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K-9 Fel

What 2 main part is the nervous system broke into? CNS AND PNS
CNS is comprised of what? Brain and spinal cord
PNS is comprised of what? everything except the brain and spinal cord
The autonomic nervous system is part of what main nervous system? PNS
The autonomic nervous system is divided into what 3 sections? Parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric nervous systems
Cranial nerves are located in the ___ to ___ aspect of the brain. rostral - caudal
what is the biggest nerve in the body? Vegus
Constricted pupils: Myosis
Dialated pupils: Mydriasis
unequal pupils: anisocoria
what 3 nerves are associated with oculomotor? 3,4,6
rapid back and forth eye movement: Nystagmus
Cross eyed: Strabismus
Difficult eating: Dysphagia
partial paralysis or slow reflex: Paresis
No reflex - motor function Paralysis
If Rear reflexes are PRESENT the ___ are likely affected by trauma/IVDD T3-L3
If Rear reflexes are ABSENT/DIMINISHED the ___ are likely affected by trauma/IVDD L4-S2
A daze;Slow or confused reaction: Stuporous
over reaching or to long of movements: Hypermetria
Lack of coordination: Ataxia
a lack of eye preservation or eyelid response: menace
Increase response to stimuli: hyperreactive
a twitch of the subcutaneous muscle on the back in response to stimuli: Panniculus
Under shooting or to short of limb movements: Hypometria
What condition involving a head tilt, Nystgmus, and ataxia typically affects middle aged/older dogs? Idiopathic vestibular disease
Treatment for Idiopathic vestibular Dz is ______and clinical sign resolve in ____ wks *Not recommended *3-6 wks
Acute onset of seizures around 5-6 years old and progressive vestibular signs are CS of possible brain ____ neoplasia in the fore brain
progressive Vestibular signs followed by dysphasia and inability to move the eyes are CS of a possible brain ________ Neoplasia in the brain stem
_______ are commonly located on the surface of the brain while _____ are located deep within the brain *Meningiomas *Gliomas
What breeds are more predisposed to fore brain neoplasia? Brachycephalic
Balance within the brain shifts to far towards excitation : Epilepsy
True or false: epilepsy can be caused by metabolic diseases, trauma, and lesions True
Prolonged Seizures or clusters of seizures are considered________ Status epilepticus
True or false: Epilepsy is a curable disease False (Incurable)
The _____ function is to carry signals from the brain to the rest of the body Spinal cord
What is the most common spinal cord disorder in companion animals? IVDD
Def: LMN Lower motor neurons: away from the spinal cord
Def: UMN Upper motor neurons: closer to spinal cord
nerves associated with No menace: #2,7
nerves associated with aniscoria: #2,3
nerves associated with dropped jaw and mastication: #5
nerves associated with head tilt and no menace: #7
nerves associated with larynx and gag reflex: #9,10
nerve associated with weakness/atrophy of the tongue: #12
2 commonly used anti seizure medications: Diazapam, Phenobarbitol
What is the treatment of choice for Lymphoma? Chemotherapy
What are the 2 most common brain tumors? Glioma and meningioma
__ is the #1 choice for detecting brain tumors CT scan
What are the types 3 primary types of seizures? Generalized, grand mal, petit mal
Def: generalized seizures stiff muscles
Def: Grand mal Same as status epilepticus: Prolonged seizures time and excessive/violent movement
Def: Petit mal Little movement/ twitching
Seizures usually last: 1-2 min
vetebral disks shrink/dry put Degenerative Disk dz
IVDD type 1 is most common in ____ dogs while type 2 is more common in ___ dogs. *younger *older
Cervical spondylomyopathy affect _-_ disks and is also known as ____ syndrom. *C5-C7 *Wobblers syndrome
Tracking with the eyes would be assc with nerves: #4,6
laryngeal paralysis' cause is ____ and is more common in ___males *idiopthic *neutered
They primary goal in treatment of megaesophogus is to prevent ____ aspiration pneumonia
The cause of Coon hound paralysis is ____ and the Dz can be ___ or ___ in nature *Idiopathic *bacterial or viral
Created by: brit_2112
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