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med term chapter 1/2

med abbreviations

root of word foundation of term
suffix word ending
prefix word beginning
combo vowel combines root to suffix
aden/o gland
arthro/o joint
bi/o life
carcin/o cancerous,cancer
cardi/o heart
cephal/o head
cerebr/o cerebrum
cis/o cut
crin/o to secrete
cyst/o urinary bladder
cyt/o cell
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
electr/o electricity
encephal/o brain
enter/o intestines
erythr/o red
gastr/o stomach
gnos/o knowledge
glyc/o sugar
gynec/o female,woman
hema/o blood
hem/o blood
hepat/o liver
iatr/o something caused by a physician
leuk/o white
log/o study
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
onc/o tumor
opthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
path/o disease
ped/o child
psych/o mind
radi/o x rays
ren/o kidney
rhin/o nose
sarc/o flesh
sect/o to cute
thromb/o clot,clotting
ur/o urinary tract, urine
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-algia pain
-cyte cell
-ectomy excision, removal
-emia blood condition
-genic produced by or in
-globin protein
-gram record
-ic pertaining to
-ion process
-ist specialist
-itis inflammation
-logy study
-oma tumar,mass,swelling
-opsy process of viewing
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease condition
-scope instrument used to physically examine
-scopy process of visually examining
-sis state of, condition
-tomy process of cutting
-y process, conditon
a- no, not, without
an- no, not, without
aut- self, own
auto- self, own
dia- through, complere
end- within
endo- within
epi- above
ex- out
exo- outside of, outward
hyper- excessive, above, more
hypo- deficient, below, under, less
in- into,in
peri- surrounding
re- back, backward, again
retro- behind
sub- below, under
trans- across, through
What does a line above a vowel mean? long sound
what does a u above a vowel mean? short sound
what are cells? the fundamental unit of all living things?
cranial brain
thoracic lungs and heart
abdominal stomach, small and large intestines, spleen, pancreas
pelvic portions of the small and large intestines
what are the first set of 7 vertabrae called? 7 cervical
what are the 2nd set of 12 vertabrae called? 12 thoracic
what are the third set of 5 vertabrae called? 5 lumbar
what are the fourth set of 4 vertabrae called? 4 sical
what is the tail bone of the spine called? coxyagyel
superior towards head
inferior towards feet
posterior dorsal, back
anterior ventral, front
proximal closer to the body
distal farther from body
deep in deep
superficial on top of skin
frontal plane divides body into front and back
sagital plane divides body into left and right halfs
transverse plane top and bottom
medial closer to midline
lateral farther from midline
supine on back
prone on stomach
abdomin/o abdomen
adip/o fat
anter/o front
bol/o to cast, throw
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilege
chrom/o color
coccyg/o coccys(tailbone)
crain/o skull
cyt/o cell
dist/o far, distant
dors/o back portion of the body
hist/o tissue
ili/0 ilium (of pelvic bone)
inguin/o groin
kary/o nucleus
later/o side
lumb/o lover back
medi/o middle
nucle/o nucleus
pelv/i pelvis
poster/o back, behind
sarc/o flesh
spin/o spine
thel/o nipple
tharco chest
trache/o windpipe
umbilic/o navel, umbilical
ventr/o belly, side of body
vertebr/o vertebrae
viscer/o internal organs
ana- up
cata- down
epi- above
hypo- below
inter- between
meta- change
-eal pertaining to
-iac pertaining to
-ior pertaining to
-ism process, condition
-ose pertaining to, full of
-plasm formation
-somes bodies
-type picture
Created by: chelsearichards
Popular Science sets




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