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A&P Ch 28 Kuntzman

The Urinary System

List the 4 structures that make up the urinary system 1. 2 Kidneys 2. 2 Ureters 3. Bladder 4. Urethra
What organ does the major function of the urinary system? Kidneys
What does retroperitoneal mean? Located behind the parietal peritoneum & against the posterior wall of the abdomen
Where are the kidneys located along the vertebral column? Between T12 and L3 on each side of the vertebral column
Describe the 5 functions of the kidneys 1. Regulates pH 2. Regulated blood volume & composition (sodium, potassium, electrolytes) 3. Regulates blood pressure 4. Produces hormones 5. Excretes wastes
Tough, fibrous CT that provides support for soft tissue inside Renal capsule
Located near the center of medial external indentation where the ureter, blood & lymphatic vessels, and nerves emerge Renal hilum
Outer, light reddish region next to capsule Renal cortex
Inner, darker reddish brown region Renal medulla
Located in the renal medulla and have wide bases adjacent to cortex & pointed ends (renal papillae) are directed into center of kidney Renal pyramids
Central region of kidney located in the renal sinus & continuous with ureter. It's a larger cavity that collects the urine as its produced Renal pelvis
Cuplike structures that direct urine from collecting ducts in pyramids to major calyx Minor calyx
Structures that direct urine into the renal pelvis & then into the ureter Major calyx
Tube that transports urine from nephron to minor calyx Collecting ducts
Describe the blood flow through the kidney Renal artery - afferent arterioles - glomerulus - efferent arteriole - peritubular capillaries - peritubular veins - inferior vena cava
What is the functional unit of the kidneys? Nephrons
What is the structure of a renal corpuscle? 1. Located in cortex 2. Consists of a cluster of capillaries called glomerulus 3. Surrounded by a double layered epithelial cup
What is the function of a renal corpuscle? Filters fluid
What is the function of a renal tubule? Carries filtered fluid away from glomerular capsule
What 3 regions does the renal tubule consist of? 1. Proximal convoluted tubule 2. Nephron loops (Henle's loop) 3. Distal convoluted tube
Highly coiled & found in the cortex of the kidney Proximal convoluted tubule
This is where the proximal convoluted tubule straightens & dips into medulla, makes a U-turn, & ascends back towards cortex Nephron loops (Henle's loop)
Describe the 3 basic processes performed by nephrons & collecting ducts 1. Filtration 2. Reabsorption 3. Secretion
This hormone acts on the kidney tubules to increase reabsorption of Na+ which results in water reabsorption (which reduces urine output) Aldosterone
This hormone promotes excretion of Na+ and water by acting on kidney tubules & inhibits renin, ADH, & Aldosterone (which increases urine output: decrease in blood volume & BP) Atrial natriuretic peptide
This hormone makes distal convoluted tubule & collecting duct more permeable to water. More water is reabsorbed, reducing urine, volume = water is conserved. Antidiuretic
This hormone enhances reabsorption of Na+ & Cl. Stimulates adrenal gland to secrete aldosterone. Acts on kidney tubules to conserve Na+ and water = increases blood volume & BP Angiotensin II
What do the ureters connect? Ureters connect the renal pelvis to the bladder
How long are ureters? 10-12" long
What do ureters do? Transport urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder
How is urine transported to the bladder by ureters? Primarily by peristalsis but hydrostatic pressure and gravity also contribute
What is the structure of a ureter? 1. Retroperitoneal 2. Consists of a mucosa, muscularis, & a fibrous coat
Hollow muscular organ situated in the pelvic cavity posterior to the pubic symphysis & below parietal peritoneum and is a temporary storage reservoir for urine Bladder
Smooth muscle interwoven in all directions Detrusor muscle
Triangular area formed by 3 openings in the floor of the urinary bladder Trigone area
Drains the urinary bladder from the anterior point of the trigone area and is a thin-walled tube that conveys urine from floor of bladder to the outside of the body Urethra
What type of muscles is each of the urethra's sphincters made of? 1. Internal urethral sphincter: Smooth muscle 2. External urethral sphincter: Skeletal muscle
Urination or voiding, act of expelling urine from the bladder Micturition Reflex
What must be balanced to preserve urinary homeostasis? Input of water & electrolytes by output
What does the urinary system regulate? 1. Total volume 2. Distribution 3. Concentration of solutes 4. pH (of body fluids)
Why is fluid regulation essential to urinary homeostasis? If not maintained, body functions fail to proceed at normal rates and can cause dehydration and changes in metabolism.
How do the kidneys maintain homeostasis? Filter waste products from the blood & keep the proper amount of water & nutrients in the blood
Which kidney is slightly lower than the other due to the liver displacing it downward? The right kidney
Stones located in the kidney, renal pelvis, or ureters Kidney stones
Is massage contraindicated by kidney stones Only in acute cases. If client has a history of stones, avoid percussion over the kidneys
Formation of multiple grapelike cysts in kidneys Polycystic Kidney Disease
Is massage contraindicated by polycystic kidney disease? Obtain medical clearance. If granted, suggest voiding before massage and avoid deep, vigorous massage over lumbar area
Failure of kidneys to perform their physiologic functions adequately Renal Failure
Is massage contraindicated by renal failure? Yes
Removal of toxin from blood when kidneys are unable Renal dialysis
Name two types of renal dialysis 1. Hemodialysis 2. Peritoneal dialysis
External machine filters blood during this Hemodialysis
Does renal dialysis contraindicate massage? 1. Obtain medical clearance 2. Avoid arm or abdomen where shunt or catheter is located 3. Use lighter pressure 4. Reduce treatment time to 30 minutes
Infection of one or more urinary structures; usually from bacteria Urinary Tract Infection
Where is the infection located when cystitis is present? Urinary bladder
Where is the infection located when urethritis is present? Urethra
Where is the infection located when pyelonephritis is present? Upper urinary tract
Name 3 types of urinary tract infections 1. Cystitis 2. Urethritis 3. Pyelonephritis
Does a urinary tract infection contraindicate massage? Follow primary cause of infection's protocol
Involuntary loss of control of bladder Urinary Incontinence
Urine loss during activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, and physical exercise Stress incontinence
Strong, sudden urge to urinate, bladder contracts, and then urine loss Urge incontinence
Does incontinence contraindicate massage? No. Suggest voiding before the massage. Avoid abdominopelvic area if pressure causes uneasiness or discomfort
What does urine leave the bladder through? The urethra
What does urine contain? Waste products of metabolism found in plasma
What does the renal pelvis drain into? The ureter
What do the kidneys secrete to help control blood pressure? Renin
The smooth transparent layer that surrounds the kidney Adipose Capsule
Where does filtration of blood in the kidney occur? Glomerulus
What is the loop of Henle associated with? Reabsorption
What is a function of the kidney? Regulate blood ionic composition
Where do the renal papillary ducts empty into? Minor calyces
What is glomerular filtrate produced as a result of? Blood pressure
The external opening of the urinary system External urethral orifice
What function does the hormone erythropoietin secreted by the kidneys have? Control the rate of red blood cell production
What does urine reach the bladder by? Ureter
Name two parts of the nephron 1) Renal corpuscle 2) Renal tubule
What are the specialized cells called that cover the visceral layer of Bowman's capsule? Podocytes
What protects and supports the kidney externally? Connective & adipose tissue
A decrease or cessation of glomerular filtration Renal failure
This is where most reabsorption in the kidney occurs Proximal convoluted tubule
The main regulator of facultative water reabsorption Antidiuretic hormone
Parasympathetic fibers conduct impulses from the spinal cord that cause contraction of the detrusor muscle during this action Micturition Reflex
This is the only place in the kidney where filtration occurs Renal corpuscle
What is the chemical that causes the color of urine called? Urochrome
What is the effectiveness rate of kidneys at the age of 70? 50%
Created by: khawkin
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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