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What nervous system includes all cranial and peripheral nerves peripheral nervous system
What nervous system controls response to stress and fear sympathetic nervous system
What nervous system is controlled by conscious thought voluntary nervous system
What nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord central nervous system
What nervous system controls ANS once a crisis is over parasympaghetic nervous system
What nervous system is controlled automatically without thought involuntaty (autonomic) nervouse system
This tract has sensory (afferent) impulses entering the spinal cord are transmitted toward the brain ascending tract
What tract has motor impulses traveling from the brain and are carried toward the peripheral neverous system descending tract
A complete pathway through the nervous system from stimulus to respocse is called reflex arc
What is the first pathway that is the end of a dendrite or some specialized receptor cell, as in a special sense organ, that detects a stimulus receptor
Name the second pathway in which a cell that transmits impulses toward the CNS. (sensory impulses enter the dorsal horn of the spinal cord's gray matter) sensory neuron
The third pathway is a system where impulses are coordinated and a response is organized, and almost every response involves connecting neurons in it central nervous system
The fourth pathway is a cell that carries impulses away from the CNS are this kind of impulses that leave the cord through the ventral horn of the spinal cord's gray matter motor neuron
The fith pathway that is a muscle or gland outside the CNS that carries out a response effector
The bridge of gray matter that connects the right and left horns is the gray commissure
What is the name of the arranged columns of gray matter that extend up and down toward the back on each side of the spinal cord dorsal horns
Name the column of gray matter that are toward the front of the spinal cord on each side ventral horns
In the center of the gray commissure is a small channel that contains cerebrospinal fluid that circulates around the brain and the spinal cord central canal
A narrow groove that divides the right and left portions of the posterior white matter is the posterior median
A deep groove that separates the right and left side portion of the anterior white matter is the anterior median fissure
What procedure involves the removal of cerebrospinal fluid from spinal cord for testing lumbar puncture
A disease of the spinal cord that detroys moter nerve cells and slowly progresses until the person can no longer swallow or talk is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
The disease that affects the myelin sheath around the nerves causing disruption of communication in the nervous system is mutiple sclerosis (MS)
A viral disease causing paralysis, most common in childern, which has now been nearly eliminated by vaccine is poliomyelitis (polio)
What is paralysis of both upper or both lower extremities called diplegia
Paralysis of all four limbs is tetraplegia or quadriplegia
Paralysis of both lower limbs is paraplegia
Paralysis of one side of the body is hemiplegia
Paralysis of one limb is monmplegia
The brain and spinal cord are protected by three connective tissue layers called meninges
The outermost layer of meninges that forms partitions in the skull that prevent excessive movement of the brain is the dura
The middle layer of the meninges that forms a loose covering beneath the dura is the arachnoid
The innermost layer of the meninges that clingds tightly to the brain and spinal cord and it contains many tiny blood vessels that supply these organs is the pia
This fluid surrounds the brain and spinal cord that the brain floats within to prevent it from crushing under its own weight, and provides cushion that absorbs shocks from walking, jumping, and running is the cerebrospinal fluid
The distinct region of the skin that are supplied by a single nerve that can be used to identify the spinal nerve that is involved in an injury is dermatome
Spinal nerves continue a short distance away form the spinal cord and then branch into smaller posterior and larger anterior divisions. The interlaced networks of the anterior branches are called plexuses
What plexuses supplies motor impulses to the neck and sensory impulses to the neck and back of the brain cervical
What plexuses sends branches to the shoulders, arms, forearm, wrist and hands brachial
What plexuses supplies nerves to the pelvic and legs including the sciatic nerve lumbosacral
Which disorder causes degeneration of nerves to the extremities, affecting both sensory and motor functions perigheral neuritis
A disorder of the spinal nerves that causes pain along the sciatic and its branches is sciatica
A ployneuropathy causing progressive muscle weakness, numbness, and pathways, causing neuralgia that can last for years is herpes zoster
Another name for herpes zoster is shingles
This part of the brain that nearly all sensory impulses travel through the mass of gray matter form thalamus
This part of the brain maintians homeostasis by controlling body temp, water balance, sleep, appetite, and emotions such as fear and pleasure hypothalamus
The name for the hypothalamus and thalamus together is the diencephalon
A scan of the brain which provides photos of the bone, soft tissue, and cavities that can see tumors and scar tissue accumulation is computed tomography CT
Imaging of the brain that gives a better view then the CT and may reveal tumors, scar tissue, and hemorrhaging not shown on the CT magnetic resonsnce imaging MRI
This brain study can visualize the brain in action positron emission tomagraphy PET
This brain study records electronic signals from the brain, amplifies them, and records them to diagnose diseases electroencephalograph EEG
What makes a bridge to connect the cerbellum to the rest of the nervous system and regulates respitatory reflexes pons
What part of the brain contains the center for reflexes involving the eyes and ears midbrain
This part of the brain helps coordinate voluntary muscles for smooth orderly function and contains white matter distributed in a treelike pattern cerebellum
A condition in which there is a abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is hydrocephalus
Another name for a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)is a stroke
A disorder caused by brain damage occurring before or during the birth process causing muscular disorders is known as cerebral palsy
The most common type of tumor is a gliomas
A tear in the wall of a dural sinus, due to a blow to the front or back of the head is a subdural hematoma
A progressive neurological condition causing termors, limb rigidity, and impaired balance is parkinson disease
A chronic disorder that causes abnormal brain waves resulting in seizures is epilepsy
A brain disorder of unexplaind degeneration of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus in which a development of abnormal protein and tangling of neuron fibers causing memory loss is alzheimer disease
How many pair of cranial nerves are there 12
All but the first two cranial nerves are located in the brain stem
The condition that causes facial paralysis due to damage to or pressure on the facial nerves is known as bell palsy
A person with severe spasmodic nerve pain affecting the trigeminal nerve is suffering from tic douloureux or trigeminal neuralgia
The general term for pain is neuralgia
Created by: maryce
Popular Science sets




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