and hands placed on the posterior aspect of the calf Posterior Drawer Test
What knee assessment involves compression Patellofemoral Compression Test
Jumpers Knee is more properly called Patellar Tendonitis
The straight leg test is for what issue Lumbar disk pathology
Created by: VSauci404
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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