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PNS Quiz 3 mat'l

What muscles are innervated by the trigeminal nerve? primary muscles of mastication (masseter, temporal, medial & lateral pterygoid), swallowing/deglutition (mylohyoid, anterior belly of diagastric, tensor veli palatini, & tensor tympani) middle ear muscle & a soft palate muscle
Name the laminal structure of the olfactory bulb from the surface inwards. 1. olfactory nerve layer, 2. glomerular layer, 3. external plexiform layer, 4. mitral layer, 5. internal plexiform layer, 6. granule cell layer, 7. olfactory nerve tract.
All of the following are descriptions of the primary olfactory neurons, EXCEPT: a. the primary olfactory neurons are located on the superior nasal concha, b. the primary olfactory neurons are multipolar neurons, c. numerous olfactory cilia attached to the B name 2 secondary olfactory neurons
the olfactory trigone splits centrally into the ________ & __________ striae medial & lateral striae
name 2 intrinsic neurons in the olfactory bulb periglomerular & granule cells
name the neuron that has no axon in the olfactory bulb granule cells
the medial stria of the olfactory nerve ends to the subcallosal area, which consists of _______ & ______ paraolfactory & paraterminal areas
the subcallosal area is connected w/___________ by way of the cingular gyrus. parahippocampay gyrus
all of the following are connected by the lateral stria of the olfactory nerves, EXCEPT: a. gyrus semilunaris, b. amigdaloid body, c. entorhinal area, d. subcallosal area d
the olfactory nerve fibers are extremely minute & unmyelinated. t/f t
damage to the olfactory system may cause lost of smell, which is known as _____________. hyposmia or anosmia
all the neuronal elements of the eye derived from __________ of _____________. optic vesicle of prosencephalon
the optic nerves are composed of axons of ____________ of _____________. multipolar neurons of ganglionic layer
the layer of the optic nerve in the retina is formed by the axon of __________________. ganglionic cell name the 3 layers of the eyeball
The uvea is formed by the ____________ & ____________ iris & ciliary body
name the 10 layers of the retinal layer from inner surface outward. 1. inner limiting membrane, 2. layer of nerve fibers, 3. ganglionic layer of the retina, 4. inner plexiform layer, 5. inner nuclear, 6. outer plexiform layer, 7. external nuclear, 8. external limiting membrane, 9. rods & cones (Jacob's membrane), 10. pigm
name the cell that extends b/w the internal & extgernal limiting membranes glial cell of muller name the retinal layer where the horizontal cells are located. outer plexiform layer name the very thin choroid & sclera layers, which are penetrated by the optic nerve fibers @ the optic disc lamina cribrosa the optic nerve enters
At the optic chiasma the optic nerve fibers from (medial/lateral) half of both eyes decussate. A2 medial
the left optic tract carries optic nerve fibers only from the left half of both eyes. t/f t
the axons of the secondary optic neurons end at the __________. lateral geniculate body (ganglionic cells)
name the principle nucleus of termination of the optic nerves. lateral geniculate body
name the nucleus of origin of the reflex movement of the sphincter pupillae. edinger-westphall
the right & left cortical centers of vision are interconnected by _____________ forming __________. corpus collosum forming major forceps
optic tract lesion might cause _____________ hemanopia or hemian opsia
there are 6 somatic & 1 visceral nuclei of the oculomotor nerve t/f t
name the nucleus of origin of the oculomotor nerve for parasympathetic ns edinger-westphall
all of the following describe the bassage of the oculomotor nerve, EXCEPT: a. passes thru the tegmentum & red nucleus, b. passes medial part of the substance nigra, c. emerges in the interpeduncular sulcus, d. passes thru the pontine cistern d
name the nerves that pass thru the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus CN III, IV, V1, VI
the inferior ramus of the oculomotor nerve innervates all of the following, EXCEPT: a. medial rectus, b. superior rectus,, c. inferior rectus, d. inferior obliqus b
name the ganglion where the most presynaptic neurons of the edinger-westphal's nucleus synapse w/the postganglionic fibers ciliary ganglion
nem the nerve which receives the proprioceptive fibers from the 5 extrinsic eye muscles CN V1
name the nerve which controls the vasomotor of the extrinsic muscles internal carotid plexus
Name the cortical center for the eye movement superior frontal gyrus BM 8
name the nuclei of origin of the preganglionic neuron for the parasympathetic ns edinger westphall, superior salvatory, inferior salvatory, dorsal vagus
name a ganglion, which holds postganglionic neurons in the sympathetic ns superior cervical ganglion
the sympathetic ns controls visceral struct & distributed thru ______ & ___________systems vascualry system & somatic nervous system
the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic ns are located in the lateral horn of cord levels of _______ T1 - L2/L3
the preganglionic nerve fibers of the lateral intermediate substance cells pass thru the (ventral/dorsal) horn as a (white/gray) ramus communicantes to a sympathetic ganglion ventral, white
the superior ganglion receives white ramus communicantes from the 1st & 2nd cervical spinal cord t/f f
most of the cranial nerves communicate w/postganglionic sympathetic fibers from ___________ superior cervical ganglion
the major sympathetic nerve into the head arise _________ of ______of __________ from the apex of superior cervical ganglion of internal carotid nerve
the trochlear nerve decussates in the a. tectum, b. tegmentum, c. pons, d. mesencephalon a
name the nerve that enters the dura mater @ the anterior margin of the cerebellar tentorium CN III oculomotor
name the nerve that communicates w/the trochlear nerve for the proproceptive fiber from the superior obliqus CN V1 ophthalmic
name the masticating muscles, which innervated by somatic or branchial motor nerve fibers of trigeminal nerve masseter, temporalis, pterygoid internus (medial), pterygoid externus (lateral) all of the following are innervated by the somatic motor portion c
name the nucleus of origin for the motor root of the trigeminal nerve. trigeminal nucleus
name the ganglion, which holds the primary sensory neurons of the trigeminal nerve gasserian / trigeminal / semilunar ganglion
name the 3 nuclei of termination for the trigeminal nerve mesencephalic, pontine, spinal
name the cranial nerves which send sensory info to the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve CN V, VII, IX, X
name the sympathetic nerve which sends vasomotor fibers to the ophthalmic nerve internal carotid plexus of the sympathetic nerves
all of the following are branches of the ophthalmic nerve, EXCEPT: a. nasociliary nerve, bsupraorbital nerve, c. lacrimal nerve, d. frontal nerve b
name the nerve which innervates the tentorium cerebelli recurrent meningeal nerve V1
the recurrent meningeal nerve of the ophthalmic nerve follow: a. ophthalmic nerve, b. maxillary nerve, c. abducens nerve, d. trochlear nerve d
name the nerve which joins the lacrimal nerve from the ophthalmic zygomaticotemporal branch of V2
name the nerve which passes above the trochlear of the superior oblique muscle supratrochlear nerve of frontal of CN V1
name the nerves which innervate the skin of the forehead supratrochlear nerve of frontal of CN V2
Name the location where the nucleus of termination of olfaction. olfactory bulb
The optic nerve arises from _____________ of ______________. ganglion cell of the ganglionic layer of the retina
The optic nerve enters the cranial cavity thru the __________ w/________. optic canal w/ ophthalmic artery
Name 4 extrinsic eye muscles which are innervated by the oculomotor nerve. superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique
The apparent origin of the oculomotor nerve is in the _____________. interpeduncular fossa
Name 2 muscles which are innervated by the visceral efferent fibers of the oculomotor nerve. constrictor pupillae & ciliary muscle
Name the smallest cranial nerve. CN IV: Trochlear Nerve
Name the primary muscles of mastication which are innervated by the trigeminal nerve. masseter, temporal, medial & lateral pterygoid
The apparent origin of the facial nerve is the sulcus b/w __________ & ________. olive & restiform body
Name the sensory division of the facial nerve. special sensory & general/somatic sensory
Name the cranial nerve which innervates the lacrimal glands w/the visceral efferent fibers. CN VII: Facial nerve
Name the salivary glands which are innervated by the parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve. sublingual, submandibular Y anterior lingual
The cochlear nerve arises from the ____________. cochlear (hair) cells
Name the cranial nerve which senses equilibrium. CN VIII: Vestibular division of the Vestibulocochlear nerve
Name the muscles which are innervated by the somatic motor fibers of the trigeminal nerve. (Note: somatic motor in general terms is used instead of branchial motor fibers.) There are no somatic motor fibers. There are branchial motor fibers. - Muscles: Masseter, temporal, medial (internus) pterygoid, & lateral (externus) pterygoid
Name the cranial nerve which innervates the parotid gland w/parasympathetic fibers. CN IX: Glossopharyngeal nerve
The vagus nerve innervates the abdominal organs up to the _____________ or _____________. left colic flexure or splenic flexure
The cranial root of the spinal accessory nerve arises from the _________. MO
Name 2 muscles which are innervated by the branchial motor fibers of the spinal accessory nerve. trapezius & sternocleidomastoid
The apparent origin of the hypoglossal nerve is located b/w _____ & ________. pyramids & olive
Name all the cranial nerves which mainly carry the afferent fibers only. CN I: Olfactory, CN II: Optic, CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear
Name all the cranial nerves which carry the parasympathetic nerve fibers. CN III: Oculomotor, CN VII: Facial, CN IX: Glossopharyngeal, CN X: Vagus
Name all the nucleuses of origin for the cranial somatic motor fibers. oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, hypoglossal
Name the nucleus of thermination of the brain stem for the general / somatic sense. trigeminal
Name all the cranial nerves which has nucleus of termination in the trigeminal nucleus. CN V: Trigeminal, CN VII: Facial, CN IX: Glossopharyngeal, CN X: Vagus
name the nucleus of termination for taste. Tractus Solitarius
Name all the nerves which enter the orbit thru the superior orbital fissure. CN III: Oculomotor, CN IV: Trochlear, Lacrimal, Frontal, & Nasociliary nerve of CN V 1: Ophthalmic division of the Trigeminal, CN VI: Abducens
Name all the structures which pass thru the jugular foramen. CN IX: Glossopharyngeal nerve, CN X: Vagus, CN XI: Accessory, Internal Jugular vein, sigmoid sinus
The spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve extens into the spinal cord, which is known as ____________. substantia gelatinosa
Name the cranial nerves which carry general sensory fibers from the head & neck. CN V: Trigeminal, CN VII: Facial, CN IX: Glossopharyngeal, CN X: Vagus
Created by: drams117
Popular Science sets




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