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Woodruff- Compounds

Woodruff- Compounds and Bonding

Compound a pure substance made up of two or more elements that are chemically combined
Can a compound be separated by physical means? No, they cannot
Compounds contain elements in (changing, definite) proportions definite
Compounds look and act like the elements that form them (true or false). false- they do not look or act like the elements that form them
chemical formula shows the kinds of elements and ratios of atoms in a compound
subscript small number written after and slightly below the symbol showing the number of atoms of that element
Absence of subscript means one atom
diatomic 2 atoms of same element
7 elements that pair up together N, O, Cl, F, Br, I, H
What does subscript following group of symbols enclosed with brackets or parentheses mean? (NO3)3 multiply the subscript inside the parentheses- 3 N and 9 O
_________determines the way in which an atom will react chemically electrons in the outermost energy level
How many electrons do all noble gases have in their outer energy level? 8
Why are most atoms trying to achieve in a chemical reaction? Gain electrons- 8 to be chemically stable
What will atoms do in order to complete their valence shell? gain, lose or share electrons
ion charged particle or charged atom due to an atom gaining or losing electrons
Atoms with 1, 2, or 3 valence electrons will do what with those electrons to achieve a complete octet? lose
What type of ions ar formed when electrons are lost? positive
What do atoms with 5, 6, 7 valence electrons tend to achieve a complete octet? gain
Type of elements that tend to gain electrons non-metals
type of ions that are formed when non-metals gain electrons negative
Atoms with four valence electrons _____ their electrons share
Ionic bond force of attraction between oppositely charged ions
When K and Cl combine, _____ is formed KCl- potassium chloride
When Ca and F combine, _____ is formed CaF2- Calcium Fluoride
When K and S combine, _____ is formed K2S- Potassium Sulfide
When Mg and O combine, _____ is formed MgO- Magnesium Oxide
When Al and O combine, _____ is formed A203- Aluminum Oxide
When Li and N combine, _____ is formed Li3N- Lithium Nitride
When Mg and Cl combine _____ is formed MgCl2- Magnesium Chloride
Ionic bonds are (weak, strong) strong
Ionic bonds have (high, low) melting point high
Ionic bonds have (high, low) boiling point high
Ionic bonds are (soft, brittle) brittle
Ionic bonds are (good, poor) conductors as a solid poor
Ionic bonds are (good, poor) conductors if dissolved good
covalent bond bond in which elecrons are shared between atoms (non-metals with non-metals)
molecule smallest unit of a covalent compound
Are ionic bonds (weaker or stronger) than covalent bonds? stronger
Two atoms of hydrogen bonds form a molecule by sharing electrons
Describe an electron dot diagram for a single molecule of H2. Both hydrogen molecules share two electrons between them, chemically stable
diatomic molecules a molecule made up of two atoms of the same element (di- two)
Water is a _____ molecule because one end is + and the other end is - polar
What is the formula for hydrogen sulfide? H2S
What is the formular for hydrogen chloride? HCl
What is the formula for ammonia? NH3
What is the formula for methane? CH4
Oxygen number or state the number that tells how many electrons an atom gains, loses or shares forming a compound
When writing the formula for a compound, the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal _____. zero
Binary compound compound composed of two elements (bi-two)
First name of binary compound is element with a positive oxidation number
Second name of binary compound is element with a negative oxidation number
What ending is used when naming a binary compound? ide
When must a Roman numeral be used in naming a compound? Metals with more than one oxidation number
You must know _____ about atoms in a compound in order to write the formula for the compound oxidation state or charge or oxidation number, must be 1:1 ratio
Prefix for 1 mono
Prefix for 2 di
Prefix for 3 tri
Prefix for 4 tetra
Prefix for 5 penta
Formula for sulfur dioxide S02
Formula for sulfur trioxide S03
Formula for triphosphorus pentnitride P3N5
Formula for carbon tetrachloride CCl4
Formula for carbon monoxide CO
Formula for ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4
Hydrated crystal a crystal that contain water
Anhydrous without water
When hydrated crystals are heated water evaporates
Four examples of hydrated crystals copper II sulfate, concrete, cobalt chloride, sodium dichromate
Formula for copper II sulfate pentahydrate CuSO4 5 H20
Created by: seagullq
Popular Science sets




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