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A New Nation-- Jaeg

A New Nation--Jaeg

What document signed in 1215, made the king subject to law? Magna Carta
What did Great Britian make American merchants pay on imports and exports? High Tariffs
What led a forces shutdown of the Supreme Court to protest the way the state decided to pay its debts? Shay's Rebellion
What series of essays was written to assure the amerian people that a strong central government would not overpower the states? Federalist Papers
What debate did the Three-Fifths Compromise help settle? representation
Why were the Articles of Confederation sent to each state legislature? for RATIFICATION or offical approval
A time of low economic activity and high unemployment is called ... depression
What plan did William Patterson proposed to stop larger states from gaining too much power? New Jersey Plan
Which group opposed the Constitution because they thought it gave too much power to the central government? Anti-Federalists
What did Congress pass to create a system for bringing new states into the Union? Northwest Ordinance of 1787
T or F...Thomas Jefferson and James Madison felt the most serious flaw in Hamilton's plan for a national bank was that it would not help the economy grow False
T or F..Supreme court decisions can be vetoed by the president and overridden by Congress False
T or F..Supporters of gun control have argued that the second amendment was designed to protect individuals right to self-defense? False
T or F...once someone becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen, it is impossible for his or her citizenship to be taken away? False
T or F..The framers of the Constitution set it up to make the government more elastic or flexible? False
T or F..James Madison's promise to add a bill of rights to the Constitution made it possible for the document to pass? True
T or F..Two thirds of both houses of Congress must vote in favor of a bill to override a president's veto True
T or F..Private citizens can only influence government if they act as members of interest groups False
T or F..According to the Constitution, the vice president plays the role of president of Senate True
T or F..A person accused of a serious crime cannot be tried in court unless he or she has been indicted by a grand jury? True
T or F..The right to a prompt and fair trial is protected by the Bill of Rights? True
What was signed in Nov. 1794 to settle disputes between US and Britain? Jay's Law
What was signed in Oct. 1795 to settle border and trade disputes between US and Spain? Pinckney's Treaty
What supported the idea that states could challenge the federal government? Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
What gave the US claim to most of the Native American territory? Treaty of Greenville
What was the rebellion of French people against their king called in 1789? French Revolution
What was the set of laws passed by the Federalist-controlled Congress to crush opposition to the war? Alien and Sedition Acts
What did Congress charter to make the economy more stable? Bank of the United States
What was the bribery scandal with the French? XYZ Affair
What set up the federal court system? Judiciary Act of 1789
What was the fight between General Wayne's troops and the Native Americans that ended the frontier war? Battle of Fallen Timbers
The original purpose of the Constitutional Convention helpd in May 1787 in Philadelphia's Independence Hall was to what? Improve the Articles of Confederation
According to George Washington's Farewell Address, what was the key to national success? Political unity
After Shay's Rebellion, Americans admitted that the Articles of Confederation failed to do what? Uphold the ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence
How did American farmers feel about the government in 1790? They didn't want government interfering in their daily lives
An amendment to the Constitution is what? An official change
How was a vice president chosen in 1796? He was the presidential candidate that came in second
What is federalism? The sharing of power between a central government and the states of a country
How does a search warrant protect a person's individual rights? It guards someone suspected of a crime from having officials go through their property for no reason
What contributed to the Whiskey Rebellion? Farmers could not afford the tax on whiskey
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was one of the earliest expressions of which basic principle of American government? Separation of church and state
Concurrent powers, or those shared by the states and the federal government, include the powers to do what? Tax, borrow money, and enforce laws
Citizens accept responsibility for protecting others' Sixth Amendment rights to a public trial by doing what? Serving on juries
People who buy items at low prices and hope to sell them for a profit are called what? Speculators
Which duty of a citizen ship is encouraged, but not required? Voting in elections
Interstate commerce is the act of what? Trade between two or more states
To which person or group did the framers of the Constitution grant legislative power? Congress
What is an executive order? A presidential command that has the power of law
What is the electoral college? A body of delegates from each state that represents the people's vote in choosing the president
In the opinion of the French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville, why should American citizens motivated to take political action become members of interest goups? Political associations do important work that even the largest government could not accomplish on its own.
Created by: ellist
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