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APUSH Unit 6

APUSH Unit 6 Vocabulary

Confederate States of America (February 1861) formed by seven states seceded from USA; fought for independence and lost
Jefferson Davis first and only president of confederacy; led the first battle of bull run
Crittenden compromise attempt series of compromises from 1860-61 intended to stall civil war; rejected by Lincoln
Fort Sumter (April 1861) federal fort commanded by robert anderson was taken by south, marking the beginning of the civil war
Border states slave states that did not secede; emancipation proc did not free the slaves in these states; politically important to Lincoln
Writ of Habeas Corpus legal right that a person is free in society and cant be taken without a cause; suspended by Lincoln
Conscription Law (1863) first national draft law in USA; causes rioting in Newyork
Draft riots riots in NY against drafting led by the north who didnt strongly oppose slavery
“Greenbacks” US notes issued during civil war as legal tender for all debts except tariff duties
Bull Run (July 1861) southern victory against north; led by Jefferson Davis; made south confident that they would win
Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson commander of southern forces who won at ft sumter
Gen. George McClellan won north victory at antietam; ran for president against lincoln but lsot
Gen. Robert E. Lee asked to lead northern troops, but became commander of southern troops b/c his home state, VA, seceded union; was able to beat all union troops except for grant's
Second Battle of Bull Run (August 1862) southern victory over north; most defensive battle in northern VA campaign for confederacy
Antietam (September 1862) battle was a draw, but south retreated, making it look like a north victory; allowed lincoln to issue the emancipation proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation (September 1862) issued by lincoln, granting freedom to all slaves in the confederacy, but not border states
Gettysburg (July 1863) Gen. Lee against Gen. Meade; no conclusive victory; more men died than in any other battle
Gettysburg Address (November 1863) delivered by lincoln in dedication of the cemetary built there honoring the men killed
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant finally won war for the union against Gen. R.E.Lee; elected for president three yrs later
Vicksburg (July 1863) victory by grant who set up siege
Gen. William Tecmseh Sherman fought alongside grant and helped lead march to the sea
“March to the Sea” grant and sherman's march across the confederacy where they destroyed everything
Election of 1864 lincoln barely beat peace democrat McClellan who wanted to negotiate peace with confederacy
“Peace Democrats” democrats that hoped union could be salvaged without military interference
“Copperheads” derogatory name for peace democrats given by republicans, but embraced by the democrats
Union Party formed by know-nothing and whig parties with presidential candidate john bell who lost to lincoln; only one pres candidate ever ran
Andrew Johnson had reconstructionist policies similar to lincoln's after becoming president after lincoln's death; first pres ever impeached
Wilderness campaign (May-June 1864) group of battles in VA that resulted in draw; killed a high percentage of lee's army and reduced its size
Appomattox (April 1865) Lee surrendered to grant ending the civil war
Lincoln assassination (April 1865) confederate john wilkes booth assasinated Licoln in ford's theater
Freedman’s Bureau (1865–1872) created by congress to assist for one year in the transition from slaver to freedom in the south
Lincoln’s 10 Percent Reconstruction Plan (1863) southern state could be re-admitted after ten percent of voters swore allegience to the union; lincoln wanted them to be quickly readmitted
Wade-Davis Bill (50 percent, 1864) passed by radical republicans to counter lincoln's plan; stated that 50% of voters must pledge to USA; vetoed by lincoln
Radical Republicans believed lincoln wasnt harsh enough and hoped to control the reconstruction process
Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan (May 1865) offered pardons to all white men except confederate leaders
Thirteenth Amendment officially abolished slaver except as a punishment for crime
Black Codes put in place after civil war to limit liberties of freed black men and women
Civil Rights Bill (1866) federal law intended to protect rights of african americans
Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed citizenship to all males born in USA, regardless of race; didnt ensure right to vote
Military Reconstruction Act (1867) created five military districts; required each state to write a new state constituation and ratify the 14th ammendment
Fifteenth Amendment gave all male citizens of USA the right to vote
Redeemer Governments part of democratic party that sought to oust the Republican freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags
“Scalawags” derogatory term for southern whites who supported reconstruction following civil war
“Carpetbaggers” name given by southerners to northerners who moved to the south during reconstruction era
Ku Klux Klan advocated white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration thru extremism and terrorism
Tenure of Office Act (1867) passed to limit johnson's power; forbidded the president to remove congressmen withough congress consent
Johnson’s Impeachment impeached for violation tenure of office act; first ever impeachment
“Compromise of 1877” republican hayes elected over democratic tilden if hayes promised to remove federal troops from republican state governments
Created by: is2903
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