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Wilkins Ch. 10


A little white or reddish ulcer Aphtha
Outer scab-like layer of solid matter formed by drying of a body exudate or secretion Crust
A closed, epithelial-lined sac, normal or pathologic, that contains fluid or other material Cyst
Back surface; opposite of ventral Dorsal
Outermost & nonvascular layers of the skin composed of basal, spinous, granular, & horny layer Epidermis
The dermis or true skin just beneath the epidermis; well supplied with nerves & blood vessels Corium
Soft tissue slightly depressed lesion in which the epithelium above the basal layer is denuded Erosion
Red area of variable size & shape; reaction to irritation, radiation, or injury Erythemia
Growing outward Exophytic
A benign bony growth projecting from the surface of the bone Exostosis
A narrow slit or cleft in the epidermis where infected ulceration, inflammation, & pain can result Fissure
Pertaining to or used in legal proceedings Forensic
Of unknown etiology Idiopathic
Hardened; abnormally hard Indurated
Disease of the lymph nodes; regional lymph node enlargement Lymphadenopathy
Science that deals with form & structure Morphology
Perceiving by sense of touch Palpation
Small, nipple-shaped projection or elevation Papilla
Circumscribed flat lesion larger than a macule; differentiated from surrounding epidermis by color and/or texture Patch
Elevated lesion attached by a thin stalk Pedunculated
Hemorrhagic spot of pinpoint to pinhead size Petechia
Any growth or mass protruding from a mucous membrane Polyp
A loose membranous layer of exudate containing microorganisms, precipitated fibrin, necrotic cells, & inflammatory cells produced during an inflammatory reaction on the surface of a tissue Pseudomembrane
Marked with points or punctures differentiated from the surrounding surface by color, elevation, or texture Punctate
Containing, forming, or discharging pus Purulent
Reddening of the skin Rubefacient
Cicatrix; mark remaining after healing of a wound or healing following a surgical intervention Scar
Induration or hardening Sclerosis
Elevated lesion with a broad base Sessile
Collective term that includes a wide range of disorders of the masticatory system Temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
Bony elevation or prominence usually located on the midline of the hard palate & lingual surface of the mandible in the premolar area Torus
Motor disturbance of the trigeminal nerve, especially spasm of the masticatory muscles with difficulty in opening the mouth Trismus
Anterior or inferior surface; opposite of dorsal Ventral
A wartlike growth Verruca
Type of palpation that uses a single finger digital
Palpation type that uses a finger & thumb of the same hand bidigital
Use of finger or fingers & thumb from each hand applied simultaneously in coordination bimanual palpation
The 2 hands are used at the same time to examine corresponding structures on opposite sides of the body bilateral palpation
A small circumscribed lesion(1 cm or less in diameter) with a thin surface covering Vesicle
Lesion may be more or less than 5 mm in diameter & contains pus Pustule
A large lesion (more than 1 cm) that is filled with fluid Bulla
Created by: hhummel221
Popular Dentistry sets




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