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Feline Dental Dz

Vet Dentistry

By what age can one expect all deciduous teeth to have erupted in a kitten? 4-6 weeks (most by 3-4 weeks)
At what age do most kittens have all permanent teeth erupted? 4-6 months
What is vasodentin? dentin that contains vascular channels and dentinal tubules traversing through it indiscriminately
Where is vasodentin typically found? outer third of circumpulpal dentin
What is osteodentin? ??intermediate cementum
Where is osteodentin found? in root dentin adjacent to root canal or cellular cementum
What is the prevalence of tooth resorption in cats? 28-65%
What are the 3 most common GV Black classes of TR in cats? Type V, II, and III
What is the most common type of oral tumor in cats? SCC
What is the metastatic rate for non-tonsillar SCC in cats? low
What is the metastatic rate for tonsillar SCC in cats? high
What is the second most common type of oral tumor in cats? Fibrosarcoma
In the studying evaluating 71 portugese cats, what factor was shown to have a statistical relation to Tooth Resorption? JVD Summer 2013 age
In the studying evaluating 71 portugese cats, which teeth were most commonly affected by TR type I? JVD Summer 2013 mand. PM3 & M1
In the studying evaluating 71 portugese cats, which teeth were more likely to have type 2 lesions? JVD Summer 2013 canines
How many cats are expected to develop at least one TR during their lifetime? JVD Summer 2013 75%
Which teeth are mostly likley to be affected by TR in the cat? JVD Summer 2013 mand. PM3
List suspect etiopathogenesis of TR in cats JVD Summer 2013 chronic oral inflam/gingivitis/perio dz; metabolic & endocrine dz; Systemic acidosis, Vit D signaling pathway, calcium regulation, local hypoxia, low USG, viral dz, anatomic abnormalities, mechanical trauma
What was the original TRIAD of clinical findings in cats with "high rise syndrome"? JVD Spring 2012 epistaxis, hard palate fracture, pneumothorax
What is the updated triad of clinical findings for cats with "high rise syndrome"s? JVD Spring 2012 facial, thoraxic, and orthopedic trauma
What is the approximate terminal velocity of cats falling from a height? JVD Spring 2012 60 mph
In cats with open hard palate fracture, what width of defect may be treated by suturing without releasing incisions in the mucoperiosteum? JVD Spring 2012 1 mm
What is the survival rate in cats with high rise syndrome? JVD Spring 2012 high (90-94%)
What is the current definition of tooth resorption (TR)? JVD Spring 2012 the destruction of hard dental tissue by activated odontoclastic cells
What is the prevalence of TR in cats? JVD Spring 2012 28.5 - 67% (30-70)
Is the distribution of TR in cats typically symmetrical or not? JVD Spring 2012 yes, usually symmetrical
What mandibular teeth are most commonly affected by TR in cats? JVD Spring 2012 '07s and '09s
What are the characteristics of TR type 2? JVD Spring 2012 ankylosis and osteoid remodelling
What causes the characteristic changes seen in TR type 2? JVD Spring 2012 degradation and modification of dentin and cementum into osteoid repair tissue
What is the radiographic appearance of teeth with TR type 2? JVD Spring 2012 PDL space disappears and physiological height of the alveolar crest remains unchanged
What is the radiographic appearance of teeth with TR type 1? JVD Spring 2012 horizontal and vertical bone loss are common with exposure of the furcation, PDL space and roots generally remain unchanged or show signs of periodontitis
What is the definition of Stage 3 TR? JVD Spring 2012 deep dental hard tissue loss that extends to the pulp cavity, most of the tooth RETAINS its integrity
What is the definition of stage 4 TR? JVD Spring 2012 deep dental hard tissue loss that extends to the pulp cavity, most of the tooth HAS LOST its integrity
Which portion of the tooth is more affected by TR 4a? 4b? 4c? JVD Spring 2012 4a=crown and root equally affected. 4b crown > root. 4c root > crown
What treatment is recommended for teeth with 'clearly diagnosed' teeth with TR type 2? JVD Spring 2012 crown amputation and intentional root retention
What two putative pathogens were identified as possible contributors to FCGS in a study evaluating toll like receptor and cytokine expression? Vet Immunol Immunopathol 2013 Tannerella forsythia & Feline Calicivirus
What toll like receptors and cytokines were found to be elevated in cats w/FCGS compared to healthy cats? Vet Immunol Immunopathol 2013 TLR2, TLR7, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-1 beta, and IL-6
What orofacial conditions are seen in cats with high rise syndrome? JVD Spring 2012 epistaxis, hard palate fx +/- tear of palatal mucosa, palatal soft tissue bruiding, mandibular fx, mandibular symphyseal separation, tongue injury, facial soft tissue injury, tental trauma, other oral soft tissue injury, TMJ luxation and fx
What has been found regarding serum Vit D3 levels in cats with and without TR? JVD Fall 2010 Mean serum 25-OH-D levels tend to be lower in cats with TR than in those w/o TR (which is the opposite of what researchers expected to find)
Which type of TR might one expect to see associated with high levels of vit D (based on findings of Vit D toxicity in rats)? JVD Fall 2010 type II
What did the study of vitD serum levels in the Royal Canin cat colony find regarding relation to TR prevalence? JVD Fall 2010 Vit D levels were lowest in cats with many TR lesions and highest in cats with no TR lesions (contradicts other studies and hypothesis)
What feline population was studied to use as a possible control set in TR research? JVD Winter 2010 Swedish Eurasian lynx (wild)
What are 3 stimuli that can initiate pathologic TR? JVD Winter 2010 trauma, orthodontic pressure, inflammation
What findings regarding general dental and systemic health may contribute to S.E. lynx population being free of TR? JVD Winter 2010 good periodontal health and free from infectious dz (i.e. FIV, calicivirus, coronavirus, and herpesvirus)
What is the prevalence of TR in wild cats from Namibia compared to domestic cats? JVD Spring 2009 lower in the wild cats (16%)
What dose of oral alendronate effectively slowed or arrested progression of TR in the cat study set? JVD summer 2009 9 mg/kg twice weekly
Where does alendronate accumulate in feline oral tissues? JVD Summer 2009 subgingival tooth surfaces and adjacent alveolar bone
What degree of association was found between perio dz and TR type I in cats? JVD Fall 2009 strong association
Why is Vit D thought to be involved in the process of TR? 2009 vet immunol immunopathol Vitamin D involvement has been suggested because 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) stimulates osteoclastogenesis
Which cytokines stimulate osteoclastogenesis? 2009 vet immunol immunopathol IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α
Which cytokines inhibit osteoclastogenesis? 2009 vet immunol immunopathol IL-10 and IFN-γ
What is focal palatine erosion? JVD spring 2009 a depression in the palatal bone due to pressure caused by the principal cusp of the mandibular M1 (see in wild cheetahs)
Which type of TR was shown to have a strong association with periodontal dz? JVD fall 2009 type 1
What are 3 kinds of TR are recognized in humans? JVD fall 2009 1) sequelae of attachment damage 2)neurovascular supply damage; 3) consequence of an external inflammatory process
What anatomical feature found at the furcations in feline carnassial teeth may contribute to TR? JVD spring 2004 furcation (accessory endodontic) canals
What are theorized etiologies of feline TR? JAAHA 1999 chronic regurg dt hairballs, natural progression of perio dz, associations w/stomatitis (viral etiology); acidification of dry kibble, hypervitaminosis A (eating raw liver); nutritional hyperparathyroidism; inadequate dietary calcium; low magnesium diet
Created by: lamarron
Popular Dentistry sets




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