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FSTY-60 Forest Produ

Lumber Key Test

Pinus Strobus Pw -Consistant cream to yellow colour -little difference between early and late wood -large knots (as opposed to pin size knots of spruce) -resin blotches may be present
Picea glauca & Picea mariana Sw, Sb -soft early wood -obvious difference between early and late wood -rough face due to difference between growth rings -pin sized knots -sample may be dimensional/structural lumber (2x4 -similar to Tamarac/Larch but not a greeny hue
Pinus banksiana & Pinus resinosa Pj, Pr -difference between early and late wood present -similar to Tamarac/Larch but not a greeny hue -we do have yet to see clear samples of this -approach GG for more info
Larix laricina TamTam -very much like spruce but with a yellowish green tinge -rough face -high durability and resistance to rot -affectionately abbreviated to "tam-tam" or "rama-rama-tama-tama" although the latter is hardly an abreaviation as it is longer than "tamarack"
Tilia americana Bd -very white consistantly coloured wood -almost identical to poplars -very fine white line present between growth rings that are absent in poplar -real soft and consistant, nice for carving
Populus tremuloides & others Po -very white consistantly coloured wood -almost identical to basswood -no white lines present in growth rings -absence of white lines will be crucial for differentiation between Po and Bd -wicked light
Acer saccharum Mh -beautiful smooth face -creamy consistant colour with attractive grain -may appear iridescent -this is what we are known for in the hard wood belt so recognize biatch! -but be aware that is looks a lot like Mr/Ms -growth rings spaced closer
Acer rubrum & Acer saccharinum Ms, Mr -very similar to Mh but may appear more grey -if we are lucky, will have grey streaks -may have dirtier appearance that Mh -growth rings may be more widely spaced that Mh due to faster growth rate
Prunus Serotina Cb -Very similar to By but pores are so small they are not apparent -red to deep reddish brown heartwood -white to yellowish sapwood
Fagus grandifolia Be -similar to both Cb and By -look for dashed like lines on face and sides -lines appear to be hyphens '-'
Betula alleghaniensis By -very similar to Cb -red to reddish brown colour -fine small pores -faint almost iridescent yellow throughout red -sapwood is creamy to white but do not expect to get sapwood on your test sample
Ulmus americana & Ulmus thomasii Ew, Er -look for vermiculations...which are squiggily lines that run along the growth rings -Er will be yellowish to greeny olive colour
Fraxinus americana Aw -light in colour as compared to Ab -porous but pores are not collecting at early -no rays present -cpt duetsch-bag scot asling says that rays are always present just not visible...
Fraxinus nigra Ab -darker to black in colour as compared to Aw -porous with pores collected in ealy growth -this allowed first nations to pound the ever lovin beh-jezus out of it resulting in Ab veneers
Quercus rubrum Or -very porous -rays visible -rays visible -yup..rays are really visible. -you can see into the pore -majority of pores are open as opposed to Ow -lumber used by dry cooperages (flour, grain, gerald's sense of humour)
Quercus alba Ow -very porous -rays visible -rays visible -yup..rays are really visible. -some pores may be open but are most likely closed making it difficult to see in -this is called tylosis!-for this reason Ow lumber is used by wet cooperages (whiskey, wine, sherry)
Juglans cinerea Bn -it is not any of the other trees -just like Wn but not dark
Juglans nigra Wn -dark dark wood
Tsuga canadensis He -similar to spruce -ring shake may be present -early late wood difference evident
Beyah Jahoonohianus Bj -ha dumby! no such thing
Created by: gcockwell
Popular Agriculture sets




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