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Biochemistry 2 E3,3

Biochemistry 2 Palmer Exam 3 Pentose Phosphate Pathway

pentose phosphate pathway produces ribose 5 phosphate
hexose monophosphate pathway starts with glucose 6 phosphate
the pentose phosphate pathway makes what ribose and NADPH
the main emzyme for the pentose phosphate pathway is what glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
what is the location of the hexose monophophate pathway cytosol
hexose monophosphate pathway makes 2NADPH and glucose 6 phosphate
what would stimulate building new cells glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
anything that consumes ribose stimulates pentose phosphate pathway
what are the 4 things for NADPH utilization 1)reductive biosynthesis 2)detoxification 3)respiratory bursts 4)antioxidant regeneration
what is reductive biosynthesis building things by adding electrons -fat, cholesterol, steroid hormones, bile salts
what is detoxification making toxins more water soluble for excretion by adding electrons from NADPH -toxins are then excreted by urine -adding OH to make molecules more H2O soluble
what is respiratory bursts creating "harsh chemistry" to kill bad guys by using electrons from NADPH -white blood cells take more O2 "respiratory burst" -O2 and e- make very reactive molecules(harsh chemistry) -reactive molecules are sequestered in a vesicle where the bacteria d
what is antioxidant regeneration adding electrons from NADPH to antioxidants so they can keep protecting the body from free radicals -reactive molecules are inactivated by antioxidants, NADPH gives antioxidants electrons
substance that inhibits oxidation and is capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation in body tissue antioxidant
atom or molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons free radical
common radicals/reactive species 1)O2- superoxide 2)H2O2 hydrogen peroxide 3).OH hydroxyl
process by which electronically excited molecules are inactivated quenching
process by which the antioxidant's reducing power is restored regeneration
antioxidants give electrons to free radicals
what is the function of superoxide dismutase 1)eliminate superoxide 2)produce hydrogen peroxide
anything that consumes NADPH stimulates pentose phosphate pathway
what are the key enzymes for the pentose phosphate pathway 1)glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase 2)superoxide dismutase 3)catalase 4)glutathione peroxidase 5)myeloperoxidase 6)cytochrome P-450 mono-oxygenase system
what are the 2 products of pentose phosphate pathway ribose and NADPH
ribose is sugar for what 1)DNA 2)RNA 3)ATP 4)CoA 5)NAD 6)FAD
NADPH is reducing power for 1)reductive biosynthesis 2)detoxification 3)respiratory burst 4)antioxidant
what is the enzyme for the pentose phosphate pathway glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
what is G6P dehydrogenase stimulated by 1)NADP 2)building new cells -reductive biosynthesis -antioxidant regeneration -WBC respiratory bursts -detoxification
what is G6P dehydrogenase inhibited by 1)NADPH 2)ribose 3)AMP, ADP (low energy)
Created by: ellerjason12
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