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ELA CRCT vocabulary

ELA academic content vocabulary

Simile comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as"
Metaphor Comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as"
Alliteration Repetition of initial consonant sounds; same beginning letter
Idiom an expression that has a meaning different from the meaning of its individual words; literal interpretation is silly
Personification Giving human qualities to non-human things.
Hyperbole extreme exaggeration
Onomatopoeia words that mimic sounds that you hear.
Sound Imagery onomatopoeia
Symbolism the use of symbols to represent ideas using objects or characters to represent something else
Author's purpose why the author wrote the text
theme central idea or purpose; lesson from the text
point of view perspective from which a story is being told
poetry literary work expressing feelings/ideas with style/rhythm
flashback vivid memory of past experience
mood the way the text makes you feel
myth explains the history/origin of a people
figurative language language/words that create special effects or feelings
Imagery figurative language and descriptions used to produce mental images
Genre categories of writing
Narrative tells a story with a beginning, middle and end
Persuasive convincing someone to do or believe in something
organizational features the way text is arranged
speaker's voice voice/tone of the author
synthesize combine information
simple sentence a subject and a verb
complex sentence one independent and at least one dependent clause
compound sentence more than one independent clause separated by a conjunction
conjunction a word that joins sentences, clauses, phrases or words
antagonist opposes main character; a villain
protagonist main character; the hero
external conflict challenge posed by outside forces
internal conflict inner turmoil, not visible to others
tone feeling or mood of a story
excerpt part taken from a larger work
classify to arrange, put in order
summarize to cover main points briefly
dialogue conversation between characters
synonym similar
antonym opposite
rhyme scheme arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or poem
context in relation to
analyze to study individual parts in relation to the whole
plot sequence of events; the main story
sequence the order in which things occur
independent clause a simple sentence, subject & verb
dependent clause contains a subject & a verb but does not express a complete thought
conflict a disagreement or problem within a book
setting the time, place and location of a story or play
resolution the point in the story when the conflict is resolved
characters a person in a story, movie or play
climax the turning point in a story
theme the message about life or human nature that is conveyed by a literary work
predict using what you know to draw a conclusion about what may happen
foreshadow when a writer provides hints that suggest future events in a story
static character characters who change little, if at all
dynamic character characters who who change significantly
inference a logical guess or conclusion based on evidence
Created by: jennymorgan
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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