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Ch. 10 Test RadBio


What are the factors that are most modifiable for radiation protection? Time, Distance, Shielding
What is the relationship between time and radiation exposure? (Equation) directly proportional (I1/I2 = t1/t2)
Of the three factors, which is the most effective means of reducing radiation exposure? Distance
What is the relationship between distance and radiation exposure/intensity? intensity is the inverse of the square of the distance. ( I1/I2 = (D2/D1)squared)
If the distance is cut in half, intensity will increase by a factor of... 4 (4x the original density)
If distance is doubled, the intensity will decrease by a factor of... 4 (1/4 of the original density)
If the distance decreased what happens to the intensity? increases
If the distance increased, what happens to the intensity? decreased
What is the relationship between mAs and intensity of radiation? equation Directly proportional relationship (mAs1/mAs2 = I1/I2)
What is the preferred material for shields? lead
How high must a primary barrier be? 7 ft
The control booth is considered what form of barrier? a secondary barrier
The ceiling is considered what form of barrier? a secondary
What is a primary barrier? any wall or other barrier that is not strukh by the primary beam.
What is a secondary barrier? a barrier that may be struck by secondary/scatter radiation.
What makes materials such as lead to have an increased attenuation? high atomic weight
A lead shield that may provide 97% attenuation at 50 kVp. How much will it provide at 100 kVp? 50%
What percentage should a 0.5 mm lead equiv. attenuate at 75 kVp? 90%
According to NCRP Report No. 102, what leads should be used in Flouroscopy? 0.5 mm
What is the average dose to the thyroid during a fluoro exam? 6 mrad
What is a mobile shield? A shield that is not stationary and can be moved around the room.
Define Cataractogenic. Causing formation of cataracts.
Lead glasses have what lead equiv.? 0.75 mm
What is the monthly dose allowed for a fetus according to NCRP No. 116? 50 mrem (o.5 mSv)
Created by: 755681634
Popular Science sets




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