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Psychology Methods

Drake Class

Basic Research Research to understand a psychological phenomenon rather than to solve a particular problem
Applied Research Reseacrh to solve a certain problem
Evaluation research using behavioral research methods to assess the effects of social or institutional programs on behavior
EEmipircism practice of relying on observations to draw conclusions about the world
publc verification research must be available for others to observe, replicate, and verify
solvable problems questions that can be answered
pseudoscience information that has not been proven through scientific inquiry
theory attempts to explain how and why a phnomenon occurs
model explain how a phenomenon occurs
post hoc explanations explanations made after the fact
priori explanations made before collecting the data
hypothesis scientific proposition that logically follows from a theory
deduction a process of reasoning from a general proposition to a specific implications of that proposition
induction abstracting a hypothesis from a collection of facts
empirical generalizations hypothesises made from observed patterens
falsifiability theories must be open to be proven wrong
methodological pluralism using many different methods and designs
strategy of strong inference pitting two opposing theories against each other
conceptual definitions dictionary definitions
operational definitions concrete, situation-specific terms
null findings results that show certain varibles don't relate to behavior
descriptive research describes behavior, thoughts or feelings
correlational research investigates relationships among various psychological variables
experimental research research that determines whether certain variables cause changes in another
quasi-experimental research research that studies events that are unable to be controled
law description of a natural phenomenon that invariably holds true under specific conditions and will occur under certain circumstances
apa all published data must avialable for at least 5 years after publication
schema cognitivw generlization that organizes and guides the processing of information
Created by: haunted_leg
Popular Psychology sets




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