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Ch 17 Science Vocab

Life Science BJU - Chapter 17 Vocab

An animal with a backbone. They have _____________, skulls and endoskeletons. vertebrate
Made of a combination of bone and cartilage endoskeleton
gives vertebrates a strong support system bone
is strong but is more flexible than bone. It serves as a cushion in between joints and bones. cartilage
Is a series of similar bones that support the body and protect the spinal cord vertebral column
Covers and protects the brain skull
carries abundant oxygen (red blood in diagrams represent this) oxygenated blood
gives most of its oxygen to the body's cells and takes on carbon dioxide (the blue blood is this in diagrams) de-oxygenated blood
take oxygen from water and give off carbon dioxide gills
are chambers inside an animal's body where blood can obtain oxygen and give off carbon dioxide lungs
helps mammals and humans to breathe; is a thin layer of muscle that separates the chest chamber from the abdomen diaphram
Is made up of the brain and spinal cord central nervous system
is protected by the skull brain
is protected by bones of vertebral column spinal cord
is made up of the nerves, sensory receptors and sensory organs peripheral nervous system
is a major collection of sensory receptors and various supporting structures...normally a _______________ senses only 1 environmental factor (ex. the eye) sensory organ
food enters a vertebrate's body thru the mouth, then passes the short, tubular esophagus into this...once inside it mixes the food with digestive enzymes that are already in this stomach
After food is mixed, it moves here. It is the digestive organ in which most of the digestion & absorption of food occurs. small intestine
1 of the 2 organs attached to the small intestine is this, it produces a greenish fluid called bile which contains substances to help break down fats, the bile is stored in the gallbladder until needed. liver
a smaller organ that makes enzymes and releases them into the small intestine...these enzymes break down sugars, starches, proteins and fats pancreas
the part of the digestive tract that extend from the end of the small intestine to the anus; absorbs water and minerals large intestine
filters waste from the vertebrate's blood kidneys
in each kidney the wastes flow the capillaries into this which is one large tube ureter
urine is collected and stored in this before it passes out of the body urinary bladder
means that their body temp changes with their surroundings (ex. fish) ectothermic
What does a skull protect? brain
How does the number of heart chambers differ in the various major groups of vertebrate animals? Fish have 2 chambers, reptiles and amphibians have 3 chambers, birds and mammals have 4 chambers
What two gases are exchanged in gills and lungs? oxygen & carbon dioxide
From which sense organ in a frog does an auditory nerve carry impulses? cranial nerves carry impulses/spinal nerves transmit them
Of what material is a shark's skeleton composed? cartilage
What organ do sharks not have that most bony fish have? bones
Which group of vertebrates is the only group to undergo metamorphosis? frogs
Why are most amphibians found near water? They live in the water when they are young. Then they can live on land and water when they are adults.
How are hibernation and estivation similar? How are they different? Both slow life process; hibernation only occurs in winter
What does a snake detect with its tongue? food or danger
What do snakes eat? mice
What system does the ureter belong to? excretory
What system does the spinal cord belong to? nervous
What system does the diaphragm belong to? respiratory
What system does the small intestine belong to? digestive
What system does the artery belong to? circulatory
Endoskeletons can contain both bone and cartilage? True or False True
In a fish, the blood that leaves the heart goes directly to the _____________. gills
Gills are found in ____________________. fish and tadpoles
Sensory organs of the head are connected to the brain by ________________________. cranial nerves
Food does not pass through the __________________. pancreas
Because a fish is supported by an internal skeleton, we can say it is endothermic. True or False False
The lamprey is a ___________________. jawless fish
Amphibians are the only vertebrates that __________________________. experience metamorphosis
A frog has teeth but does not chew its food. True or False True
Which of these is so unique that it is in an order of reptiles all by itself? tuatara
There are snake species that live in... A. desert B. jungles C. oceans D. all of these All of these
Passes food from the mouth to the stomach esophagus
The sac underneath the liver, stores bile gall bladder
The air chambers inside an animal's body where blood can get oxygen and give off carbon dioxide are _____________. lungs
Blood vessels that take the blood to the heart are called ______________. veins
A dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest chamber from the abdomen in many animals and in humans is the ________________. diaphragm
A fluid that carries substances both in its cells and dissolved in its liquid is _________________. blood
The central nervous system includes the brain and _____________. spinal cord
A structure between two heart chambers that allows blood to go only one way is a _______________. valve
Blood that carries an abundant amount of oxygen is _________________. oxygenated
Spinal nerves branch off the _______________. spinal cord
The normal process of forcing air into and out of the lungs is called ____________________. breathing
Blood vessels that take the blood away from the heart are called __________________. arteries
The respiratory structures that have capillaries close to their surfaces to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the water are the ___________. gills
Tiny blood vessels that allow substances to pass between the blood and body tissues are called __________________. capillaries
Bile aids in the digestion of ________________. fats
The kidneys connect to the urinary bladder through the _______________. ureters
Blood that has had most of its oxygen given to the body's cells is called ______________________. deoxygenated
The number of chambers in a fish heart is _______________. two
Undigested foods leave the digestive tract through the ____________________. anus
Upon leaving the stomach, food normally moves to the ____________________. small intestine
What is the difference between a carnivore and a herbivore? A carnivore (pointy teeth) eats meat and a herbivore (flat teeth) eats plants.
Food enters thru the ____, the ____connects the mouth to the stomach, the ______ churns & mixes enzymes w/food & begins digestion, ________ _________finish digestion & absorb nutrients into the blood stream, _______ ______ eliminates indigestible matter mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestine
filters bacteria from partially digested wastes appendix
Type of fish that feeds on already dead things (fish or worms) Hagfish
Process of digesting food is... ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination
______ filters waste, waste from cells include _______, each kidney has a _____ that carries waste to _____ _____ for storage of _________. kidneys, urea, ureter, urinary bladder, urine
The birds and reptile's excretory systems empties into digestive system's large intestine for ____________. elimination
The three different types of fish are ___________, ____________, &___________. jawless, cartilage, bony
________ fish do not have jaws, scales or paired fins & their skeleton is composed of cartilage. Jawless
_______ fish have endoskeletons made of cartilage. They have jaws, scales and paired fins but they lack a swim bladder. Cartilage
________ fish have an endoskeleton made of bone. They have jaws, paired fins and most have scales. Bony
Some fish have a _____ ______ that helps them float at a constant depth. swim bladder
A fish has a _____ ______ system that includes a _____ chambered heart and blood vessels. closed circulatory, 2
In a fish, blood is pumped from the heart, thru the _____, thru the body and back to the _____. While passing thru ______ and the gills, ______ diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out. gills, heart, capillaries, oxygen
The ______ line can detect vibrations and pressure & they are a string of sensory structures. lateral
Fish reproduce by ____________. spawning
The __________ egg allows vertebrates to live on land. amniotic
_________ has a circular mouth for hanging onto the fish, the parasite Lamprey
Class ___________ out of the vertebrates have metamorphosis. amphibians
The ___________ organ allows the snake to look poisonous. Jacobson
Created by: bgpalmers
Popular Science sets




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