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education 204 midter

notes on education for midterm

Complexities of classrooms multi-dimensional, simultaneous, immediate, unpredictable, public
Factors that contribute to first year success mentor/induction programs, knowing your students, organization, classroom management, teaching effectively
Experience as a learner triangle, teacher, subject matter, learner
Changes in American society safety, openness, maturity, technology, unemployment, obesity, sexuality, crime/violence
Culture knowledge, attitudes, values, customs, and behaviors of a social group influences learning
Ethnicity ancestry, how people identify themselves, a component of culture
Gender bias discrimination based on differences between males/females that limit opportunities
Gender-role identity societal differences in expectations and beliefs about appropriate roles and behaviors of boys and girls
Stereotype rigid simplistic caricature of a particular group of people
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences 8 different ways people are smart
Name 8 different intelligences linguistic (poet), logical-mathematical (scientist), musical (composer), spatial (navigator), bodily-kinesthetic (athlete), interpersonal (therapist), intrapersonal (self-aware individual), naturalist (biologist)
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) 1990 children with special needs must be in regular classrooms
Education for Handicapped Act (EHA) 1975, older version of IDEA, must have free appropriate public education (FAPE), and least restricted environment (LRE)
Individualized Education Plan (IEP), what children are allowed to receive, goals of child, has an age limit
504 plans helping children who need something and assistance (another form of IEP), less detailed
EL English learners
ELL English language learners
LEP limited English proficiency
FLEP formerly limited English proficiency
ESL English as a second language
ESOL English for speakers of other languages
BICS Basic interpersonal communication skills, social language
CALP Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, academic
Blooms Taxonomy Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
BT remember highlighting, rehearsal, memorizing, mnemonics
BT understand translating, interpreting, summarize, paraphrase, students explain
BT apply case studies, predict what would happen if, model this, judge the effects
BT analyze breaking down into parts, challenging assumptions, debates, discussions
BT evaluate according to some set of criteria, and state why, find the errors, defend
BT create combining elements into a pattern not clearly there before, modeling, design, reflection through journaling, debates
Learning objectives statements that specify what students should know or be able to do with respect to a topic (student centered)
Writing objectives Mager, ABCD-Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree, Gronlund, Know-understand-apply
Curriculum everything that teachers teach and students learn in school
Formal curriculum standards, and what is explicitly to be taught in classroom, and tested
Informal curriculum (implicit) unstated values and morals that come through teaching
Controversial issues in curriculum sex education, moral and character education, service learning, intelligent design, censorship
The Virginia Standards of Learning (What are SOLs?) standards that show what teachers teach and students learn
WIDA World Class Instructional Design and Assessment, has standards for ELL students, 6 levels, and 5 are assessed in
Effective Teaching maximizes learning for all students, requires careful and deliberate planning, utilize complex skills that promote learning and motivation
Instructional Strategies the hook, attract interest, relevance, personalize instruction, real world problems, high expectations and involvement
Instructional alignment match between learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments
Direct instruction teach essential knowledge and skills through teacher explanation and modeling followed by student practice and feedback
Lecture-discussion teach through presentations and frequent questioning to monitor learning progress
Guided discovery teach concepts and other abstractions by giving students data and assisting them in finding patterns through teacher questioning
Cooperative learning help learners meet specific learning and social interaction objectives in structured groups
WIDA standards social and instructional, language arts, math, science, and social studies
Model performance indicators (MPI) samples of language that can be assessed, language function, constant stem or sample topic, support or strategy
Characteristics of ELL students risk-taking, anxiety, extroversion v. introversion, motivation
Stages of ELL development pre-production, early production, speech emergence, immediate fluency
Pre-production listen and watch others, repetition of vocab., use visuals, silent period
Early production basic understanding rules, assimilates vocab, sensitive error correction, pre-reading, may feel emotionally drained
Speech emergence more advanced sentence structure, more willing to talk and interact, gentle correction, frustration starts to fade
Intermediate fluency making more sophisticated mistakes, higher level questions, resolves conflicts verbally, direct instruction, celebrate their success
Name of a journal Education full text
Differences between professional journals and popular magazines journals have references and popular magazines often have a large amount of glossy pictures
Characteristics of Professionalism autonomy, decision/reflection making, ethical standards, specialized knowledge
Inaction decision-making at the moment decisions
Onaction decision-making reflection, how did the lesson go
Reflection the act of thinking about and analyzing your actions
Old Deluder Satan Act (1647) every town with more than 50 people had to have school
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), 2001, adequate yearly progress, more local control, proven methods-doing what works, parental voice-school choice
Common school movement advocated public education and was led by Horace Mann
Latin Grammar School (1635) college prep institution for boys, narrow curriculum, costly
Academy of Philadelphia (1751) focused on practical America, eliminated religion, some support from government
English Classical School (1821) for boys not attending college, practical
Comprehensive high school must help all students succeed
Educational equality laws title IX (gender equality), Lau v. Nichols (1974)- ELL students, EHA (1975)-disabled
Compensatory education programs increased federal involvement and funding, Title I-supplemental education, head start
Created by: lfalkens
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