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SOCI1010 Chp 8

Introduction to Sociology Chapter 8: Social Stratification

social stratification system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy
social mobility a change in position within a social hierarchy
caste system social stratification based on ascription or birth
class system social stratification based on birth and individual achievement
meritocracy social stratification based on personal merit
status inconsistency degree of uniformity in a person's social standing across various dimensions of social inequality
structural social mobility a shift in the social position of large numbers of people due more to changes in society itself than to individual efforts (Depression, Baby Boom etc)
ideology cultural beliefs that justofy particular social arrangements including patterns of inequality
Davis-Moore Thesis assertion that social stratification exists in every society because it has beneficial consequences for the operation of society
capitalists people who OWN and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits
proletarians people who sell their labor for wages
alienation experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness
blue-collar occupations lower-prestige jobs that mostly involve manual labor
white-collar occupations higher-prestige jobs that involve mostly mental activity
socioeconomic status (SES) a composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequality
conspicuous consumption buying and using products because of the statement they make about social position (ie: a BMW and high class or iPod/Apple)
income earnings form work or investments
wealth total value of money and other assets, minue outstanding debts
intragenerational mobility change in social position WITHIN ones lifetime
intergenerational mobility upward OR downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents
relative poverty lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more (I only have a generic mp3 player compared to that guys iPod!)
absolute poverty lack of resources that is life threatening
feminization of poverty trend of women to make up an increasing proportion of the poor (think about this - why is this occuring?)
Karl Marx stated that social position was related to the relationship between an individual and the means of production: owners versus workers. Owners benefitted from the labor of the workers. Believed a revolution would create a utopian communist way of life.
Max Weber Believe that social position was relative to the posession of prestige, wealth and political party position (aka POWER). Did not believe that a revolution would ever occur.
Created by: MrsAFlaherty
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