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Test 2 Muscles

Systemic Anatomy Test 2

Characteristics of skeletal muscle Irritability, Contractility, Extensibility, Elasticity
Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatus m., infraspinatus m., teres minor m., subscapularis m.
Muscles that attach to the clavicle Superior surface: Trapezius m., SCM m., Pectoralis major m., Deltoid m. Inferior surface: Sternohyoid m., Subclavius m.,
Muscles that move the humerus Deltoid m., Supraspinatus m., Infraspinatus m., Teres minor m., Teres major m., Subscapularis m., Pectoralis major m., Corachobrachialis m.,
Definition of Origin Usually the proximal end of the muscle, the less movable of the two points of attachment of a muscle, that end which remains fixed or stationary
Definition of Insertion Usually the distal end of the muscle, the movable end, that end which moves in relation to the rest of the skeleton
Muscle Architecture and Fiber Arrangement Flat (parallel fibers), parallel (strap-like), fusiform (spindle shape), convergent (fan shaped), sphincter (close body openings), pennate (fibers converge on a tendon)
Actions of the SCM m. flexes neck, extends head, turns head to side
Muscles that attach to the mastoid process SCM m., digastric m. (posterior belly),
Muscles that attach to Mt 5 Fibularis brevis m., fibularis tertius m.
Muscles that attach to the Greater Trochanter Gluteus medius & minimus mm., piriformis m., superior & inferior gemellus mm., Obturator internus & externus mm., qaudratus femoris m. (b/w trochs), vastus lateralis m.
Structures associated with the anatomical snuff box Abductor pollicus longus m. (lateral border) Extensor pollicus brevis m. (lateral border), extensor pollicus longus m. (medial border)
The 3 columns of the Erector Spinae mm. Medial column - spinalis mm., Intermediate column - Longissimus mm., Lateral column - Iliocostalis mm.
Basic attachments of the Semispinalis mm. O: TP's of C4-T10 I: superior nuchal line and SP's of C2-T4
Attachment pattern of the Rotator mm. O: TP of vertebra, I: Long Rotator - SP of 2nd vert. superior to its origin, Short rotator - SP of the vert. immediately above its origin
Attachment pattern of the Multifidus mm. O: TP's (from L5-T1, lamina of vert. from S4-C2, and articular processes from C6-C4) I: SP's 2-4 segments superior to origin
What is significant about the Quadrangle space Houses the axillary n. and posterior circumflex humeral a.
Tibialis posterior m. O: posterior surface of tibia and fibula and interosseous membrane; I: navicular bone, cuboid bone, cuneiform bones, and bases of Mt 2,3, and 4; A: plantar flex and inverts foot, supports the arches; N: Tibial n.
Structures seen within the confines fo the SOT Atlas, vertebral a., suboccipital n. - dorsal ramus of C1
Muscles of mastication Masseter m., temporalis m., medial pterygoids mm., lateral pterygoids mm.
Extrinsic muscles of the eye Levator palpebrae superioris m., superior oblique m., inferior oblique m., medial rectus m., lateral rectus m., superior rectus m., inferior rectus m.
Latissimus dorsi m. O: SP's of T6 to sacrum, iliac crest, inferior 4 ribs; I: crest of lesser tubercle of humerus and floor of intertubercular groove; A: extend, adduct, and medially rotate humerus at shoulder & retract scapula; N: thoracodorsal n.
Levator scapulae m. O: TP's of C1-C4; I: superior portion of medial border of scapula; A: elevate scapula, flex neck; N: dorsal scapular n.
Trapezius m. O: medial aspect of superior nuchal line, EOP, Ligamentum nuchae, SP's C7-T12; I: lateral 1/3 clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula; A: elevate, depress, retract scapula, hyperextend neck, brace shoulder; N: spinal root CN XI, ventral rami of C3, 4
Muscles of facial expression Frontalis m., orbicularis oculi m., nasalis m., risorius m., orbicularis oris m., procerus m., levator labii superioris m., zygomaticus m., depressor anguli oris m., depressor labii inferioris m., levator palpebrae superioris m.
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue Genioglossus m., Styloglossus m., Hyoglossus m.
Muscles of the anterior thigh Vastus lateralis m., rectus femoris m., vastus intermedius m., vastus medialis m., sartorius m.
Muscles of the posterior thigh Biceps femoris m., semitendinosus m., semimembranosus m.
Quadratus lumborum m. O: iliac crest, lower 3 lumbar vert.; I: 12th rib and upper 4 lumber vert.; A: lateral flexion of vert. column; N:
Created by: cfierro
Popular Chiropractic sets




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