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Chiroboards2: Ob/GYN

ChiroBoards2: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Alpha fetoprotein measured in pregnant women as a screening tool for developmental abnormalities
Alpha fetoprotein: abnormal in (2) conditions Down Syndrome and Open Neural Tube defects
Amenorrhea abnormal cessation of menses
Amniocentesis: done for 3 reasons Done for the health of fetus, chromosomes, and lung maturity
Breast milk: deficient in (2) vitamin D and Iron
Colostrum First Breast milk
Dilation of the cervix (what stage?) stretching that occurs during 1st stage of labor
Dysmenorrhea painful menses
Dystocia abnormal, painful, or prolonged labor
Effacement Thinning of the cervix
Engagement decent of the fetal skull to the level of the ischial spines
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Excessive nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Laparoscopy: for Endometriosis
Lightening Baby drops into pelvis 2 weeks before delivery and causes lower abdominal pain
Linea Nigra midline dark tummy streak
Lochia during and post-delivery vaginal discharge
Lochia: colors 1st = red; 2nd = yellow; 3rd = white
Mittelschmerz pain in abdomen at ovulation
multiparous more than one delivery
nulliparous never given birth to viable infant
primpara first preg. of viable infant
M/C cause of post partum Infxn C-section
puerperium time between delivery of placenta to complete involution
Quickening 1st perception(felt) by the mother of a fetal life inside her
station identifies fetal position in relation to the ischial spines
best signs of pregnancy (2) menses 3 weeks late and presence of fetal heartbeat
Chadwick's sign bluish discoloration of the vagina
Goodell's sign softening of the tip of the cervix
Hegar's sign softening of the isthmus of the uterus
Piskacek's enlarged uterus near the uterine tube over the site of implantation
most common reason for post-partum hemorrage? atonic uterus
Braxton Hick's contractions early uterine contractions without cervical changes
m/c area affected by malignancy in female's genital tract? cervix
Chloasma aka melasma
Chloasma brown hyperpigmentation of the face/"mask of pregnancy"
Choriocarcinoma Malignancy of the placenta due to abnormal epithelium
Cystocele Herniation of bladder into the vagina
Eclampsia toxemia of pregnancy
Eclampsia: causes..... hypertension, leading to convulsions
Endometriosis Abnormal endometrial tissue outside the uterus
Endometriosis: musculoskeletal symptom abdominal/back pain
M/c type of post-partum infection (bac. =___) and causes ____ staph/strep; endometritis
Fibrocystic breast dx palpable nodules in breast after ovulation with regression after menses
Hyatidiform mole benign trophoblastic tissue which develops at the placenta
Hyatidiform mole: if malignant, is called ? Choriocarcinoma
Hydatidiform mole: blood test Very high HCG level
Pre-eclampsia toxemia of pregnancy with HEP signs
Pre-eclampsia : HEP Hypertension, Edema, Proteinuria
Rectocele Herniation of the rectum into vagina
FSH: does what? maturation of the follicle
HCG: does what? promotes health of corpus leuteum; used to detect pregnancy
LH: does what? most responsible for ovulation
oxytocin: does what? (2) uterine contractions during labor and milk let down
Prolactic: does what? milk production
1st stage of labor (time span) 1st meaningful contraction to full dilation of cervix (10cm)
2nd stage of labor (time span) From full dilation of the cervix to delivery of baby
3rd stage of labor (time span) Delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
4th stage of labor (time span) Delivery of placenta to several hours later when uterine tone helps expel any remaining contents.
Praevia low lying placenta with partial obstruction of the internal os
Abruptio placenta; detaches from site; premature separation causes spontaneous abortion
Accreta placenta does not separate after delivery
Battledore placenta umbilical cord is attached at the margin of the placenta
Pap Smear Classification: I Normal
Pap Smear Classification: II Atypical or benign (infxn or inflamm.)
Pap Smear Classification: III dysplasia/pre-cancerous
Pap Smear Classification: IV In situ/non-invasive carcinoma
Pap Smear Classification: V Malignancy/invasive
Created by: bglasman
Popular Chiropractic sets




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