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Africa! (Ch. 3)

Medieval Africa, study for tests and quizzes

What type of physical feature covers most of Africa? a plateau with savannas (grasslands) which was dry and hot good for herding and hunting animals
Salt was used for what? preserving and flavoring food
What advantages did farmers in rain forest kingdoms have? frequent rains/moisture and fertile soil
What is a griot? a storyteller
What is a clan? a group of people descended from the same ancestor
What is a plateau? an area of high flat land
What is Swahili? 'people of the coast'; language spoken in East Africa
What is a sultan? a leader
What are dhows? African sailboats powered by triangular, wind-catching sails
What empire owed its strength to its location on the Red sea in east africa, was a prime trading center for ancient mediterranean and east asian worlds. it traded ivory, frankincense, myrrh, and slaves. Axum
What empire was the first empire to develop in west africa and was located where several trade routes came together? Ghana
This trading city was located in the midst of Songhai and Mali, along the Niger river and was conquered by Berber invaders Timbuktu
This empire gained control of west african trade by conquering Timbuktu and mastering river trade. It traded salt and gold Songhai
This west african kingdom conquered what was left of the rapidly diminishing empire of Ghana and was ruled by Mansa Musa Mali
this was a trading center located inland in southeastern africa. it was founded in the 700s AD by the Shona people. Built by kings Mutota and Matope. Zimbabwe
Who was Olaudah Equiano? member of the Igbo who wrote that Africans believe that there is one Creator of all things
Who was Mansa Musa? the last strong king of Mali; under his rule Mali became a great center of education, commerce, and the arts; he was devoted to making Islam stronger
Who was Ibn Battuta? young moroccan lawyer who traveled throughout the lands of Islam for 30 years; found that west africans studied the Quran, the muslim holy book
Who was Sundiata Keita? 'The Lion King', great warrior king who ruled Mali with great skill; his conquests put Mali in control of gold mining areas
Who was Sunni Ali? Songhai leader who stormed into Timbuktu and drove out the Berbers
Who was Askia Muhammad? A.k.a Muhammad Ture, drove out Sunni Ali's family from Songhai, built the largest empire in medieval africa
What river gave rise to many African civilizations? the Niger
Which North African people found a way across the Sahara and began to trade with west africa? Berber people
How did the empire of Ghana become rich? they taxed traders going through the empire
What kingdom conquered Ghana in the 1200s? Mali
After Europeans arrived, traders from Benin and Kongo traded what? captives taken in war
What religious belief do most african groups share? monotheism
What religion was popular in West African cities because it helped with trade? Islam
Mansa Musa set up what that collected books from all around the world? libraries
What city did Askia Muhammas make an important center of Islamic culture and learning? Timbuktu
Who ruled the most successful African centralized governments? kings or queens
What is kente? a brightly colored cloth of West Africa
What does matrilineal mean? descent traced through mothers rather than fathers
What is African Diaspora? the spread of african people and culture around the world
What is oral history? stories passed down verbally from generation to generation
What is extended family? a family made up of several generations
What formed the basis of African society? family
Before the arrival of europeans, African trade in humans grew as trade with who increased? Muslim merchants
What european country was the first to participate in the african slave trade? Portugal
What is the earliest known form of African art? cave painting
What are the two ways that enslaved africans kept memories of their homeland alive? music, art, storytelling
Created by: jutaco
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