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Allied Health


How many muscles are in the human body? There are 650 bones in the human body
What are the three main functions of muscles? Responsible for all bosy movement, responsible for body form and shape(posture), and responsible for body heat and maintaining body temperature
Is skeletal muscle voluntay? Yes, it is.
Where is cardiac muscle located? It is found only in the heart and it is involuntary.
What is muscle tone? When muscles are slightly contracted and ready to pull (flacid: loosing muscle tone)
What is muscle fatigue? caused by the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles( over working the muscles , lacking oxygen)
What is extensibility? the ability to be streched. ( becoming longer)
What is elasticity? the abilty of mucles to return to its original length when relaxing
What is a motor unit? a motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it stimulates. ( provides guidance)
What is contractibility? the abilty of a muscle to reduce the distance between the parts of its contents or the space that is surrounds
What is a sphincter? special circular muscles in openings of esophagus and stomach, stomach and small intentine, anus, uretha and mouth
What is skeletal muscle? Attached to the bone and is staited(striped) apperance, voultary, and contracts quickly, fatigue easily, cant maintain contraction for long periods of time.
What does the massester muscle do? It closes the jaw.
Do muscles give us shape? Yes muscles provide shape and produce most of our boddy heat.
What are the three types of muscles? The three types of muscles are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.
What are the characteristics of smooth muscle? Smooth muscle is visceral(organ muscle) this muscle is found in the walls of the digestive system, uterus and blood vessels. This muscle is involuntary, and is controlled by autonomic nervous system.
How do muscles move bones? Muscles move bones by pulling on them.
Where does movement occur? Movement occurs at the joint between the origin and the insertion.
Do muscles work by themselves? No, groups of muscles usually contract to provide a single movement.
What is neuromuscular junction? The junction between the motor neuron's fiber which transmits the impulse, and the muscle cell membrance (liquid relased to carry the message; chemical reaction)
what is acetylcholine? chemical neurotransmitter, diffuses across the synaptic cleft(carries impulse across synaptic cleft)
What is oxygen debt? After exercise, the amount of oxygen needed by the muscle to change lactic acid back to glucose
Wasting away of muscle due to lack of use. Atrophy
What is hypertrophy? an increase in the size of the muscle cell.
What is a strain? tear in the muscle resulting from excessive use. Bleeding inside the muscle can result in pain and swelling.
What is a muscle spasam(cramp)? sustained contraction of the muscle, usually because of overuse.
What is myalgia and tendonitis? Myalgia:muscle pain , Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon
What does R.I.C.E. stand for? Rest, Ice, Compress, Elavation
Latissiumus dorsi the lower back
Pectoralis major the chest (men: the part where boobs are flexed)
Bucciator muscle moving the cheeck
Hamstrings posterior thigh
Gastrocnemius posterior leg (back of calf)
intercostal muscles between the ribs
Created by: Netta16
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