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SOCI1010 Chp 7

Introduction to Sociology Chapter 7: Deviance, De More

deviance recognized violation of cultural norms
crime violation of society's formally enacted criminal law
social control attempts by society to regulat epeople's thoughts and behavior
criminal justice system the organizations (police, courts, prison officials) that respond to alleged violations of the law
labeling theory idea that deviance and conformity result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions
stigma a powerfully negative label that greatly changes a person's self-concept and social identity
medicalization of deviance the transformation of moral and legal deviance into a medical condition
white-collar crime crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations
corporate crime illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf
organized crime a business supplying illegal goods or services
hate crime a criminal act against a person or a person's property by an offender motivated by racial or other bias
crime against the person crimes that direct violence or threat of violence against others; violent crime
crimes against property crimes that involves theft of money or property belonging to others; property crimes
victimless crimes violations of laws in which there are no obvious victims
plea bargaining a legal negotiation in which a prosecutor reduces the charge in exchange for a defendant's guilty plea
retribution an act of moral vengance by which society by which society makes the the offender suffer as much as the suffering caused by the crime
societal protection rendering an offender incapable of furthe roffences temporarily through imprisonment or permanently through execution
criminal recidivism later offenses by people previously conviceted of crimes
community-based corrections corrections programs operating within society at large rather than prison walls
Merton's strain theory theory that argues deviance results from particular social arrangements; specifically depending on whether society provides the means to achieve cultural goals.
conformity achieving culturally accepted goals through conventional (culturally accepted) means
innovation achieving culturally accepted goals through the use of unconventional means (such as crime)
ritualism adhering to culturally accepted means of acheiving goals despite the inability to do so
retreatism rejecting both cultural goals and the means to achieve them
rebellion rejecting both cultural goals and the means to achieve them, but also forming a counterculture and/or alternatives to the existing cultural order
Sutherlands Differential Association Theory theory that people ar emore likely to engage in delinquent behavior if they believe that peers encourage such activity
Hirschi's Control Theory Links conformity to four types of social control: attachement, opportunity, involvement and belief
Structural-Finctionalism & Deviance deviance is part of social organization; by defining deviance society sets boundries
Symbolic Interactionism & Deviance devinac is part of a socially constructed reality that emerges in interaction; come sinto being as individuals label something deviant
Social Conflict & Deviance deviance results from social inequality; norms, including laws, reflect the interest of the powerful members of society
Created by: MrsAFlaherty
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