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Ch 29 Kuntzman & Mos

Reproductive System

Process in which organisms produce offspring by means of germ cells called gametes Sexual reproduction
What are male gametes called? Spermatozoa
What are female gametes called? Oocytes
Where are female gametes produced? Ovaries
What 4 hormones are produced by the ovaries? 1) Progesterone 2) Estrogen 3) Relaxin 4) Inhibin
What are the 3 secondary sex organs? 1) Ducts 2) Accessory sex glands 3) Supporting structures
What are the functions of ducts? Transport, store, & assist in maturation of sperm
What are the functions of accessory sex glands? Secrete fluid that makes up seminal fluid
What are the functions of the supporting structures of the secondary sex organs? Assist the delivery & joining of gametes and growth during pregnancy
What does the scrotum provide for the testes? Support and provides a 2 degrees of lower than normal temperature necessary for production of viable sperm
What are the functions of the ducts of the male secondary organs? Carries sperm to ejaculatory duct
What occurs in the epididymis? Sperm mature & become fertile
What structure contains the urethra and functions for both the reproductive and urinary system? Penis
What are the functions of the accessory sex glands of the male secondary organs? Secretes fluid that makes up seminal fluid
Transport medium and source of nutrients for sperm Seminal fluid
Mixure of sperm and seminal fluid Semen
What are the 3 functions of testosterone? 1) Stimulates spermatogenisis 2) Development of male secondary sex characteristics 3) Maintain muscle & bone mass
What is the function of the fallopian tubes of the female secondary organs? Carry oocyte to uterus & sperm upward
What usually occurs in the fallopian tubes? Fertilization
What is the structure of the uterus of the female secondary organs? Pear-shaped muscular organ
What is the function of the uterus of the female secondary organs? Site of implantation of a fertilized ovum, development of fetus during pregnancy and labor
Where is the endometrium and what is it's structure? It is the soft, spongy inner lining of the uterus
Where is the cervix? At the base of the uterus
What is the function of the vagina of the female secondary sex organs? Receives sperm from male & serves as the birth canal
What are the functions of the mammary glands of the female secondary organs? Synthesize, secrete, & eject milk to feed child
Cyclic changes in the ovaries in which a certain number of ovarian follicles develop. They either become fertilized or disintegrate. Menstrual cycle
When does the menstrual cycle occur? Approx. every 28 days
Stimulates the growth of follicle containing the egg & secretion of estrogen FSH
What are the 4 functions of estrogen 1) Responsible for female secondary sex characteristics 2) Growth of maturing follicle 3) Growth of uterine line (endometrium) 4) Negative feedback control of FSH
What are the functions of LH? Ovulation & formation of the corpus luteum (from old follicle)
What is the function of the corpus luteum? Secretes estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, & inhibin
What are the functions of progesterone? Prepare & maintain endometrium for implantation of fertilized ovum
What are the 3 functions of relaxin? 1) Relaxes uterus by inhibiting contractions of muscle walls for implantation 2) Relaxes muscle walls during pregnancy 3) Increases flexibility of pubic symphysis & cervix dilation during labor
Sloughing off of endometrial tissue from a non pregnant uterus through the cervix and out the vagina Menstruation
What massage considerations should be considered if a woman is menstruating? Avoid massage over abdomen if sensitive
Cessation of menstruation; life stage that takes place over several years Menopause
Between what ages does menopause generally occur? Between the ages of 48-55 yrs old
What massage considerations should be taken with a woman who is going through menopause? Avoid overheating client by limiting use of blankets and flannel sheets as drape material. Uncover client's arms and feet
Absence of menstruation Amenorrhea
Failure of menstruation by age 16 Primary amenorrhea
Cessation of menstruation for 6 months in individual who previously menstruated Secondary amenorrhea
What functions in both urinary and reproductive systems in the male? Urethra
The function of chemicals within the acrosomal cap Aid sperm in penetration into a secondary oocyte
The portion of the penis which surrounds the urethra Corpus Spongiosum
The fructose in semen is secreted by the Seminal vesicles
The corpus luteum secretes Progesterone & estrogens
Sperm move by means of Flagella
What does the mature (Graafian) follicle become after ovulation? Corpus luteum
The portion of the ovary that contains the ovarian follicles Cortex
Which female reproductive structure is located between the urinary bladder and the rectum Uterus
What does FSH in males do? Acts indirectly with testosterone to stimulate spermatogenesis
The cells in the testis responsible for producing testosterone Leydig cells
What cells lie next to the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules? Spermatogonia
In the testis, spermatogonia divide by Mitosis
The cells formed by meiosis II Spermatids
How many sperm are produced by the testes daily? 300 million
What hormone produced in the male directly stimulates testosterone secretion? LH
The hormone that inhibits secretion of FSH Inhibin
The longest duct of the male reproductive tract, passing from the scrotum into the pelvic cavity Ductus deferens
The open, funnel-shaped portion of a uterine tube Infidibulum
Where does fertilization of the oocyte by a sperm occur? Uterine tube
What is the reason a pap smear is performed? To detect cancer of the cervix
What is a hysterectomy? Surgical removal of the uterus
The small folds that are lateral to the vaginal opening Labia minora
Milk secreting glands in the breast Alveoli
Which hormones have the greatest direct control over the changes in the uterus? Estrogen and progesterone
What hormone increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis at the end of pregnancy? Relaxin
What hormone is responsible for stimulating the development of the secondary follicles in the ovary? FSH
What do low levels of progesterone cause? Menstruation
The first menses Menarche
Created by: khawkin
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