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milestones and atyipcal and typical development

case finding a strategy for targeting resources at individuals or groups suspected to be at risk for a particular disease
screening test used to identify children who may be in need of special services, as a first step in identifying children in need of further diagnosis; focuses on the child's ability to acquire skills; vision , speech&language, & child-find screening.
diagnosis tests used to identify a child's specific areas of strength and weakness, determine the nature of the problems, and suggest the cause of the problems &possible remediation strategies.
Apgar Rating Scale screening test given to newborn infants 1 minute to 5 minute after birth.
prenatal testing diagnostic tests that identify a serious medical problem
amniocentesis a needle inserted through the mother's abdomen into the embryonic sac surrounding the fetus in the womb drawing a small amount of amniotic fluid for biochemical analysis. will determine fetal maturity and chromosomal & metabolic abnormalities such as PKU
ultrasound sound waves determining fetus's development. 2nd trimester images show subtle findings associated with genetic disorders, as well as neural tube defects, facial clefts, renal anomalies, skeletal anomalies, & brain malformations
chorionic villus biopsy (CVS) choronic tissue is removed from the developing placenta. done earlier than ultrasound & amniocentesis. results may cause termination of pregnancy. detects certain chromosomal abnormalities, measure the activity of specific enzymes, & determines sex.
gestational age how long a baby had been developing in the uterus before birth. used when baby is born before 37th week. 23rd week babies are capable of survival. helps for doctors to diagnosis what areas will be immature with premature babies.
established risk infants posses a gene abnormality, a malformation or structural problem with the brain or central nervous system, or received alcohol or illegal drugs in utero. contributes to challenges in development.
biological risk infants have a prenatal, perinatal, or neonatal difficulty, including low birth weight, respiratory distress at birth, central nervous system infection, or difficult birth process. Associated with challenges to development.
environmental risk affected by family or social strees. contribute to challenges in development include malnurtition during pregnancy or after birth. difficulties include patterns of care by primary caregiver that may be inadequate. family poverty contributes.
drug-exposed babies are at risk for environmental & biological reasons. show symptoms of irritability, restlessness, lethargy, poor feeding, abnormal sleep patterns, tremors, increased muscle tone, vomitting & high-pitched cry; last up to 48-72hrs after birth.
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) physical & mental abnormalities associated w/ infants born to mothers who consumed excessive amounts of alchohol. develop key features of growth retardation, characteristic facial features, & abnormalities of the central nervous system.
Apgar Score five factors to evaluate baby, scale 0 to 2; appearance, pulse, grimace response (reflex irritability), activity &muscle tone;respiration(breathing rate&effort).
Prenatal test amniocenstesis; ultrasounds; Chorionic villus biopsy (CVS);Precutaneous umblicial blood sampling (also called PUBS or cordocentesis)
Precutaneous umblicial blood sampling (PUBS or cordocentesis) specialized prenatal test that predicts the potial for biological disability. detects intrauterine infections, evaluates fetal anemia& checks for blood type in rhesus (RH) pregnancies. ultrasound used 18th week.
Created by: agilbe5
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