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soc real world ch 13

Sociology The Real World Stein Chapter 13

The prohibition of interracial marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction. antimiscegenation
Living together as a romantically involved, unmarried couple. cohabitation
The physical and legal responsibility of caring for children; assigned by a court for divorced or unmarried parents. custody
A common behavior pattern in abusive relationships; the cycle begins happily, then the relationship grows tense, and the tension explodes in abuse, followed by a period of contrition that allows the cycle to repeat. cycle of violence
Any physical, verbal, financial, sexual, or psychological behaviors abusers use to gain and maintain power over their victims. domestic violence
Marriage to someone within one's social group. endogamy
Marriage to someone from a different social group. exogamy
The emotional work necessary to support family members. expressive tasks
A large group of relatives, usually including at least three generations living either in one household or in close proximity. extended family
A social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three. family
Proscribed sexual contact between family members; a form of child abuse when it occurs between a child and a caregiver. incest
The practical physical tasks necessary to maintain family life. instrumental tasks
Any of a variety of groups who form communal living arrangements outside marriage. intentional community
Relatives or relations, usually those related by common descent. kin
The practice of marrying (or being in a relationship with) one person at a time. monogamy
A form of child abuse in which the caregiver fails to provide adequate nutrition, sufficient clothing or shelter, or hygienic and safe living conditions. neglect
A heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household. nuclear family
A system of marriage that allows women to have multiple husbands. polyandry
A system of marriage that allows people to have more than one spouse at a time. polygamy
A system of marriage that allows men to have multiple wives. polygyny
The tendency to marry or have relationships with people in close geographic proximity. propinquity
The unpaid housework and childcare often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor. second shift
A women who works a full day as an elementary school teacher and then must prepare dinner, help her children with schoolwork, and prepare her husband's lunch for the next day is experiencing: Second shift
Before the Industrial Revolution, "family" tended to mean: extended family (husband, wife, offspring, grandparents, brothers, sisters).
Two graduate students from middle-class backgrounds who meet and get married would be an example of: Endogamy
A couple's gendered division of labor tends to become more traditional when children are born. T/F True
In the United States, _______ of women suffer physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner at some point in their adult lives. 1 out of 3
Which theory sees the family as a cultural universal and tries to identify its purpose for society? structural functionalism
Women are more likely to suffer downward economic mobility after divorce, especially if they retain custody of their children. T/F True
Remarriage rates are higher now than they were before the 1960s. T/F False
Playing with the kids and hosting celebrations for relatives' birthdays are examples of: Expressive tasks
Which theory focuses on how family relations are created and maintained through everyday actions? Symbolic interactionism
Which of the following is one of the strategies identified by Hochschild that women use to achieve balance between work and home? Women would rely on friends or family members for help or would reduce the number of hours they worked outside the home in order to spend more time with their children.
According to the study by Edin and Kefalas about single parents, the primary reason poor single mothers gave for having children was: being a good mother is an accessible role that can generate respect from the community.
Which of the following is true concerning propinquity and mate selection? We tend to have relationships with those who live near us.
A group of college students who all live in a similar house and are dedicated to environmentally sustainable living and growing their own organic food would be an example of? An intentional community
According to the textbook, what happens during the first stage of the cycle of violence? The abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful and the relationship appears stable and healthy.
year that repealed antimiscegenation laws 1967
Cooking dinner and cutting the grass are examples of: Instrumental tasks
The daughter of a billionaire CEO of a major corporation marrying the son of a plumber would be an example of: Exogamy
The prohibition of inter-racial marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction is called: anti-miscegenation.
According to the textbook, which of the following is primary reason that child abuse is underreported? Children are relatively powerless
What do sociologists call the situation when adults are called on to care for their elderly parents as well as their own children? Sandwich generation
Which theory argues that there are inherent inequalities both within and between families? Conflict theory
A system of marriage that allows men to have multiple wives is called: Polygyny
A husband who continually insults his wife because of her weight or appearance would be committing: Verbal abuse
A heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household is called a/an: Nuclear family
How do contemporary sociologists define family? A social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three
Women are more likely than men to have the dual workload of paid labor outside the home and unpaid labor inside the home. t/f True
The roles of men and women within the family were not considered equal until after the Industrial Revolution. t/f False
Created by: hkrawietz
Popular Science sets




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