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Sci - Living Planet

Unit Living Planet Test

ecosystem a community and the abiotic parts of its environment
biotic relating to the living parts of the environment
abiotic relating to the nonliving parts of the environment
habitat the part of an environment in which an organism lives
population organisms of the same species living together in the same environment
community the populations living in the same environment at the same time
niche the role of an organism in an ecosystem
biome a region of the world that is defined by its climate and the unique plants and animals that live there
deciduous forest a biome in which the dominant plants are broad-leaved trees that shed their leaves each fall
grassland a biome where the dominant plants are grasses
taiga a biome where winters are very cold and long and the dominant plants are conifers
evaporation the change of water from liquid water to water vapor
condensation the process by which water vapor changes from a gas to liquid
transpiration the process by which plants lose water to the air
water cycle the movement of water through Earth's ecosystems
precipitation the process by which water returns to Earth's surface, usually as rain or snow
carbon cycle the flow of carbon dioxide and oxygen through Earth's ecosystems
nitrogen cycle the movement of nitrogen through ecosystems
reusable resources resources that can be used again and again
renewable resources resources that can be replaced within a human life span
nonrenewable resources resources that cannot be replaced within a human life span
producer an organism that makes its own food
consumer an organism that eats other organisms
decomposer a type of consumer that gets its food by breaking down animal wastes and remains of dead plants and animals
predator an animal that feeds on other living animals
prey the animals predators eat
scavengers an animal that eats the remains of animals that have died
food chain shows how energy is passed through several organisms
food web shows many more of the feeding relationships in an ecosystem
energy pyramid one way to show how energy is used in an ecosystem; each level has only about 1/10th as much energy as the level below
symbiosis "living together"; It is a relationship between two organisms of different species that benefits one or both of the organisms.
parasitism a symbiotic relationship for one organism where the other organism is harmed
mutualism symbiotic relationship that benefits both organisms involved.
commensalism symbiotic relationship that benefits one organism and doesn't harm or help the other organism.
In a parasitic relationship which organism is harmed? the host
continental shelf the gently sloping part of a continent that is under water and rings each continent
continental slope the edge of a continent that drops steeply down to the deep-ocean floor
abyssal plain the vast floor of the deep oceans
mid-ocean ridge the place where plates of the Earth's crust along the ocean floor are being split apart and molten rock pushes up to form new ocean floor and a mountain range
trench a place where two plates of the Earth's crust hit each other, forming a deep part of the ocean
seamount a steep-sided volcanic mountain under the ocean
atoll a ring of islands around a shallow central lagoon
intertidal zone the area between the high-tide mark and the low-tide mark
coral reef a structure built by living creatures
estuary a place where a freshwater environment and a saltwater environment meet
troposphere the bottom layer of the Earth's atmosphere
thermosphere the upper layer of the atmosphere where temperatures are extremely high
mesosphere the layer of atmosphere where air is thin and most meteors burn up
stratosphere the layer of the atmosphere in which ozone is present
air mass a large body of air that has the same characteristics throughout
air pressure the weight of air pressing down on an area
relative humidity a comparison of the actual amount of moisture in the air to the greatest possible amount that could be in the air at the same temperature and pressure
front the border between two air masses that collide
forecast a prediction of what the weather will be like in the future
station model an arrangement of symbols and numbers that show the weather conditions recorded at a weather station
surface map a map that includes station models and information about fronts and about centers of high pressure and low pressure
weather balloon a balloon released into the atmosphere that carries a package of instruments that records data about temperature, air pressure, and humidity
weather map a map that shows data about recent weather conditions across a large area
thunderstorm a very strong storm with a lot of rain, thunder, and lightning
hurricane a large, spiraling storm system that can be as much as 600 km across
tropical storm the stage of hurricane development when the winds of a tropical depression reach a constant speed of 63 km/hr
tornado an intense windstorm that often forms within a severe thunderstorm
Created by: maisey55
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