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A new nation

American History

Who was unanimously chosen as the first president of the U.S. under the constitution? George Washington
Define Precendent Traditions
Define Presidential Cabinet the people who advise the president
Secretary of State under Washington Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of Treasure under Washington Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of War under Washington Henry Knox
Attorney General under Washington Edmond Randolf
The Judiciary Act of 1789 a federal court system w/ 13 district courts and 3 circuit courts
National Debt the amount the national government owes
Alexander Hamilton's plan to pay off debt Selling savings bonds
Who memorized the plans to build the city and led in the building of the capitol Benjamin Bannacker
Unconstitutional Not consistant with the constitution
Tariff tax on imports
When was the first time federal government forced the states to do something they did not agree to The Whiskey Rebellion
Problems between native americans and government US had no power US keep taking land, pushing natives away
What happened in Europe shortly after George Washington became president The French Revolution
What European countries were fighting in 1793 France and Great Britain
Who's side was the U.S. on in the war in Europe Neutral
Who was the diplomat sent to recruit american volunteers? Edmond Genet
Jay's Treaty British were to withdraw from American soil
The Pickney Treaty Agreement made with British so farmers could use a river
A presidential term 4 years
How did Washington deliver his farewell address in the newspaper
What city was used to inaugurate George Washington? New York City
Who got to pick where the federal capitol would be built The south asked George Washington
The river that is located near the capital Potomac River
The person who designed the capital James Hoban
Architech that was going to build washington dc Pierre L'Enfant
Created by: mouldsr
Popular U.S. History sets




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