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Pivot Point Ch 7


Which of the following is NOT one of the main purposes of hair? a. support b. adornment c. protection from cold d. protection from injury A Support
The technical term for the study of hair is called: a. biology b. hairology c. trichology d. cosmetology C Trichology
When looking through a microscope, which portion of the hair would display living cells? a. hair bulb b. hair fiber c. hair shaft d. hair strand A Bulb Hair
Hair grows from a tube-like "pocket" called a root sheath or a (n): a. bulb b. follicle c. papilla d. arrector pili B Follicle
The diameter of a hair fiber will be the same as: a. the length of the root sheath b. one-half the size of the root sheath c. the size of the arrector pili muscle d. the inside diameter of the hair follicle D The inside diameter of the hair follicle
What is the natural flow of hair determined by? a. the size of the follicle b. the shape of the head c. the number of follicles d. the angle of the follicle hape of the head c. the number of follicles d. the angle of the follicle D The angle of the follicle
The two primary parts of hair are the hair fiber and the: a. follicle b. papilla c. hair root d. hair strand C Hair root
What is the portion of hair that extends above the skin's surface? a. follicle b. papilla c. hair root d. hair fiber D Hair Fibre
Which of the following resembles the shape of a golf club and covers the follicle at the lower portion of the hair root? a. bulb b. shaft c. papilla d. arrector pili muscle A Bulb
Located at the bottom of the follicle and supplying nourishment to the germinal matrix is the: a. tube b. base c. papilla d. medulla C Papilla
The three major layers of the hair are the medulla, cortex and which of the folling? a. cuticle b. papilla c. hair bulb d. sebaceous glands A Cuticle
The pigment that gives hair its color is found primarily in the: a. cortex b. cuticle c. papilla d. medulla A Cortex
The hair shaft consisting of unique protein structures that gives hair elasticity is called the: a. cortex b. cuticle c. follicle d. medulla A Cortex
The outer covering of the hair shaft made up of overlapping layers of transparent scales is called the: a. cortex b. cuticle c. papilla d. medulla B Cuticle
Hair that has been pulled out from the roots can grow back under which of the folling circumstances? a. the cortex has not been destroyed b. the cuticle has not been destroyed c. the papilla has not been destroyed d. the medulla has not been destroyed C The papilla has not been destroyed
Oil glands are attached to the side of the: a. papilla b. hair bulb c. capillaries d. root sheath or follicle D Root sheath or follicle
The central core of the hair shaft sometimes missing in fine or very fine hair is called the: a. cortex b. cuticle c. papilla d. medulla D Medulla
Which of the following items helps protect the hair and skin from becoming too dry? a. sebum b. hair fiber c. protofibrils d. primitive hair germ A Sebum
What is formed when sebum produced by the oil glands mixes with the body's perspiration? a. medulla b. acid mantle c. arrector pili d. sebaceous glands B Acid Mantle
The muscle that causes the hair to stand on end when a person is scared or cold is known as the: a. cuticle b. papilla c. medulla d. arrector pili D Arrector pili
Hair is made up primarily of: a. protein b. sebum c. telogen d. macros A Protein
Which of the following is known as the active growing stage of hair? a. resting stage b. anagen stage c. catagen stage d. transitional stage B Anagen stage
The active growing stage of hair lasts from: a. 6 months to 1 year b. 2 to 6 years c. 12 to 16 years d. 24 to 50 years B 2 to 6 years
Catagen, a brief transitional phase, lasts for what amount of time? a. only a few weeks b. 1 to 2 years c. 2 to 6 years d. up to 10 years A Only a few weeks
The hair growth stage when all cell division stops is the: a. active stage b. telogen stage c. anagen stage d. catagen stage D Catagen stage
The resting stage of hair growth when the hair bulb has no attached root sheath is referred to as the: a. active stage b. telogen stage c. anagen stage d. catagen stage B Telogen Stage
Human hair, on the average, grows about: a. 1/4 " per month b. 1/2" per month c. 1" per month d. 1 1/2" per month B 1/2" per month
The lips, soles of the feet, palms of the hands and eyelids do not have: a. hair b. cells c. nerves d. muscles A Hair
Cilia is the technical term for: a. brittle hair b. broken hair c. eyelash hair d. hair in the crown C Eyelash hair
The cross-section, or diameter, of the hair shaft is much larger in coarse hair than which of the following? a. fine hair b. gray hair c. curly hair d. blond hair A Fine hair
Which of the following is the hard, resistant layer of protein that protects the hair shaft? a. cortex b. cuticle c. papilla d. medulla B Cuticle
The large variety of hair color is influenced by the amount and distribution of: a. mottled and elastic hair b. coarse and medium hair c. ultraviolet and infrared rays d. eumelanin and pheomelanin D Eumelanin and pheomelanin
What is the lack of pigmentation in the hair and skin called? a. lanugo b. anagen c. albinism d. alopecia C Albinism
Gray hair is caused by a (n): a. reduced pigment in the medulla layer of the hair b. reduced color pigment, melanin, in the cortex layer of the hair c. excessive color pigment in the cuticle layer d. excessive color pigment in the cortex layer B Reduced color pigment, meanin,in the cortex layer of the hair
The process of hair turning gray is usually caused by: a. the natural aging process b. hair damaged at the papilla c. hair fiber over 15 years of age d. being exposed to excessive sunlight A The natural aging process
The degree of coarseness or fineness of the hair fiber is referred to as: a. texture b. density c. porosity d. viscosity A Texture
The number of active hair follicles per square inch on the scalp refers to: a. color b. texture c. density d. porosity C Density
The amount of moisture able to be absorbed by hair is its: a. texture b. density c. capacity d. porosity D Porosity
If the layers of the cuticle are very close together the hair has which type of porosity? a. uneven b. extreme c. average d. resistant D Resistant
Extreme porosity describes hair that has been damaged by the environment or: a. broken b. stretched c. conditioned d. overprocessed D Overprocessed
Which of the following refers to the ability of hair to stretch and return to its original shape without breaking? a. texture b. porosity c. elasticity d. breaking point C Elasticity
Wet hair is able to be stretched to what percent of its length? a. 10 to 20% b. 40 to 50% c. 70 to 80% d. 100 to 150% B 40% to 50%
Small cracks starting in the cuticle and splitting the hair entirely are known as brittle hair, fragilitis crinium or: a. pityriasis b. trichoptilosis c. trichorhexis nodosa d. pityriasis steatoides B Trichoptilosis
Lumps or swelling along the hair shaft is known as trichorrhexis nodosa or: a. alopecia b. gray hair c. matted hair d. knotted hair D Knotted hair
Which of the following is a condition in which alterning bands of gray and dark hair exist? a. matting b. canities c. ringed hair d. monilethrix C Ringed hair
A cosmetologist may have to remove excess hair from areas where there is abnormal coverage, a condition known as: a. monilethrix b. hypertrichosis c. pilica polonica d. trichorrhexis nodosa B Hypertrichosis
Removal methods for hypertrichosis range from tweezing to electrolysis, depending on all of the following factors EXCEPT: a. client preference b. location of the hair c. cosmetologist's preference d. amount of hair to be removed C Cosmetologist's preference
A condiion in which beads or nodes form on the hair shaft is called: a. canities b. nodules c. monilethrix d. hypertrichosis C Monilethrix
A disorder that refers to an overabundance of epithelial cells that have accumulated on the scalp or fallen to the shoulders is known as dandruff or: a. scabies b. pityriasis c. tinea capitis d. tinea favosa B Pityriasis
What are dry epithelial cells attached to the scalp or on the hair, accompanied by itchiness called? a. ringworm b. split ends c. pediculosis capitis d. pityriasis capitis simplex D Pityriasis capitis simplex
The medical term for greasy or waxy dandruff is: a. tinea capitis b. tinea favosa c. pityriasis capitis d. pityriasis steatoides D Pityriasis steatoides
A red, circular patch of small blisters caused by a vegetable parasite is also known as tinea or: a. pityriasis b. ringworm c. split ends d. dry socker B Ringworm
An infestation of head lice on the scalp is called: a. scabies b. tinea favosa c. pediculosis capitis d. pityriasis stetoides C Pediculosis capitis
What would you do -areas of enlarged open follicles surrounded by clusters of red spots, indidcating tinea capitis are observed? a. continue service b. refer to physician c. cleanse with medicated shampoo d. cleanse & massage scalp with antiseptic lotion B Refer the client to a physician
What scalp disease might be present if prior to a service several dry, yellow, encrusted areas on the scalp are noticed along with a peculiar odor? a. scabies b. pityriasis c. tinea favosa d. pediculosis capitis C Tinea favosa
Red, watery vesicles or pus-filled areas caused by an itch mite burrowing under the skin are known as: a. dandruff b. scabies c. head lice d. ringworm B Scabies
Which hair color generally has the highest number of hairs per square inch on the head? a. red b. black c. brown d. blond D Blonde
Long, thick pigmented hair such as scalp and eyebrow hair is referred to as: a. body b. vellus c. lanugo d. terminal D Terminal
Hair follicles that are predetermined to produce short, fine, non-pigmented hair that cover most of the body are called: a. cilia b. vellus c. lanugo d. terminal B Vellus
Short, fine, non-pigmented hair is replaced with terminal hair around the time of: a. birth b. puberty c. retirement d. middle age B Puberty
What is the average amount of daily hair loss? a. 10 - 20 strands b. 40 - 100 strands c. 250 - 500 strands d. 1,000 strands B 40 to 100 strands
Alopecia, or excessive hair loss, may be caused by any one of the following EXCEPT: a. fungal infection b. bacterial infection c. parasitic organism d. inflammaroty disease of the scalp C Parasitic organism
The most common form of hair loss in both men and women is: a. telogen effluvium b. exposure to chlorine c. exposure to sunlight d. androgenetic alopecia D Androgenetic alopecia
In androgenetic alopecia, a combination of heredity, hormones and age causes: a. the hair's growing cycle b. the anagen phase to become longer c. the telogen phase to become shorter d. shrinking or miniaturization of follicles D Shrinking or miniaturization of follicles
Which procedural step is generally used to determine if hair loss may be identified as androgenetic alopecia?a.ask questions re family history b.instruct client to consult physician c.determine pattern of hair growth d.examine hair shaft under a microscop A Ask questions about the family history
There is a gradual conversation from terminal hair follicles to vellus-like follicles in clients with: a. ringworm b. split ends c. postpartum alopecia d. androgenetic alopecia D Androgenetic alopecia
In men, male pattern baldness takes the shape of: a. irregular patches b. spots of baldness c. generalized thinning d. horseshoe-shaped fringe D Horseshoe-shapes fringe
A smaller diameter ponytail on female clients is a sign of: a. ringworm b. split ends c. telogen effluvium d. androgenetic alopecia D Androgenetic alopecia
Various hair loss identification systems identify which of the following? a. treatment options b. texture of the client's hair c. pattern and density of the hair loss d. hair color variations of the client's hair C Pattern and density of the hair loss
The normal temporary hair loss occuring at the conclusion of pregnancy is: a. alopecia areata b. telogen effluvium c. traumatic alopecia d. postpartum alopecia D Postpartum alopcia
Sudden hair loss in round or irregular patches without the display of an inflamed scalp is referred to as: a. alopecia areata b. telogen effluvium c. traumatic alopecia d. postpartum alopecia A Alopecia areata
The premature shedding of hair in the resting phase which can be the result of childbirth, shock, drug intake or fever is: a. alopecia areata b. traction alopecia c. telogen effluvium d. postpartum alopecia C Telogen effluvium
Hair loss caused by excessive pulling or twisting on the hair or by chemical damage is called: a. areata b. terminal c. telogen effluvium d. traumatic alopecia D Tramatic alopecia
Brushing the hair prior to a shampoo service accomplishes all of the following EXCEPT: a. removing tangles b. removing dust and dirt c. stimulating blood circulation d. decreasing blood circulation D Decreasing blood circulation
Which of the following types of hair is likely to tangle more easily? a. freshly cut hair b. newly layered hair c. newly conditioned hair d. chemically treated hair D Chemically treated hair
Scalp massage involves manipulations performed on the scalp to relax the muscles and stimulate: a. relaxation b. the cortex c. the hair shaft d. blood circulation D Blood circulation
Avoid giving a scalp massage prior to all of the following services EXCEPT: a. relaxing healthy hair b. coloring healthy hair c. perming healthy hair d. shampooing healthy hair D Shampooing healthy hair
For medical and comfort purposes during a shampoo service, it is often recommended that elderly clients: a. use a booster chair b. avoid receiving a shampoo service d. lean forward into the shampoo bowl d. lean backward into the shampoo bowl C Lean forward into the shampoo bowl
What following steps would occur the latest when performing a wet hair service inclusive of draping, shampooing & conditioning? a. applying shampoo b.turning the collar inward c.examining the hair & scalp d.testing water temerature & pressure A Applying shampoo
At what point whould the condition of the client's hair and scalp be examined when performing a shampoo? a. before shampooing the hair b. before applying conditioner c. after rinsing shampoo from hair d. after towel drying hair following the shampoo A Before shampooing the hair
Created by: lois100754
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