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Roots - MedTerm

albin- white
acro- extremities
aden- / adeno- gland
angio- vessel-blood
ankyl- crooked-looked
arterio- artery
arthro- joint
aud- /aur- ear-hearing
brachi- arm
bronchi- bronchial/lung/breathing
bucca- cheek
carcin- cancer
cardio- heart
caud- tail
cephal- head
cerebro- brain
cervic- neck
chem- chemistry-drug
chole- bile
cholecyst- gallbladder
chondro- cartilage
chrom- color
coccus- round
col-/colo- colon
colp- vagina
costo- ribs
cranio- skull
cut- skin
cyan- blue
cysto- bladder-sac
cyt-/cyte- cell
dacry- tear duct
dactyl- fingers-toes
dent- tooth
derma- skin
dextr- right
duod- duodenum
echo- sound
edema- swelling
electr- electric
embry- fertilized ovum-embryo
emesis- vomit
enter- intestine
epi- above or on top
erythro- red
esophag- esophagus
esthesi- feeling
fascia- band-fibrous
gastro- stomach
genit- related to birth
gingiva- gum
gloss- tongue
gyne- woman
hemo- blood
hepat- liver
holo- all
hom-/homo- same-alike
hydro- water
hygien- healthful
hyster- uterus-womb
iri- iris-eye
kerat- cornea-scaly
labia- lip
lacrim- tear
lact- milk
lapar- abdomen
laryng- larynx
Leuko- white
Lingua- tongue
lip-/lipo- fat
lith- stone
lymph- fluid
mamm- mast or breast
melan- black
mening- membrane
meno-/mens- menstruate
myelo- bone marrow
myo-/mys-/sarco- muscle or flesh
nares- nose
necr- death
nephro- kidney
neuro- nerve
ocul- eye
odont- tooth
onc- tumor
oo- egg
oophoro- ovary
opthal- eye
orchis- testes
osteo- bone
oto- ear
ova-/ovi- ovary or egg
part- birth
ped-/pod- foot
pedia- child
phag-/phagia- swallow
pharyn- pharynx
phasia- speak
phleb- vein
pleur- pleura of the lung
pneumo- lung
proct- rectum
psych- mind-soul
pulm- lung
pyelo- pelvis of the kidney
pyo- pus
ren- kidney
rhin- nose
sept- infection
soma- body
splen- spleen
spondyl- spine
squam- scaly
stoma- mouth
stric- narrowing
therm- heat
thorac- thorax
thrombo- clot
trach- trachea
vas- vessel
ves-/vesic- bladder/sac
viscer- organ
vit-/vita- life
Created by: nstevens
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