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Animal Farm Rev

A review of the movie Animal Farm and Communism

What was the main goal of the revolution? To improve their lives
What was one of the goals of the revolution? Equality for all
Why did the townspeople attack the animal farm the second time? Jealousy, they were afraid that more animals would do it, and other farmers were scared to lose their animals.
Was George Orwell, the narrator of "Animal Farm", for or against communism based on the movie? He was against it.
Why were the animals willing to work hard days, and long hours? They were working for themselves, they got to keep their profit, and they took pride in the animal farm, they wanted it to succeed.
Who did Mr. Jones symbolize? Czar
What did the animal farm symbolize? Soviet Union
Who did Major symbolize? Lenin
Why did animal farm fail? Napoleon was being a bad leader and became power hungry, he thought that him and the other pigs were better than everybody else and the other animals didn't notice until it was too late.
who did the dogs symbolize? the dogs symbolized Stalin's secret police.
what did the windmill symbolize? it brought all the animals together.
what did the raven symbolize? the raven symbolized death.
what did the fat cat symbolize? it symbolized the good and easy life of some of the other animals that did not live on the farm.
Why were some of the animals against the revolt? Their farmers treated them well.
Who was Stalin in the movie? Napoleon
How did Benjamin see the pigs at the end of the movie? He saw them as Mr. Jones and the other farmers
Why did Napoleon sick the dogs on snowball? Because snowball wanted to do what major did and truly make things better.
What were some of the basic rules for the animal farm? No animal shall kill another animal. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall sleep in a bed. Four legs are good, two legs are bad. All animals are equal
Who was killed by Stalin's agents? Trotsky
What was the significance between the name changes of the farm? The rebirth of the farm.
What happened to Boxer and why? He was sold to a glue factory because he was injured and could not work.
Why is the Bull for animal farm? Because he is also mistreated and wants it to change.
Why did the animal farm fail? Because they turned into what they trying to change.
Why were the other farmers against Animal Farm? They did not want their own animals to revolt against them.
Why did some of the animals outside the farm not support Animal Farm? Because they were happy with how everything was going for them, and they did not want to change.
What are some of the rules after Napoleon took over completely? All animals are equal, but others are more equal, no animal shall kill another animal without cause, no animal shall sleep in a bed without sheets.
Where did the Secret Police come from? The were the children of the first animal that was killed.
Why did the other farmers come back a second time? Because they were embarrassed that the animals could run the farm better than they could, also they were taking all of their profits.
Who got the animals to overthrow the pigs? Benjamin
What happened to the animals that figured out what the pigs were doing? They were killed by the dogs.
Created by: dsalvucci
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