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A & P - Sem 1 Final

Anatomy Semester 1 Final Review

Which organ system coordinates and controls other body systems? Nervous System
Where is the cephalic region? Head
Where is the brachial region? Arm
Where is the patellar region? knee
Anatomical term used for something above another thing superior
Anatomical term used for something to the back Posterior
Anatomical term used for something to the front anterior
Anatomical term used farther away from the body trunk distal
What plane divides the body into top and bottom segments? transverse
Anatomical term used to describe something to the side of another? lateral
Anatomical term used to describe someone lying on their back? Supine
The ability of the body to maintain a relatively stable internal environment is called Homeostasis
What is a group of cells that work together to perform a specialized function called? Tissue
What muscle separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities? Diaphragm
What is the name for the position where the person is standing upright with the palms forward? Anatomical
What is the study of microscopic tissues called? Histology
Cells that line the lungs and absorb oxygen are more likely to be simple _______ epithelial cells. Squamous
What type of tissue might be found covering the outside of the body? Epithelial
Chondrocytes are cells found in what type of tissue? Cartilage
What types of tissue would control and coordinate functions in other parts of the body? Nervous
What type of muscle is found in the walls of your internal organs? Smooth
What type of tissue is responsible for binding, protecting, cushioning, insulating, and producing blood cells? Connective
What type of cells are flat and look like scales? Squamous
Matrix is found mainly in what type of tissue? Connective
Adipose tissue is made up of what type of cells? Fat
What term is used to describe tissues that have multiple layers? stratified
What type of epithelial cells are different shapes so that the organs they line can stretch? Transitional
Where would osteons be found? bone
What protein slides past myosin to produce muscle contractions? Actin
Which flexor do you use to bend your elbow? Biceps
Myofiber is another name for what type of cell? Muscle
Movement of a body part in a wide circle is called what? Circumduction
The frontalis muscle is used to move what body part? eyebrow
What type of respiration will produce the most energy for muscle contraction? Aerobic
The end of a bone that is attached to a stationary bone is called what? Origin
What term is used to describe when you move a body part away from your body? Abduction
What muscle allows you to abduct your arm at the shoulder? Deltoid
What orbicularis muscle would you use to close your eyes? Oculi
What orbicularis muscle would you use to move your lips? Oris
Calcium, ATP, actin, myosin, & neurotransmitters are all necessary to contract what? Muscle
What is found deep inside bone? Marrow
What type of bone cells produces new bone tissue? Osteoblasts
What type of bone cells break down bone for remodeling? Osteoclasts
The shoulder and thumb are examples of what type of joint? Ball-and-socket
What connects muscle to bone? tendons
What connects bone to bone? Ligaments
The skull, vertebral column, and rib cage are all part of the ______ skeleton. Axial
Osteoporosis is the loss of what type of tissue as you get older? Bone
What term is used to describe bones in the fingers and toes? Phalanges
Joints where 2 or more bones meet, such as the joints found in the cranium, are called what? Sutures
Cervical vertebrae are found in what region? Neck
What vertebrae are found in the lower back? Lumbar
What type of cells are created in bone marrow? Blood
A bone fracture in which the bone breaks through the skin would be called what? Compound
What is the common name for the coccyx? Tailbone
The rough ER is involved with ribosomes producing what? Proteins
Osmosis is the diffusion of what substance across a membrane? Water
Diffusion across a membrane is considered passive transport because it does not require what? Energy
A cell that requires a lot of energy may contain large numbers of what organelle? Mitochondria
What term is used to describe the process by which a cell’s nucleus divides to create 2 new cells? Mitosis
As a result of mitosis the 2 new cells have _____ (exact/different) copies of the chromosomes present in the parent cell. Exact
Which organelle is responsible for controlling what enters and leaves the cell? Cell membrane
What term is used to describe a membrane that allows only certain materials to pass through? Semipermeable
Due to osmosis, a cell placed in a very highly concentrated salt solution would probably do what? Shrink
Which organelle is responsible for making proteins? Ribosome
Which organelle controls many of the cell’s activities? Nucleus
Which organelle packages, sorts, and distributes proteins? Golgi
The process by which a cell surrounds large particles to absorb them is called? endocytosis
Created by: vanessa.hood
Popular Science sets




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