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APUSH terms for trimester 1

War of 1812 It showed other nations around the world that America would defend its beliefs. The most impressive by-product of the War of 1812 was heightened nationalism.
impressment The British were forcing American sailors into service
Francis Scott Key American prisoner aboard a British ship who watched the British fleet bombard Fort McHenry; wrote the "Star Spangled Banner."
James Fennimore Cooper Wrote first American textbooks along with Washington Irving
Andrew Jackson- Chapter 12 Andrew Jackson defended New Orleans.
Washington Irving Wrote first American textbooks along with James Fennimore Cooper
Hawks and Doves Hawks wanted war, Doves did not
Battle of New Orleans Battle in which over 200 British were killed and only 13 Americans. Made Andrew Jackson famous.
Treaty of Ghent An armistice- both sides restored conquered territory.
Adams-Onis Treaty A treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that gave Florida to the U.S. and set out a boundary between the U.S. and New Spain (now Mexico).
Henry Clay's "American System" A strong banking system, a a protective tariff, and a network of roads and canals.
Era of Good Feelings The time during the administrations of President Monroe was known as the "Era of Good Feelings" because the 2 political parties were getting along.
Monroe Doctrine Monroe stated that the era of colonization in the Americas was over. Monroe also warned against foreign intervention.
Missouri Compromise It made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free one. The Missouri Compromise by Congress forbade slavery in the remaining territories in the Louisiana Territory north of the line of 36° 30', except for Missouri.
Hartford Convention Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island met in 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut for a secret meeting to discuss their disgust of the war and to redress their grievances.
Treaty of 1818 It permitted the Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with the Canadians and provided for a 10-year joint occupation of the Oregon Country.
Andrew Jackson- Chapter 13 He lost the 1824 election, but beat Adams to win the election of 1828.
John C. Calhoun Jackson's vice president. The South Carolina Exposition, made by him, was published in 1828. It was a pamphlet that denounced the Tariff of 1828 as unjust and unconstitutional.
Henry Clay He convinced the House to elect John Quincy Adams as president. Adams agreed to make him the Secretary of State for getting him into office. He also introduced the Tariff of 1833.
Worchester vs. Georgia The court case in 1832 which Worchester won.
Five Civilized Tribes Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole
Indian Removal Act In 1830, Congress passed this act. It moved more than 100,000 Indians living east of the Mississippi to reservations west of the Mississippi.
nullification The South Carolina state legislature called for the Columbia Convention where they called for the tariff to be void within South Carolina. They threatened to secede if the government attempted to collect the customs duties by force.
Revolution of 1828 A revolution that occurred in 1828
corrupt bargain Much of the public felt that a "corrupt bargain" had taken place in the 1824 election because Andrew Jackson had received the popular vote.
Tariff of Abominations It was hated by Southerners because it was an extremely high tariff and they felt it discriminated against them.
Methods (4) U.S. Government used in dealing with Native Americans Extermination, removal, assimilation, and reservations
Whig Party Conservatives who supported government programs, reforms, and public schools.
Samuel Slater "Father of the Factory System" in America; escaped Britain with the memorized plans for the textile machinery; put into operation the first spinning cotton thread in 1791.
Cyrus McCormick Invented the mechanical reaper
Eli Whitney built the first cotton gin in 1793.
Robert Fulton installed a steam engine and created the first steamboat.
Samuel F. B. Morse invented the telegraph.
Catharine Beecher urged women to enter the teaching profession.
Industrial Revolution The transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation
Transportation Revolution The desire of the East to move west stimulated the "transportation revolution."- the railroad
nativism The massive immigration of the Europeans to America inflamed the prejudices of American nativists.
Know-Nothing Party aka the American party- made up of nativists.
Lowell Mills Mills and factories in which people, usually young girls, worked with machines in one building.
factory system Created be Samuel Slater, the network of factories in America
market revolution When farmers went from subsistence farming to commercial farming.
Cult of Domesticity The idea that women belong in the home.
interchangeable parts In 1798, Eli Whitney came up with the idea of machines making each part of the musket so that every part of the musket would be the same. The principle of interchangeable parts caught on by 1850 and it became the basis for mass-production.
Dorothea Dix traveled the country, visiting different asylums; released a report on insanity and asylums; her protests resulted in improved conditions for the mentally ill.
Lucretia Mott Played a major roll at the Seneca Falls Convention along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Played a major roll at the Seneca Falls Convention along with Lucretia Mott
Edgar Allen Poe wrote with a pessimistic tone, not like the literature at the time.
Ralph Waldo Emerson transcendentalist poet and philosopher; urged American writers to forget European traditions and write about American interests.
Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women
Henry David Thoreau transcendentalist who believed that one should reduce his bodily wants so as to gain time for a pursuit of truth through study and meditation.
Transcendentalism The transcendentalists rejected the theory that all knowledge comes to the mind through the senses. Truth, rather, transcends the senses and can't be found just by observation. Associated traits included self-reliance, self-culture, and self-discipline
Mormons Joseph Smith formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in 1830 when he deciphered the Book of Mormon from some golden plates given to him by an angel.
Joseph Smith formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in 1830 when he deciphered the Book of Mormon from some golden plates given to him by an angel; led the Mormons to Illinois.
Brigham Young After Joseph Smith was killed 1844, Brigham Young led the Mormons to Utah to avoid persecution.
American Temperance Society The American Temperance Society was formed in 1826. Its crusaders persuaded drinkers to stop drinking.
Second Great Awakening The Second Great Awakening came in 1800. It widened the lines between the classes and regions.
Seneca Falls/ Declaration of Sentiments Feminists met at Seneca Falls, New York in a Woman's Rights Convention in 1848 to rewrite the Declaration of Independence to include women.
Oneida Community The community in which everyone was married to each other and they practiced free love.
Created by: Soulessginger
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