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Life Science final

Stack #80380

Life Science Study guideAnswers
What is your classes definition of science? The study of natural phenomena
Name three scientific methods. 1. description, 2. experimentation, 3. comparative
What are the 4 themes that occur over and over again in life science? 1. Universality vs. diversity, 2. structure and function 3. evolution 4. equilibrium
Describe universality vs. diversity A diverse range of organismms are connected and interdependent with enormous variety and diversity.
Describe structure and function Structure permits some funcitons and at the same time limits functions.
Describe evolution Change leading to diversity asadaptations are made to structure and function
Describe equilibrium within systems. Checks and balances within living organisms as wel as ecosystems. Dynamic equilibrium
Why are some of these themes hard for humans to comprehend? This is hard for humans to comprehend because it is bigger thanwecan imagine. Some people do not believe in evolution becaue of their religion.
What are the four characteristics of life? 1. response to a stimulus, 2. Growth and reproduction 3. adaptation 4. continuity
List, in order, the levels of organization of life. 1. atom 2. molecule, 3. organelle, 4. cell, 5. tissue, 6 organ, 7 organ level, 8. organ system, 9. organism, 10. higher level
How is the level of organ systems related to each of the major themes of life? 1. Univ. Vs. Div.: organs are connected and interdependent 2. struc. & func.: organ structures permit some functions and limit some functions 3. equil. within systems: checks & bal. to maintain homeostatis 4. evolution; organ systems adapted
Explain the process of Natural Selection. Changes that happen in an ecosystem change the ability of a newborn to survive. The individual's that are more fit for an environment survive and reproduce. It is the mechanism by which evolution occurs.
List in order the levels of the Biological Classification system developed by Linnaeus. Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Why are cells called life's building blocks? Cells are the structural and functional unit of all living organisms. It is the smallest unit of an organism that can carry on life functions.
To what extent is an organism determined by genetics and it's environment. The organism is determined by its' genetics and its' environment. Some things like color, size, and shape come from genes. An organism is also determined by environment. The environment influences the food supply and habitat.
What is the relationship of biological structure to function and how does this relate to biological evolution? The structure of an animal help it to do all of the functions it needs to survive and reproduce. As time passes, organisms have to adapt so they can evolve to survive.
What is a better umbrella for our course, evolution or ecology/ Ecology is a better umbrella because it includes all interactions in nature that also includes evolution.
Ecology The study of interactions that occur among organisms and their environments.
Ecologists Scientists who study interactions.
Biosphere The part of the eart that supports life.
Biosphere includes: Top portion of earth's crust, all the waters that cover the earth's surface., atmosphere that surrounds the earth.
Ecosystem All the non-living things and organisms that live in one area.
Population Made up of all individual organisms of the same species that live in an area at the same time.
Community All the populations of all species interacting in one ecosystem.
What might you find in an arctic community? Populations of fish, seals, polar bears
Habitat The place where an organism lives.
What does a habitat provide? Food, sheltr, temperature, amount of moisture that the organism needs.
Competition When two or more organisms seek the same resources at the same time.
Why is competition most intense among individuals of the same species? Competition is most intense among individuals of the same species because they need the same kinds of food and shelter.
Population density Number of individuals of one species per a specific area.
Limiting factor Anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population. (i.e availability of water)
Carrying capacity Largest number of individuals of one species that an ecosystem can support over time.
Exponential growth When a species moves into a new area with plenty of food, living space, and other resources, the population grows quickly. It means that the larger a population gets, the faster it grows.
Biotic potential The highest rate of growth for a population with no limiting factors
Producers Organisms that use an outside energy source like the sun to make energy rich molecules.
Most producers containwhat chemical? Chlorophyll, a chemical required for photosynthsis
Consumers Organisms that cannot make their own energy rich molecules.
Name the four categories of consumers Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers
Symbiotic relationships Any close relationship between species. Sharing of resources
Name three types of symbiosis 1. mutualism 2. commensalism, 3. parasitism
Mutualismp A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected (clown fish protected by a sea anemone)
Commensalism A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit (lichen/fungus)
Parasitism A symbiotic relationship in which one organsim benefits but the other is harmed (round words in pets)
Niche An organism in its role in teh environment how it obtains food and shelter, finds a mate, cares for its young and avoids danger ( a rotting log in a forest can be home to many species)
Most producers make food by what process? Photosynthesis
How do consumers obtian energy? By eating producers or other consumers.
What is the food chain? Model of the feeding relationship between animals.
Created by: jcarruth
Popular Science sets




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